PC-BASIC 1.2.15

This is the documentation for PC-BASIC 1.2.15, last updated 2021-11-08 20:57:47.

Documentation for other versions of PC-BASIC:


A free, cross-platform emulator for the GW-BASIC family of interpreters.

PC-BASIC is a free, cross-platform interpreter for GW-BASIC, Advanced BASIC (BASICA), PCjr Cartridge Basic and Tandy 1000 GWBASIC. It interprets these BASIC dialects with a high degree of accuracy, aiming for bug-for-bug compatibility. PC-BASIC emulates the most common video and audio hardware on which these BASICs used to run. PC-BASIC runs plain-text, tokenised and protected .BAS files. It implements floating-point arithmetic in the Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) and can therefore read and write binary data files created by GW-BASIC.

PC-BASIC is free and open source software released under the GPL version 3.

See also the PC-BASIC home page.

Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide covers installation and elementary use of PC-BASIC. For more information, please refer to the full PC-BASIC documentation which covers usage, command-line options and a comprehensive GW-BASIC language reference. This documentation is also included with the current PC-BASIC release.

If you find bugs, please open an issue on GitHub. It would be most helpful if you could include a short bit of BASIC code that triggers the bug.


Packaged distributions can be downloaded from one of the following locations:

On Windows:

On Mac:

On Linux and other Unix:

If the options above are not applicable or you prefer to install from source, please consult INSTALL.md for detailed instructions.

BASIC survival kit

Click on the PC-BASIC application icon or run pcbasic on the Windows, OSX or Linux command line and PC-BASIC will start in direct mode with no program loaded. The default emulation target is GW-BASIC 3.23 on a generic IBM-compatible PC with a VGA video card.

PC-BASIC starts in direct mode, a 1980s-style interface operated by executing BASIC commands directly. There is no menu, nor are there any of the visual clues that we've come to expect of modern software.

A few essential commands to help you get around:

Command Effect
LOAD "PROGRAM" loads the program file named PROGRAM.BAS into memory
LIST displays the BASIC code of the current program
RUN starts the current program
SAVE "PROGRAM",A saves the current program to a text file named PROGRAM.BAS
NEW immediately deletes the current program from memory
SYSTEM exits PC-BASIC immediately, discarding any unsaved program

Use one of the key combinations Ctrl+Break, Ctrl+Scroll Lock, Ctrl+C or F12+B to interrupt a running program and return to direct mode.

Location for BASIC programs

By default, PC-BASIC looks for programs in your home folder.

See the documentation on accessing your drives for more information.

Getting programs

The following pages have GW-BASIC program downloads, lots of information and further links.

User's guide

The working environment

The first thing you'll see when starting PC-BASIC is the working environment. Like GW-BASIC, but unlike practically all modern compilers and interpreters, PC-BASIC's working environment serves both as a development environment and as a canvas on which to execute BASIC commands directly. With a few exceptions, practically all commands that can be run in the working environment can be used in a program, and vice versa.

The default PC-BASIC screen has 25 rows and 80 columns. The 25th row is used by PC-BASIC to show keyboard shortcuts, which means you can't use it to type on. In some video modes, there are only 40 or 20 columns.

Logical lines exceed the width of the physical row: if you keep typing beyond the screen width, the text will wrap to the next line but PC-BASIC will still consider it part of the same line. A logical line can be at most 255 characters long; if you type more than 255 characters, it will ignore the remainder. A line can also be wrapped by a line-feed, entered with Ctrl+Enter.

If you press Enter, PC-BASIC will attempt to execute the logical line on which the cursor is placed as a command. When the command is executed correctly, PC-BASIC will display the prompt Ok. If there is an error, it will display an error message followed by Ok. If the line starts with a number, it will be stored as a program line. No prompt is displayed.

Special keys

The following keys have a special effect in the working environment:

or Ctrl+6 Move the cursor up, except at the top row.
or Ctrl+- Move the cursor down, except at row 24.
or Ctrl+] Move the cursor left. The left edge of the screen wraps around, except at the top row.
or Ctrl+/ Move the cursor right. The right edge of the screen wraps around, except at row 24.
Ctrl+ or Ctrl+B Move to the first letter of the previous word. Words consist of letters A—Z and figures 0—9.
Ctrl+ or Ctrl+F Move to the first letter of the next word.
Tab or Ctrl+I Move the cursor to the next tab stop. Tab stops are 8 columns wide.
Backspace or Ctrl+H Delete the character left of the cursor, shift all further characters on the logical line one position to the left and change the attributes of those characters to the current attribute. At the left edge of the screen, this does the same as Del.
Del or Ctrl+Backspace Delete the character at the cursor and shift all further characters one position to the left, changing attributes to current.
Esc or Ctrl+[ Delete the current logical line.
Ctrl+End or Ctrl+E Delete all characters from the cursor to the end of the logical line.
Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Scroll Lock Jump to the first column of the next line, without executing or storing the line under the cursor.
Enter or Ctrl+M Execute or store the current logical line. The complete line on the screen is considered part of the command, even if you did not type it. A line starting with a number is stored as a program line.
End or Ctrl+N Move the cursor to the first position after the end of the logical line.
Home or Ctrl+K Move the cursor to the top left of the screen.
Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+L Clear the screen and move the cursor to the top left of the screen.
Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+J Move to the first column of the next line, connecting the two lines into one logical line.
Ctrl+G Beep the speaker.
Pause or Ctrl+Num Lock Pause. Press another key to resume.
Ctrl+Prt Sc Toggle echoing screen output to the printer (or other device attached to LPT1:).
Shift+Prt Sc Print the screen.
Ins or Ctrl+R Toggle insert mode. In insert mode, characters are inserted rather than overwritten at the current location. If insertion causes the line to extend the physical screen width, the logical line extends onto the next line. Arrow keys exit insert mode.

When a program is started, the commands in the program are followed until the program quits and returns to direct mode or until user input is required. When a program is running, a few keys have immediate effect:

Pause or Ctrl+Num Lock Pause execution. Press another key to resume.
Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+Scroll Lock Stop execution and return to direct mode. A Break message is printed.
Ctrl+C If ctrl-c-break=True: stop execution and return to direct mode. A Break message is printed.

If user input is required by the statements INPUT, LINE INPUT, or RANDOMIZE, most keys have the same effect as in direct mode. The following keys have a different effect:

Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Scroll Lock Stop execution and return to direct mode. A Break message is printed.
Enter Finish input and return to the previous mode.

Keyboard shortcuts

The function keys and the alt key can be used as keyboard shortcuts for some keywords. The default values for the function keys are:

F2 RUNEnter
F5 CONTEnter
F6 ,"LPT1:"Enter
F7 TRONEnter
F9 KEYSpace
F10 SCREEN 0,0,0Enter

The function key shortcuts can be redefined with the KEY statement. The shortcuts are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

The following keywords can be entered with Alt+first letter. The Alt shortcuts cannot be redefined.

Alternative keys

In PC-BASIC, the F12 key can be used to enter special keys that are not present on some keyboards.

F12+B Break
F12+P Pause
F12+C Caps Lock
F12+N Num Lock
F12+S Scroll Lock

The F12 key can also be used in combination with the regular number keys and arrow keys to enter numbers from the numeric keypad. The F12 combinations are not present in GW-BASIC.

Furthermore, as in GW-BASIC, the Alt key can be used to enter characters by their code points (ASCII values). This is done by pressing the Alt key and typing the code point as a decimal value on the numeric keypad, then releasing the Alt key.

Clipboard operations

Unlike in GW-BASIC, you can copy and paste text to the clipboard. This can be done with the mouse or with the F11 key.

Operating the clipboard with the mouse works in the style of X11: Left button is select and copy; middle button is paste.

The following keyboard combinations also operate the clipboard:

F11+ Select a screen region.
F11+A Select all.
F11+C Copy to clipboard.
F11+V Paste from clipboard.

Emulator control keys

In PC-BASIC, F11+F toggles fullscreen mode.

Programs and files

PC-BASIC can hold one BASIC program at a time in memory. To enter a program line, start with a line number and enter BASIC commands after that. The maximum length of a program line is 255 characters, including the line number and any spaces. The program line will not be immediately executed, but stored in the program. Program lines are sorted by line number, so that line 10 is executed before line 20. All program lines must have a line number. Line numbers range from 0 to 65535 inclusive. It is not possible to enter a line number higher than 65529, but these can exist in loaded programs. Within one program line, statements are separated by colons :.

To run the program, type the command RUN. PC-BASIC will now execute all program lines in order inside the working environment. You cannot move the cursor around or enter commands while the program is running. If and when the program finishes, it will return control of the working environment to you. You can interrupt a program at any time by using one of the key combinations Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+Scroll Lock. The program will stop immediately, print a Break message and return control to you.

In GW-BASIC, you can not use Ctrl+C to interrupt a running program. However, many modern keyboards do not have a Break or Scroll Lock key, which would make it impossible to interrupt a program that does not exit. Therefore, by default, PC-BASIC treats Ctrl+C as if it were Ctrl+Break. Set the option ctrl-c-break=False if you prefer the GW-BASIC style behaviour. When using the text-based or command-line interface, this option is ignored.

A program can be stored on a drive by using the SAVE command, in one of three ways:

  1. Plain text, readable by any text editor: SAVE "MYPROG",A
  2. Tokenised, taking up less storage space: SAVE "MYPROG"
  3. Protected, which is an encrypted format: SAVE "MYPROG",P

In all three cases, the program will be written to the current working directory with the name MYPROG.BAS.

PC-BASIC can read and write Protected files created by GW-BASIC. Unlike GW-BASIC, however, it does not disable accessing the unencrypted contents of the file. The encryption used by GW-BASIC has been broken many decades ago, so Protected mode offered little protection anyway; disallowing access is a small security hazard as it would allow someone to send you a program that you cannot inspect before running it. However, it is possible to disable access of protected files by enabling the option strict-protect.

You can read a program file into memory with LOAD "MYPROG". This will erase the program currently in memory and replace it with the one read from the current working directory. To access files in a different directory, specify a path from the current directory. The path specification follows DOS conventions. The only valid path separator is the backslash \. For example, LOAD "PROGRAMS\MYPROG".

You can load or run a program immediately on starting PC-BASIC by using the load or run options. For example,

pcbasic --run=MYPROG.BAS

The arguments to these options can be provided as PC-BASIC paths or as paths in the standard form for your operating system.

PC-BASIC can be used to convert between the three program formats: either by loading the program and saving in your desired format, or from the command line using the convert option. To convert a tokenised or protected file to plain text you could use, for example:


Accessing your drives

PC-BASIC emulates DOS disk devices, which are referred to by drive letters such as Z:. These devices can be mapped to locations in your file system.

By default, Z: is PC-BASIC's current device. If PC-BASIC is started from a start menu shortcut, the current device will be the shortcut's Start In folder.

  • By default, this is %USERPROFILE% on Windows. Uusually this will be a folder named something like C:\Users\YourName.
  • On other platforms, the default location is the home directory ˜.

This default location is where files will be saved to and loaded from in BASIC if you do not specify another device. Note that if PC-BASIC is started from the command prompt, the default location will be the current working directory.

Notes for Windows users

  • PC-BASIC's DOS disk devices are not Windows drive letters. The device C: on PC-BASIC is not your Windows C: drive. If you want PC-BASIC's drive letters to be the same as those in Windows, you have to explicitly enable the option map-drives. Use this with caution, since it means that your programs can now read from and write to all drives that Windows allows you access to.
  • If PC-BASIC's current device or Start In folder is changed to a system folder such as C:\Program Files\PC-BASIC, Windows will move files written there to %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore instead.

You can map drives and other file system locations as PC-BASIC devices by using the mount option in the configuration file or on the command prompt. For example, on Windows, the option mount=A:C:\Users\Me\BasicFloppy will make the folder C:\Users\Me\BasicFloppy available as PC-BASIC's A: device. On other platforms, an example mount option could look like mount=A:/home/me/BasicFloppy which would make the directory /home/me/BasicFloppy available as PC-BASIC's A: device.

PC-BASIC uses DOS conventions for filenames and paths. These are subtly different from Windows short filename conventions and not-so-subtly different from Unix conventions. This may lead to surprising effects in the presence of several files that match the same DOS name. To avoid such surprises, it's best to run PC-BASIC in a working directory of its own and use all-caps 8.3 format for all files.

Compatible BASIC files

Many BASIC dialects use the same extension .BAS, but their files are not compatible. PC-BASIC runs GW-BASIC program files only. Some tips to recognise GW-BASIC programs:

  • GW-BASIC files stored as text are plain text files with line numbers.
  • Tokenised files are binary files that start with magic byte &hFF.
  • Protected files are binary files that start with magic byte &hFE.

In particular, QBASIC files (which have no line numbers) and QuickBASIC files (magic byte &hFC) will not run.

PC-BASIC will accept both DOS and Unix newline conventions for programs stored as plain text. Any line not starting with a number will be considered a continuation (through LF) of the previous line. This behaviour is different from GW-BASIC, which only accepts text files with CR LF line endings. As a consequence, in exceptional cases where a program line is continued through LF just before a number, correct GW-BASIC text files may not be loaded correctly. If you encounter such a case, use the strict-newline option to enable GW-BASIC behaviour. If strict-newline is enabled, text files in standard Unix format (LF line endings, no end-of-file character) will fail to load. On Linux or Mac, use a utility such as unix2dos to convert programs saved as text files before loading them. When saving as text, PC-BASIC always uses CR LF line endings and &h1A at end-of-file.


PC-BASIC can run packaged programs. A package is simply a directory or zip archive. The directory or zipfile contents will be loaded as the current working directory. If a configuration file named PCBASIC.INI is present inside this directory, its settings are loaded; usually, one of those settings will be a run argument linking to a BASIC program enclosed in the archive or directory. PC-BASIC will recognise zipfiles regardless of their extension. A suggested extension for PC-BASIC packages is .BAZ. Packages are a convenient choice if a program needs to change many PC-BASIC options to function as desired, or if it needs a particular working directory setup.

Zipfile packages are unpacked to a temporary directory each time they are loaded. The temporary directory is removed when PC-BASIC closes. With zipfile packages, it is therefore not possible to save files and re-open them on the next run of the package.

Cassette tapes

The CAS1 device interfaces with the cassette tape emulator. Tapes were never very popular on the IBM PC, and indeed only available with the original PC and the PCjr. There are not many IBM PC cassettes in the wild. However, should you come across one, all you have to do to read it with PC-BASIC is record it into a .WAV (RIFF WAVE) file and attach it to the CAS1: device with the cas1=WAV:filename option. You can also generate your own tape images and store your programs on it. WAV files generated by PC-BASIC are large but very easily compressed in a ZIP archive; this works better and leads to smaller files than transcoding to a lossy audio format like MP3.

As an alternative to .WAV, you can store tapes in CAS format. This is simply a bit-dump of the tape and is interchangeable with tape images for the PCE IBM PC emulator.

Previous versions of PC-BASIC included support for BASICODE cassettes; this has been discontinued in favour of a separate BASICODE decoder. Use this decoder to convert the BASICODE program to PC-BASIC format before loading it into PC-BASIC.


PC-BASIC makes some default choices with basic security in mind, but does not sandbox its programs in any meaningful way. BASIC programs have more or less full access to your computer. You should treat them with the same caution as you would shell scripts or binaries. Therefore, do not run a program from the internet that you have not inspected first using LIST or pcbasic --convert=A filename on the command line. You wouldn't just download an executable from the internet and run it either, right?

Connecting to peripherals


You can print from PC-BASIC programs by accessing the LPT1: device. PC-BASIC will send the output to your operating system's default printer, unless you change the lpt1= option. To print through a printer named MyPrinter, set lpt1=PRINTER:MyPrinter. You can also attach printers to the LPT2: and LPT3: devices.

The output will be sent to the printer when you close PC-BASIC. If you prefer, you can instead send every page separately to the printer by setting print-trigger=page. You can even send every line separately, but this only makes sense on a tractor-fed printer (as was common in GW-BASIC's heyday).

It's easy to print to a file instead of a printer: set lpt1=FILE:output.txt to send all LPT1: printer output to the text file output.txt.

The printing statements LPRINT and LLIST always send their output to PC-BASIC's LPT1: device.

The presentation of printed documents is left to your operating system: it will be the default presentation of text files. If you wist to change the way documents are printed, please refer to your OS's settings. On Windows, for example, text files are printed by notepad.exe and changing the default settings in that application will change the way PC-BASIC documents are printed. You will need to set a printer font that includes the characters you need to print. On Unix systems, PC-BASIC will use the paps utility if it is available; this will automatically select fonts that support the characters you need.

Serial and parallel ports

PC-BASIC provides the serial devices COM1: and COM2:. To make use of these, you need to attach them to a communications port on your computer with the com1= or com2= option. To attach to the first physical serial port, set com1=PORT:0 (or, alternatively, com1=PORT:COM1 on Windows or com1=PORT:/dev/ttyS0 on Linux). If you do not have a serial port, you can emulate one by sending the communications over a network socket: set com1=SOCKET:localhost:7000 and all COM1: traffic will be sent through socket 7000.

To access a parallel port, attach it to one of LPT1:, LPT2: or LPT3:. For example, set lpt2=PARPORT:0 to attach your computer's first parallel port to LPT2:.

Changing the interface

Emulation targets

By default, PC-BASIC emulates GW-BASIC on a system with VGA video capabilities. However, it can emulate several other setups, which differ from each other in terms of video and audio capacity, fonts, memory size, as well as available BASIC syntax. The easiest way to set the emulation target is by using a preset option. For example, run pcbasic --preset=pcjr. Other available emulation target presets are:

PresetEmulation target
pcjr IBM PCjr with Cartridge BASIC, including PCjr video and 3-voice sound capabilities and extended BASIC syntax.
tandy Tandy 1000 with GW-BASIC, including Tandy video and 3-voice sound capabilities and extended BASIC syntax.
olivetti Olivetti M24 or AT&T PC 6300.
cga IBM or compatible with Color/Graphics Adapter and a composite monitor. This enables composite colorburst emulation.
ega IBM or compatible with Extended Graphics Adapter.
vga IBM or compatible with Video Graphics Array.
mda IBM or compatible with Monochrome Display Adapter and green-tinted monochrome monitor.
hercules IBM compatible with Hercules Graphics Adapter and green-tinted monochrome monitor.
strict Choose strict compatibility with GW-BASIC over convenience, security, rhyme or reason.

Presets are groups of options that are defined in the default configuration file. You can create your own presets by creating a header in your private configuration file with the name of the new preset, followed by the options you want to apply. For example, if you define: [my_preset]
you can now run pcbasic --preset=my_preset to start an emulation of a hypothetical machine with a VGA video card running PCjr Cartridge BASIC.

GW-BASIC compatibility features

PC-BASIC aims for a very high level of compatibility with GW-BASIC. However, some compatibility features are disabled by default for convenience or security reasons. These features can be switched on using individual command-line options. The highest level of compatibility with GW-BASIC can be attained by setting preset=strict, which switches off all convenience and security features that cause differences with GW-BASIC.


PC-BASIC supports a large number of legacy codepages that were common at the time GW-BASIC was popular, including double-byte character set codepages used for Chinese, Japanese and Korean. You can select your codepage by using the codepage= option. For example, codepage=936 selects the GBK codepage commonly used on the Chinese mainland. PC-BASIC will load and save all program files as if encoded in the codepage you select.

It is also possible to load and save programs in the nowadays common UTF-8 standard format, by enabling the utf8 option. When utf8 is enabled, plain-text program source will be saved and loaded in standard UTF-8 encoding. Please note that you will still need to select a codepage that provides all the Unicode characters that your program needs.

Note that PC-BASIC does not implement the following features relevant to some of these codepages:

Bidirectional text
All text is printed left-to-right independent of the codepage selected. To write strings in a language that is written right-to-left, the logical character sequence must be inverted so that the order appears correct visually. While this is inconvenient, it is in line with the behaviour of GW-BASIC. This affects code pages marked with B in the table.
Combining characters
PC-BASIC recognises single-byte code points (where each glyph shows on a single cell on the screen) and double-byte code points (where a single glyph takes up two cells on the screen). Combining characters (such as the combining diacritics of codepages 874 and 1258) are therefore not shown correctly: instead of being combined with their preceding base character as a single combined glyph, such combinations will be shown as separate glyphs. Where available, alternative codepages with precomposed characters will give better results. This affects code pages marked with C in the table.

The following codepages are available. PC-BASIC uses the Microsoft OEM codepage number where this is unambiguous. The code pages are expected to agree with Microsoft sources for the ranges &h80&hFF. Ranges &h00&h1F and &h7F are implemented as the IBM Special Graphic Characters where some code page sources will list these as the corresponding control characters. For unofficial codepages and those with conflicting numbering, codepage names are used instead of numbers.

codepage_id Codepage Languages Notes
437 DOS Latin USA English
720 Transparent ASMO Arabic B
737 DOS Greek Greek
775 DOS Baltic Rim Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian
806 IBM-PC Devanagari Hindi
850 DOS Latin 1 Western European languages
851 DOS Greek 1 Greek
852 DOS Latin 2 Central European languages
853 DOS Latin 3 Southern European languages
855 DOS Cyrillic 1 Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian
856 DOS Hebrew Hebrew B
857 DOS Latin 5 Turkish
858 DOS Latin 1 with Euro Western European languages
860 DOS Portuguese Portuguese
861 DOS Icelandic Icelandic
862 DOS Hebrew Hebrew B
863 DOS Canadian French French
864 DOS Arabic Arabic B
865 DOS Nordic Danish and Norwegian
866 DOS Cyrillic 2 Russian
868 DOS Urdu Urdu B
869 DOS Greek 2 Greek
874 TIS-620 Thai C
932 Shift-JIS (variant) Japanese
934 DOS/V Korea Korean
936 GBK; GB2312/EUC-CN superset Simplified Chinese
938 DOS/V Taiwan Traditional Chinese
949 IBM-PC Korea KS; EUC-KR superset Korean
950 Big-5 (variant) Traditional Chinese
1258 Vietnamese Vietnamese C
alternativnyj GOST Alternativnyj Variant Russian
armscii8a ArmSCII-8a; FreeDOS cp899 Armenian
big5-2003 Big-5 (Taiwan 2003) Traditional Chinese
big5-hkscs Big-5 (Hong Kong 2008) Traditional Chinese
georgian-academy Academy Standard Georgian
georgian-ps Parliament Standard Georgian
iransystem Iran System Persian B
iscii-as ISCII Assamese Assamese C
iscii-be ISCII Bengali Bengali C
iscii-de ISCII Devanagari Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Konkani, Nepali C
iscii-gu ISCII Gujarati Gujarati C
iscii-ka ISCII Kannada Kannada C
iscii-ma ISCII Malayalam Malayalam C
iscii-or ISCII Oriya Oriya C
iscii-pa ISCII Punjabi Punjabi C
iscii-ta ISCII Tamil Tamil C
iscii-te ISCII Telugu Telugu C
kamenicky Kamenický; cp895 Czech
koi8-r KOI8-R Russian
koi8-ru KOI8-RU Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian
koi8-u KOI8-U Ukrainian, Russian
mazovia Mazovia; cp667, 991, 790 Polish
mik MIK, FreeDOS cp3021 Bulgarian
osnovnoj GOST Osnovnoj Variant Russian
pascii PASCII Kashmiri, Persian, Sindhi, Urdu B
ruscii RUSCII Ukrainian, Russian
russup3 Cornell Russian Support for DOS v3 Russian
russup4ac Exceller Software Russian Support for DOS v4 Academic Russian
russup4na Exceller Software Russian Support for DOS v4 Non-Academic Russian
viscii VISCII, FreeDOS cp30006 Vietnamese

You can add custom codepages to PC-BASIC, by adding a file with its mapping to Unicode to the codepage/ directory.


PC-BASIC emulates the distinctive raster fonts of IBM-compatible machines. The ROM fonts of the original IBM and Tandy adapters (which are in the public domain in a number of countries) have been included in PC-BASIC. These provide the most accurate emulation. However, the font ROMs only included a single code page – DOS Latin USA 437.

To support code pages beyond 437, PC-BASIC defaults to the CPIDOS font used by default in FreeDOS and DOSBox. This font is very similar in style to the IBM VGA font but has support for many more code pages, in particular Western and Middle Eastern alphabets. If CPIDOS does not include the characters you need, PC-BASIC tries to find them in UNI-VGA, which is also very similar in style to VGA. If that does not suffice, PC-BASIC falls back to GNU UniFont for the missing characters. UniFont's Western glyphs are less similar to the VGA font, but it provides support for the full Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane. For example, all Chinese, Japanese and Korean glyphs in PC-BASIC are taken from UniFont.

It is possible to change the choice of font using the font= option. You can provide a list of fonts, where the last font specified is the most preferred one.

PC-BASIC reads fonts in the .hex format introduced by UniFont. It's easy to define custom fonts in this format: it can be edited in a regular text editor. See the UniFont project for an authoring tool. You can add custom fonts to PC-BASIC by installing them into the font/ subdirectory of PC-BASIC's installation directory.

By default, the following fonts are available:

font_name Name Sizes Codepages
unifont GNU UniFont 16 all
univga Uni-VGA font 16 many
freedos FreeDOS CPIDOS font 8, 14, 16 many
cga IBM Colour/Graphics Adapter font 8 437 only
mda IBM Monochrome Display Adapter font 14 437 only
vga IBM Video Graphics Array font 8, 14, 16 437 only
olivetti Olivetti/AT&T font 16 437 only
tandy1 Tandy-1000 font old version 8 437 only
tandy2 Tandy-1000 font new version 8 437 only

GNU UniFont contains glyphs for all the defined code points of the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode 7.0, which makes it an excellent fallback font. Its glyphs are not, however, very similar to those that were used on DOS machines; both Uni-VGA and the FreeDOS CPIDOS fonts are therefore more suitable, when they have the required glyphs.

Redirecting I/O

PC-BASIC supports redirecting input and output the GW-BASIC way: output redirected with the output= option will be sent to the screen as well as the specified file, while input redirected with input= is taken only from the specified file. Note that screen output through the SCRN: device and keyboard input through the KYBD: device are not redirected. Files are read and written in the codepage set with PC-BASIC.

Note that it is also possible to use your operating system's facility to redirect console output using the < and > operators. It's best to set interface=none so that I/O is redirected through the console. This will produce files in your console's standard encoding, which is often UTF-8 on Unix and Windows-1252 on Windows.

Command-line interface

You can run PC-BASIC as a command-line interface by setting the interface=cli (or -b) option. No window will be opened: you can type BASIC commands straight into your Command Prompt/Terminal. Use the horizontal arrow keys to move on the current line you're editing; use the vertical arrow keys to show screen rows above and below. Copy and paste are available only if the calling shell provides them. On Windows, Ctrl+Break will terminate PC-BASIC immediately. You can use Ctrl+C to interrupt the program. The end-of-file key combination (Ctrl+D on Unix, Ctrl+Z on Windows) will exit PC-BASIC.

You can use the command-line interface to run one or a few BASIC commands directly, like so:

me@mybox$ pcbasic -bqe="?1+1"

For scripting purposes, it is also possible to run PC-BASIC without any interface by setting interface=none or -n. If this is set, PC-BASIC will take input from and send output to the console as UTF-8 without further modification. This is useful in combination with redirection and pipes.

Text-based interface

There is also a full-screen text interface available: enable it by setting interface=text (or -t). The text-based interface is very similar to the default graphical interface, but runs in your Command Prompt or Terminal window.

In the text-based and command-line interfaces, graphics are not available. Attempting to open a graphical screen mode will lead to an Illegal function call error. Furthermore, many Ctrl and Alt key combinations are not available.

On Unix systems only, you can get sound in the text and command-line interfaces over the PC speaker if you install the beep utility and enable the legacy PC-speaker driver or emulation.

Settings and options

PC-BASIC has a number of settings that change the way it operates. These settings can be changed by setting options on the command line or through editing the configuration file.

In either method, the options have the same name and syntax. In what follows, we will often refer to a particular option setting; remember that you can set this from the command line as well as from the configuration file.

Command-line options

You can enter command-line options if you start PC-BASIC from your operating system's command prompt, console or terminal (the C:\> prompt on Windows), by supplying the option with two dashes in front, like so:

pcbasic --preset=tandy --ctrl-c-break=True

On the command line, you can leave out the expression =True that is common in switching options. Some options have an alternative, short name consisting of a single letter preceded by a single dash, which you can use on the command line. You can combine multiple short options with a single dash.

Configuration files

You can change options by adding or removing lines in your local configuration file, which can be found in the following location:

~/Library/Application Support/pcbasic-1.2/PCBASIC.INI

Change an option in the configuration file by adding a line in the section named [pcbasic], like so:


You cannot use positional arguments or the short name of options in the configuration file. You also cannot leave out the expression =True.

The configuration file should be a text file encoded in ASCII or UTF-8.


pcbasic [program|package [output]] [--allow-code-poke[=True|=False]] [--altgr[=True|=False]] [--append[=True|=False]] [--aspect=x,y] [-b] [--border=width] [--caption=title] [--capture-caps[=True|=False]] [--cas1=type:value] [--cga-low[=True|=False]] [--codepage=codepage_id] [--config=config_file] [--com1=type:value] [--com2=type:value] [--convert={A|B|P}] [--copy-paste=copy_button,paste_button] [--ctrl-c-break[=True|=False]] [--current-device={CAS1|@|A|B ... |Z}] [--dimensions=x,y] [-d] [--double[=True|=False]] [-e=command_line] [--exec=command_line] [--font=font_name[,font_name ... ]] [--fullscreen[=True|=False]] [-h] [--help] [-i] [--input=input_file] [--interface={none|cli|text|graphical}] [-k=keystring] [--keys=keystring] [-l=program] [--load=program] [--logfile=log_file] [--lpt1=type:value] [--lpt2=type:value] [--lpt3=type:value] [--map-drives[=True|=False]] [-f=number_of_files] [--max-files=number_of_files] [-m=max_memory[,basic_memory_blocks]] [--max-memory=max_memory[,basic_memory_blocks]] [-s=record_length] [--max-reclen=record_length] [--monitor={rgb|composite|mono}] [--mono-tint=r,g,b] [--mount=drive:path,[drive:path ... ]] [-n] [--nobox[=True|=False]] [--nokill[=True|=False]] [--nosound[=True|=False]] [--output=output_file] [--pcjr-term=terminal_program] [--peek=[seg:addr:val[,seg:addr:val ... ]]] [--pen={left|middle|right|none}] [--preset=option_block] [--print-trigger={line|page|close}] [-q] [--quit[=True|=False]] [--reserved-memory=number_of_bytes] [--resume[=True|=False] [-r=program] [--run=program] [--scaling={smooth|crisp|native}] [-c=size] [--serial-buffer-size=size] [--shell={none|native|command]] [--state=state_file] [--strict-hidden-lines[=True|=False]] [--strict-newline[=True|=False]] [--strict-protect[=True|=False]] [--syntax={advanced|pcjr|tandy}] [-t] [--text-width={40|80}] [--utf8[=True|=False]] [-v] [--version] [--video=card] [--video-memory=size] [-w] [--wait[=True|=False]]

Positional arguments

If a .BAS program is specified as the first positional argument, it will be run. The --run, --load and --convert options override this behaviour.
If a zipfile package or directory is specified as the first positional argument, any contained configuration file PCBASIC.INI will be loaded; usually, it will run a program file in the package. All other command-line options will override the package configuration file, note in particular the potential of the --run, --load and --convert options to alter the behaviour of the package.
If a second positional argument is specified, it sets the output file for file format conversion. This argument is ignored unless the --convert option is given.


Allow programs to POKE into code memory.
If True (default), interpret the right Alt key as Alt Gr instead of Alt. The left Alt key is always seen as Alt.
If used with --output=output_file, the output_file is appended to rather than overwritten.
Set the display aspect ratio to x:y. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
Use the command-line interface. This is identical to --interface=cli.
Set the width of the screen border as a percentage from 0—100. The percentage refers to the total width of the borders on both sides as a fraction of the usable screen width. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
Set the title bar caption of the PC-BASIC window. Default title is PC-BASIC.
Let PC-BASIC handle the Caps Lock key. This may or may not interfere with the operating system's own handling of that key. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
Attach a resource to the CAS1: cassette device. type:value can be
Connect to the RIFF Wave file wav_file with data modulated in IBM PC cassette format.
Connect to the PCE/PC-BASIC CAS tape image cas_file.
Use low-intensity palettes in CGA modes. Only has an effect if combined with --video={cga|cga_old|ega|vga}.
Load the specified codepage. The codepage determines which characters are associated to a given character byte or, in the case of double-byte codepages, two character bytes. The available codepages are stored in the codepage/ directory; by default, these are:
  • 437
  • 720
  • 737
  • 775
  • 806
  • 850
  • 851
  • 852
  • 853
  • 855
  • 856
  • 857
  • 858
  • 860
  • 861
  • 862
  • 863
  • 864
  • 865
  • 866
  • 868
  • 869
  • 874
  • 932
  • 934
  • 936
  • 938
  • 949
  • 950
  • 1258
  • alternativnyj
  • armscii8a
  • big5-2003
  • big5-hkscs
  • georgian-academy
  • georgian-ps
  • iransystem
  • iscii-as
  • iscii-be
  • iscii-de
  • iscii-gu
  • iscii-ka
  • iscii-ma
  • iscii-or
  • iscii-pa
  • iscii-ta
  • iscii-te
  • kamenicky
  • koi8-r
  • koi8-ru
  • koi8-u
  • mazovia
  • mik
  • osnovnoj
  • pascii
  • ruscii
  • russup3
  • russup4ac
  • russup4na
  • viscii
. See the list of codepages in the User's Guide for details.
Read a configuration file. The system default configuration is always read first, but any preset group of options in a configuration file replaces the whole equivalent default preset group.
Attach a resource to the COM1: serial device. type:value can be one of the following.
Connect to a serial device. device_name can be a device name such as COM1 or /dev/ttyS0 or a number, where the first serial port is number 0.
Connect to a TCP socket on a remote or local host.
Connect to standard I/O of the calling shell. If CRLF is specified, PC-BASIC replaces CR characters with LF on its output and LF with CR on its input. This is more intuitive on Unix shells. When using a Unix console, you should use stty -icanon to enable PC-BASIC to read input correctly.
If this option is not specified, the COM1: device is unavailable.
Attach a resource to the COM2: serial device. See --com1.
Convert program to one of the following formats:
Plain text
If output is not specified, write to standard output. If program is not specified, use the argument of --run or --load. If none of those are given, read from standard input. Overrides --resume, --run and --load.
Choose the mouse buttons for clipboard operations. copy_button and paste_button are chosen from left,middle,right,none.
If False, follow GW-BASIC behaviour where Ctrl+C breaks AUTO and INPUT but not program execution or LIST.
If True, treat Ctrl+C exactly like Ctrl+Break and Ctrl+Scroll Lock when --interface=graphical.
With --interface={text|cli}, Ctrl+C is always treated like Ctrl+Break.
Default is True.
--current-device={CAS1|@|A|B ... |Z}
Set the current device to the indicated PC-BASIC drive letter or CAS1 for the cassette device. The device chosen should be mounted to an actual location using --mount (or --cas1 if the cassette device is chosen). Default is Z, with the Z: device mounted to your current drive.
Set window dimensions to x by y pixels. This overrides --scaling=native and --aspect. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
-d --double[=True|=False]
Enable double-precision transcendental math functions. This is equivalent to the /d option in GW-BASIC.
-e=command_line --exec=command_line
Execute BASIC command_line. The specified commands are executed before entering into direct mode or running a program.
--font=font_name[,font_name ... ]
Use the specified fonts for the interface. The last fonts specified take precedence, previous ones are fallback. Default is unifont,univga,freedos (i.e. the freedos font has preference). The available fonts are stored in font/. By default, the following fonts are available:
  • unifont
  • univga
  • freedos
  • cga
  • mda
  • vga
  • olivetti
  • tandy1
  • tandy2
. See the list of fonts in the User's Guide for details.
Fullscreen mode. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
-h --help
Show a usage message and exit.
This option is ignored. It is included only for compatibility with GW-BASIC /i.
Retrieve keyboard input from input_file, except if KYBD: is read explicitly. Input from KYBD: files is always read from the keyboard, following GW-BASIC behaviour.
Choose the type of interface. The following interface types are available:
Filter for use with pipes. Also -n.
Command-line interface. Also -b.
Text-based interface. Also -t.
Graphical interface.
The default is graphical.
-k=keystring --keys=keystring
Insert the keystring into the keyboard buffer.
-l=program --load=program
Start in direct mode with the BASIC program loaded.
Write error and warning messages to log_file instead of stderr.
Attach a resource to the LPT1: parallel device. type:value can be
Connect to a Windows, LPR or CUPS printer. If printer_name is not specified, the default printer is used.
Connect to any file or device such as /dev/stdout on Unix or LPT1 on Windows.
Connect to standard output of the calling shell. If CRLF is specified, PC-BASIC replaces CR characters with LF on its output. This is more intuitive on Unix shells.
Connect to a Centronics parallel port, where port_number is 0 for the first parallel port, etc. PARPORT only works with physical parallel ports; for example, a Windows printer or other device mapped with NET USE LPT1: can only be attached with FILE:LPT1
If this option is not specified, LPT1: is connected to the default printer.
Attach a resource to the LPT2: parallel device. See --lpt1. If this option is not specified, LPT2: is unavailable.
Attach a resource to the LPT3: parallel device. See --lpt1. If this option is not specified, LPT3: is unavailable.
On Windows, assign all Windows drive letters to PC-BASIC drive letters. On other systems, assign to:
the current working directory
the filesystem root
the user's home directory.
-f=number_of_files --max-files=number_of_files
Set maximum number of open files to number_of_files. This is equivalent to the /f option in GW-BASIC. Default is 3.
-m=max_memory[,basic_memory_blocks] --max-memory=max_memory[,basic_memory_blocks]
Set the maximum size of the data memory segment to max_memory and the maximum size of the data memory available to BASIC to basic_memory_blocks*16. In PC-BASIC, the minimum of these values is simply the data memory size; the two values are allowed for compatibility with the /m option in GW-BASIC.
-s=record_length --max-reclen=record_length
Set maximum record length for RANDOM files to record_length. Default is 128, maximum is 32767. This is equivalent to the /s option in GW-BASIC.
Sets the monitor type to emulate. Available types are:
RGB colour monitor (default).
Composite colour monitor.
Monochrome monitor.
On SCREEN 2 with --video={pcjr|tandy|cga|cga_old}, --monitor=composite enables (crude) colour artifacts.
Specify the monochrome tint as the red-green-blue values r,g,b, each in the range 0—255. Only has an effect if combined with --monitor=mono.
--mount=drive:path,[drive:path ... ]
Assign the path path to drive letter drive:. The path can be absolute or relative. By default, Z: is assigned to the current working directory and no other drive letters are assigned.
Run PC-BASIC as a command-line filter. Same as --interface=none.
Disable box-drawing recognition for double-byte character set code pages. By default, sequences of box-drawing characters are recognised by an algorithm that isn't as smart as it thinks it is, and displayed as box drawing rather than as DBCS characters. If --nobox is set, they will be displayed as DBCS.
Allow BASIC to capture Alt+F4. Graphical interface only. By default, Alt+F4 is captured by most operating systems as a quit signal, and will terminate PC-BASIC. Set --nokill to allow BASIC to capture Alt+F4 instead. This is useful if your program uses this key combination.
Disable sound output.
Send screen output to output_file, except if SCRN: is written to explicitly. Output to SCRN: files will always be shown on the screen, as in GW-BASIC.
Set the terminal program run by the PCjr TERM command to terminal_program. This only has an effect with --syntax={pcjr|tandy}.
--peek=[seg:addr:val[,seg:addr:val ... ]]
Define PEEK preset values. If defined, DEF SEG:? PEEK(addr) will return val.
Set the mouse button for light pen emulation. Default is left. If set to none, light pen emulation is switched off. On Android, left means touch input.
Load machine preset options. A preset option corresponds to a section defined in a config file by a name between square brackets, like [this] --preset=this will load all settings defined in that section. Available presets depend on your configuration file. See the list of default presets in the User's Guide.
Set the trigger to flush the print buffer to the printer.
The printer is activated after every line break.
The printer is activated after every page break.
The printer is activated only when PC-BASIC exits.
Default is close.
-q --quit[=True|=False]
Quit interpreter when execution stops. If combined with --run, PC-BASIC quits when the program ends. If set in direct mode, PC-BASIC quits after the first command is executed.
Reserve number_of_bytes of memory at the bottom of the data segment. For compatibility with GW-BASIC. Default is 3429 bytes. Lowering this value makes more string and variable space available for use by programs.
Resume from saved state. Overrides --run and --load.
-r=program --run=program
Run the specified program. Overrides --load.
Choose scaling method.
The display is smoothly scaled to the largest size that allows for the correct aspect ratio.
The display is scaled to the same size as with smooth, but without smoothing.
Scaling and aspect ratio are optimised for the display's native pixel size, without smoothing. --scaling=native overrides --aspect.
Default is smooth. Only has an effect if combined with --interface=graphical.
-c=size --serial-buffer-size=size
Set serial input buffer size. Default is 256. If set to 0, serial communications are disabled.
Set the command interpreter run on the SHELL command to the operating system's native shell or a custom shell run by command. Default is none, which disables the SHELL command.
Set the save-state file to state_file. Default is PCBASIC.SAV in the Application Data directory.
Disable listing and saving to plain text of lines beyond 65530, as in GW-BASIC. Use with care as this allows execution of hidden lines of code.
Parse CR and LF in files strictly like GW-BASIC. On Unix, you will need to convert your files to DOS text first if using this option.
Disable listing and saving to plain text of protected files, as in GW-BASIC. Use with care as this allows execution of hidden lines of code.
Choose BASIC dialect. Available dialects are:
IBM PCjr Cartridge BASIC
Tandy 1000 GW-BASIC.
Default is advanced.
Use text-based interface. Same as --interface=text.
Set the number of columns in text mode at startup. Default is 80.
Use UTF-8 for plain-text programs. If True, programs stored as plain text will be converted from UTF-8 on LOAD and to UTF-8 on SAVE. If False, the PC-BASIC codepage will be used.
-v --version
Print PC-BASIC version string and exit.
Set the video card to emulate. Available video cards:
Video Graphics Array
Enhanced Graphics Adapter
Color/Graphics Adapter
Color/Graphics Adapter (old version; affects composite)
Monochrome Display Adapter
Hercules Graphics Adapter
IBM PCjr graphics
Tandy 1000 graphics
Olivetti M24 graphics
Default is vga.
Set the amount of emulated video memory available. This affects the number of video pages that can be used. On PCjr and Tandy, this can be changed at runtime through the CLEAR statement; at least 32768 needs to be available to enter SCREEN 5 and SCREEN 6. Default is 16384 or PCjr and Tandy and 262144 on other machine presets.
-w --wait[=True|=False]
If True, PC-BASIC waits for a keystroke before closing the window on exit. Only works for --interface=graphical or --interface=text. Default is False.

GW-BASIC options

GW-BASIC recognised a number of DOS-style command-line options on the command-line when invoking it from DOS with a command like BASIC, BASICA, or GWBASIC. These are matched by PC-BASIC with only minor modifications, usually just replacing the forward slash / with a dash -. The GW-BASIC syntax is shown here for reference only; only the syntax with the dash works with PC-BASIC.

/d becomes -d
Enable double-precision floating-point math functions.
/f:n becomes -f=n
Set the maximum number of open files.
/s:n becomes -s=n
Set the maximum record length for RANDOM files.
/c:n becomes -c=n
Set the size of the receive buffer for COM devices.
/i:n becomes -i=n
No effect.
/m:n,m becomes -m=n,m
Set the highest memory location to n and maximum BASIC memory size to m*16 bytes.
>filename becomes --output=filename
Write screen output to filename.
>>filename becomes --output=filename --append
Append screen output to filename.
<filename becomes --input=filename
Read keyboard input from filename.


Start PC-BASIC in direct mode, emulating GW-BASIC/BASICA with VGA graphics.
pcbasic --codepage=950
Start PC-BASIC using the Big-5 codepage.
pcbasic Foobar.baz
Start PC-BASIC with package Foobar. Load the settings from the package; usually this will run a main program contained in the package.
pcbasic Foobar.baz --convert=A --utf8
List the main program of package Foobar to standard output as UTF-8.
pcbasic MYPROG.BAS --mount=A:./files,B:./morefiles
Mount the current directory's subdirectory files as drive A: and subdirectory morefiles as drive B:, then run MYPROG.BAS.
pcbasic --mount=A:C:\fakeflop
Run PC-BASIC with Windows directory C:\fakeflop mounted as A: drive.
pcbasic Z:\INFO.BAS --preset=mda --mono-tint=255,128,0
Run INFO.BAS in the current directory on an emulated MDA with amber tinted monitor.
pcbasic /home/me/retro/COMP.BAS --preset=cga --monitor=composite
Run COMP.BAS stored at /home/me/retro on an emulated CGA machine with a composite monitor.
pcbasic PCJRGAME.BAS --preset=pcjr -k='start\r'
Run PCJRGAME.BAS on an emulated PCjr and feed in the keystrokes startEnter.
pcbasic BANNER.BAS --lpt2=PRINTER:
Run BANNER.BAS in default mode with the default printer attached to LPT2:.
pcbasic --resume
Resume the most recently closed PC-BASIC session.
pcbasic -qbe="?1+1"
Execute the BASIC command PRINT 1+1 in the command-line interface and return to the calling shell.

Language guide

This documentation describes the PC-BASIC language, which aims to faithfully emulate GW-BASIC 3.23, IBM Advanced BASIC, IBM Cartridge BASIC and Tandy 1000 GW-BASIC.

The BASIC Language Guide covers the language topic by topic, thematically grouping language elements used for a related purpose. Please refer to the BASIC Language Reference for a formal description of the langage elements and their syntax.

Working with programs

Statement Description
AUTO Enter automatic line numbering mode
CHAIN Load a new program and run it, preserving common variables
COMMON Set common variables
DELETE Delete lines from the program
EDIT Print a program line to the screen for editing
LIST Print program lines to the screen
LLIST Print program lines to the printer
LOAD Read a new program from file
MERGE Overlay a program file onto the current program
NEW Clear the current program from memory
RENUM Replace the program's line numbers
RUN Start the current program
SAVE Store the current program to file
TRON Enable line number tracing
TROFF Disable line number tracing
SYSTEM Exit the BASIC interpreter

Control flow

A program is normally executed starting with its lowest line number (or the line number called by RUN). Statements on a line are executed from left to right. When all statements on a line are finished, execution moves to the next lowest line number, and so on until no line numbers are left. Control flow statements can be used to modify this normal flow of executon.

The END and STOP statements serve in a program to stop its execution and return to direct mode. When STOP is used, a Break message is printed. From direct mode, CONT can be executed to resume the program where it was stopped. While END seems intended to terminate the program, it does not preclude the user from resuming it with CONT.

Unconditional jumps can be made with GOTO. The program flow will continue at the line number indicated in the GOTO statement. Due to the PC-BASIC language's lack of sophisticated looping, branching and breaking constructs, unconditional jumps are essential and used frequently.

The GOSUB statement jumps to a subroutine. Similar to GOTO, this is an unconditional jump; however, the location of the call is stored and the program will continue its flow there after the subroutine terminates with a RETURN statement. Subroutines are somewhat like procedures in that they allow chunks of code that perform a given task to be separated from the main body of the program, but they do not have separate scope since all variables in PC-BASIC are global. They do not have return values. It is even possible to jump out of a subroutine to anywhere in the program by supplying the RETURN statement with a line number.

The ON statement provides an alternative branching construct. An integer value is used to selects one of a list of line numbers, and execution is continued from there. It can be used with a GOTO jump as wellas with a GOSUB subroutine call.

ON, GOTO and GOSUB can also be used from direct mode to start a program or subroutine without resetting variables.

The IF–THEN–ELSE construct tests for a condition and execute different code branches based on its truth value. This is not a block construct; all code in the THEN and ELSE branches must fit on one line. For this reason, branching is often used in combination with GOTO jumps. For example: 10 INPUT "How old are you"; AGE%
20 IF AGE%>30 THEN 100
30 IF AGE%<30 THEN 200 ELSE PRINT "You are 30 years old."
40 END
100 PRINT "You are over 30."
110 END
200 PRINT "You are not yet 30."
210 END

The WHILE–WEND looping construct repeats the block of code between WHILE and WEND as long as a given condition remains true.

The FOR–NEXT construct repeats a block of code while a counter remains in a given range. The counter is set to a starting value at the first pass of the FOR statement and incremented by the STEP value at each pass of NEXT. For example: 10 FOR I=1 TO 10
20 PRINT STRING$(I, "*"); USING " [##]"; I

Looping constructs may be nested.

Control flow is also affected by event and error trapping.

Statement Description
CONT Continue interrupted program
ELSE Ignore the remainder of the line (standalone ELSE)
END Stop execution of the program
FOR Start a for-loop
GOSUB Call a subroutine
GOTO Jump to another location in the program
IF Branch on a condition
NEXT Iterate a for-loop
ON Calculated jump or subroutine call
RETURN Return from subroutine
STOP Interrupt program execution
WEND Iterate a while-loop
WHILE Enter a while-loop

Arrays and variables

Statement Description
DEFDBL Specify variable name range for double-precision floats
DEFINT Specify variable name range for integers
DEFSNG Specify variable name range for single-precision floats
DEFSTR Specify variable name range for strings
DIM Allocate an array
ERASE Deallocate an array
LET Assign a value to a variable
OPTION BASE Set the starting index of arrays
SWAP Swap two variables

Type conversion

Function Description
ASC Character to ordinal value
CHR$ Ordinal value to character
HEX$ Integer to hexadecimal string representation
OCT$ Integer to octal string representation
STR$ Numeric value to decimal string representation
VAL String representation to numeric value
CDBL Numeric value to double-precision float
CINT Numeric value to integer
CSNG Numeric value to single-precision float
CVD Byte representation to double-precision float
CVI Byte representation to integer
CVS Byte representation to single-precision float
MKD$ Double-precision float to byte representation
MKI$ Integer to byte representation
MKS$ Single-precision float to byte representation

String operations

Statement Description
LSET Copy a left-justified value into a string buffer
MID$ Copy a value into part of a string buffer
RSET Copy a right-justified value into a string buffer
Function Description
LEFT$ Left substring
LEN String length
MID$ Substring
RIGHT$ Right substring
SPACE$ Repeat spaces
STRING$ Repeat characters

Text and the screen

Statement Description
CLS Clear the screen
COLOR Set colour and palette values
LOCATE Set the position and shape of the text screen cursor
PALETTE Assign a colour to an attribute
PALETTE USING Assign an array of colours to attributes
PCOPY Copy a screen page
PRINT Print expressions to the screen
VIEW PRINT Set the text scrolling region
WIDTH Set the number of text columns on the screen
Function Description
CSRLIN Current row of cursor
POS Current column of cursor
SCREEN Character or attribute at given location

The printer

Statement Description
LCOPY Do nothing
LPRINT Print expressions to the printer
Function Description
LPOS Column position of printer head

Keyboard input

Statement Description
INPUT Retrieve user input on the console
LINE INPUT Retrieve a line of user input on the console
Function Description
INKEY$ Nonblocking read from keyboard
INPUT$ Blocking read from keyboard

Function-key macros

Statement Description
KEY Manage the visibility of the function-key macro list
KEY Define a function-key macro

Calculations and maths

Mathematical functions

Function Description
ABS Absolute value
ATN Arctangent
COS Cosine
EXP Exponential
FIX Truncation
INT Floor
LOG Natural logarithm
SIN Sine
SGN Sign
SQR Square root
TAN Tangent

Random numbers

Statement Description
RANDOMIZE Seed the random number generator
Function Description
RND Pseudorandom number

Devices and files

File operations

Statement Description
CLOSE Close a file
FIELD Assign a string to a random-access record buffer
GET Read a record from a random-access file
INPUT Read a variable from a file
LINE INPUT Read a line from a file
LOCK Locks a file or a range of records against other use
OPEN Open a data file
PUT Write the random-access record buffer to disk
RESET Close all files
UNLOCK Unlocks a file or a range of records against other use
WIDTH Set the number of text columns in a file
WRITE Write expressions to a file
Function Description
EOF End of file
LOC Location in file
LOF Length of file
INPUT$ Read a string from a file


PC-BASIC recognises the following DOS-style devices, which can be used by opening a file on them. Some devices allow specification of further file parameters, such as handshake specifications for serial devices, a filename for cassette devices and a path for disk devices. When operating on disk devices, specifying a path is mandatory.

The filename aliases listed here are only available if the current device is a disk device.

Device Filename alias Allowed modes Description
SCRN: CON OUTPUT The screen. Output to SCRN: has largely the same effect as straight output using PRINT. A difference is the WIDTH setting which is independent of the real screen width.
KYBD: CON INPUT The keyboard. Input read from KYBD: is not echoed to the screen. Special keys like arrow keys are registered differently than when using INPUT or INPUT$ straight.
LPT1: LPT2: LPT3: PRN for LPT1: OUTPUT RANDOM Parallel ports 1—3. LPT devices can be attached to the physical parallel port, to a printer or to a text file with the --lptn options. Opening a printer for RANDOM has the same effect as opening it for OUTPUT; attempting random-file operations will raise Bad file mode.
COM1: COM2: AUX for COM1: INPUT OUTPUT APPEND RANDOM Serial ports 1—2. COM devices can be attached to a physical serial port or to a network socket with the --comn options.
CAS1: INPUT OUTPUT Cassette tape driver. CAS devices can be attached to a WAV (RIFF Wave) or a CAS (bitmap tape image) file with the --cas1 option.
A:Z: and @: INPUT OUTPUT APPEND RANDOM Disk devices. These devices can be mounted to a directory on the host file system with the --mount option. They do not automatically match drive letters on Windows, unless the --map-drives option is set.
NUL INPUT OUTPUT APPEND RANDOM Null device. This device produces no bytes when opened for INPUT and absorbs all bytes when opened for OUTPUT.

GW-BASIC additionally recognises the following little-used device, which is not implemented in PC-BASIC.

Device Allowed modes Description
CONS: OUTPUT The screen (console). Output to CONS: is displayed directly at the cursor position when Enter is pressed. It does not update the end-of-line value for the interpreter, which means that it does not move with Backspace or Del and is not stored in program lines if it appears beyond the end of the existing line. CONS: can be opened with any access mode, but the effect is always to open it for OUTPUT.


Statement Description
CIRCLE Draw an ellipse or arc section
DRAW Draw a shape defined by a Graphics Macro Language string
GET Store a screen area as a sprite
LINE Draw a line segment
PAINT Flood-fill a connected region
PSET Put a pixel
PRESET Change a pixel to background attribute
PUT Draw a sprite to the screen
SCREEN Change the video mode
VIEW Set the graphics viewport
WINDOW Set logical coordinates
Function Description
POINT Graphical pointer coordinates
POINT Pixel attribute
PMAP Convert between physical and logical coordinates


Statement Description
BEEP Beep the speaker
BEEP Speaker switch
NOISE Generate noise
PLAY Play a tune encoded in Music Macro Language
SOUND Generate a tone
SOUND Sound switch
Function Description
PLAY Length of the background music queue

Joystick and pen

Statement Description
STRIG Joystick switch
Function Description
PEN Status of light pen
STICK Coordinate of joystick axis
STRIG Status of joystick fire button

Disks and DOS

The SHELL statement is, by default, disabled; this is to avoid unpleasant surprises. In GW-BASIC under MS-DOS, SHELL opens a DOS prompt or executes commands in it. The command shells of modern operating systems work differently than those of DOS; in particular, it is impossible to retrieve changes in the environment variables, so that many use cases of SHELL simply would not work; for example, changing the current drive on Windows. Moreover, Unix shells have a syntax that is completely different from that of DOS. You can, however, enable SHELL by setting the shell=native option.

Statement Description
CHDIR Change current directory
FILES List the files in the current directory
KILL Delete a file on a disk device
MKDIR Create a new directory
NAME Rename a file on disk
RMDIR Remove a directory
ENVIRON Set a shell environment string
SHELL Enter a DOS shell
Function Description
ENVIRON$ String from shell environment table

Serial communications

Statement Description
GET Read bytes from a serial port
PUT Write bytes to a serial port
TERM Open the terminal emulator

Event handling

Event trapping allows to define subroutines which are executed outside of the normal course of operation. Events that can be trapped are:

Event trapping subroutines are defined as regular subroutines. At the RETURN statement, the normal course of program execution is resumed. Event trapping can be switched on and off or paused temporarily with statements of the form PEN ON, PEN OFF, PEN STOP. Event trapping only takes place during program execution and is paused while the program is in an error trap. If an event occurs while event-trapping is paused, then the event is triggered immediately when event trapping is resumed.

Statement Description
COM Manage serial port event trapping
KEY Manage keyboard event trapping
KEY Define key to trap in keyboard event trapping
ON Define event-trapping subroutine
PEN Manage light pen event trapping
PLAY Manage music queue event trapping
STRIG Manage joystick event trapping
TIMER Manage timer event trapping

Error handling

Normally, any error will interrupt program execution and print a message on the console (exceptions are Overflow and Division by zero, which print a message but do not interrupt execution). It is possible to handle errors more graciously by setting an error-handling routine with the ON ERROR GOTO line_number statement. The error-handling routine starts at the given line number line_number and continues until a RESUME statement is encountered. Error trapping is in effect both when a program is running and in direct mode. Error trapping is switched off with the ON ERROR GOTO 0 statement. If an error occurs, or error trapping is switched off, while the program is executing an error-trapping routine, the program terminates and an error message is shown.

Statement Description
ERROR Raise an error
ON ERROR Define an error handler
RESUME End error handler and return to normal execution
Function Description
ERR Error number of last error
ERL Line number of last error

User-defined functions

Statement Description
DEF FN Define a new function
Function Description
FN User-defined function

Date and time

Statement Description
DATE$ Set the system date
TIME$ Set the system time
Function Description
DATE$ System date as a string
TIME$ System time as a string
TIMER System time in seconds since midnight

Including data in a program

Statement Description
DATA Define data to be used by the program
READ Retrieve a data entry
RESTORE Reset the data pointer

Memory and machine ports

Only selected memory ranges and selected ports are emulated in PC-BASIC. Some of the most commonly accessed regions of memory are emulated and can be read and (sometimes) written. There is read and write support for video memory, font RAM and selected locations of the low memory segment, including the keyboard buffer. Additionally, there is read support for font ROM, variable, array and string memory, FIELD buffers as well as the program code itself. Writing into the program code is disabled by default, but can be enabled with the allow-code-poke option. A number of machine ports related to keyboard input and video modes are supported as well.

Statement Description
BLOAD Load a binary file into memory
BSAVE Save a memory region to file
CLEAR Clears BASIC memory
DEF SEG Set the memory segment
OUT Write a byte to a machine port
POKE Write a byte to a memory location
WAIT Wait for a value on a machine port
Function Description
FRE Amount of free memory
INP Byte at machine port
PEEK Byte at memory address
VARPTR Memory address of variable
VARPTR$ Byte representation of length and memory address of variable

Features not yet implemented

The following language elements are not currently supported in PC-BASIC. The keyword syntax is supported, so no Syntax error should be raised if the statements or functions are used correctly. However, the statements do nothing and the functions return zero or the empty string.

These language elements may be implemented in future versions of PC-BASIC.

Statement Description PC-BASIC implementation
MOTOR Turn on cassette motor Do nothing
Function Description PC-BASIC implementation
ERDEV Device error value Return 0
ERDEV$ Name of device raising error Return ""
EXTERR Extended error information from DOS Return 0

Unsupported features

GW-BASIC was a real-mode DOS program, which means that it had full control over an IBM-compatible 8086 computer. It had direct access to all areas of memory and all devices. Some BASIC programs used this fact, by using machine-code subroutines to perform tasks for which BASIC did not provide support. PC-BASIC runs on modern machines which may be based on completely different architectures and do not allow applications to access the memory directly. Therefore, it is not possible to run machine code on PC-BASIC. If you need machine code, you'll need to use full CPU emulation such as provided by DOSBox, Bochs or VirtualBox.

Similarly, the IOCTL functionality depends on an MS-DOS interrupt and sends a device control string to any DOS device driver. The syntax of such strings is device-dependent. Since PC-BASIC emulates neither DOS nor whatever device might be parsing the control string, it is not possible to use such functionality.

The following language elements are therefore not supported in PC-BASIC. The keyword syntax is supported, so no Syntax error should be raised if the statements or functions are used correctly. However, the statements either do nothing or raise Illegal function call; the functions return zero or the empty string or raise Illegal function call.

Statement Description PC-BASIC implementation
CALL Call a machine code subroutine Do nothing
CALLS Call a machine code subroutine Do nothing
DEF USR Define a machine code function Do nothing
IOCTL Send a device control string to a device Raise Illegal function call
Function Description PC-BASIC implementation
IOCTL$ Device response to IOCTL Raise Illegal function call
USR Machine code function Return 0

Language reference

This documentation describes the PC-BASIC language, which aims to faithfully emulate GW-BASIC 3.23, IBM Advanced BASIC, IBM Cartridge BASIC and Tandy 1000 GW-BASIC.

Differences with the original languages do arise, and where this is the case they are documented.

Please note that Microsoft's official documentation for the original languages is rather hit-and-miss; it leaves several features undocumented and incorrectly describes others. To avoid making the same errors, the present documentation was written from scratch with reference to the actual behaviour. The errors in this document are therefore all my own. Please contact me if you encounter them.


In descriptions of BASIC syntax, the following conventions apply. Exact rendering of the markup may vary depending on the means used to display this documentation.

Type exactly as shown.
Replace with appropriate metavariable.
Entities within square brackets are optional.
{ a | b }
Disjunct alternatives of which one must be chosen.
[ a | b ]
Optional disjunct alternatives.
a ...
Preceding entity can be repeated.


A program line consists of a line number followed by a compound statement. Program lines are terminated by a CR or or by the end of the file (optionally through an EOF character). Anything on a program line after a NUL character is ignored.

A line number is a whole number in the range [0—65535]. Note that the line numbers 65530—65535 cannot be entered from the console or a text program file, but can be part of a tokenised program file.

A compound statement consists of statements separated by colons: statement [: statement] ...

An expression takes one of the following forms: unary_operator {literal | variable | array_element | function} expression binary_operator expression (expression) whose elements are described the sections Literals, Variables, Operators and Functions.

An array element takes the form array {[|(} numeric_expression [, numeric_expression ] ... {)|]}


String literals

String literals are of the following form: "[characters]{NUL|CR|EOF|"} where characters is a string of characters. Any character from the current code page can be used, with the following exceptions, all of which terminate the string literal (aside from other effects they may have):

Strings are also legally terminated by the end of the file in the absence of an EOF character.

Apart from these, string literals should not contain any of the characters in the ASCII range &h0D&h1F, which lead to unpredictable results. There is no escaping mechanism. To include one of the above characters in a string, use string concatenation and the CHR$ function.

Numeric literals

Numeric literals have one of the following forms: [+|-] [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]... [.][0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]... [{E|e|D|d}[+|-][0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]...] |#|!|%] &{H|h}[0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D|E|F|a|b|c|d|e|f]... &[O|o] [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7]...

Hexadecimal literals must not contain spaces, but decimal and octal literals may. The o character in octal literals is optional: they can be specified equally as &o777 or &777.

Hexadecimal and octal literals denote integers and do not include a sign. They must range between [&h0&hFFFF], of which the range [&h8000&hFFFF] is interpreted as a two's complement negative integer; for example, &hFFFF = -1. Signs can appear left of the & but these form an expression and are not part of the literal itself.

Floating-point literals must be specified in decimal notation. The decimal separator is the point. A base-10 exponent may be specified after E in single-precision floats, or after D in double-precision floats. Trailing % is ignored and does not indicate an integer literal. Trailing ! or # mark the literal as single- or double-precision, respectively.

Examples of valid numeric literals are -1 42 42! 42# 1.3523523 .235435 -.3 3. . .e .D 1.1e+7 1.1d+7 1e2 1e-2 &7 &hffff &O20 &h & 65537% 1.1%

Note that expressions such as &o-77 are legal; these are however not negative octals but rather the expression &o (empty octal; zero) less 77 (decimal 77).


Variable names must start with a letter; all characters of the variable name (except the sigil) must be letters A—Z, figures 0—9, or a dot . Only the first 40 characters in the name are significant. A variable name must not be identical to a reserved word or a reserved word plus sigil. Therefore, for example, you cannot name a variable TO! but you can name it AS!. Variable names may contain any reserved word. Variable names may also start with a reserved word, with the exception of USR and FN. Thus, FNORD% and USRNME$ are not legal variable names while FRECKLE% and LUSR$ are.

For each name, four different variables may exist corresponding to the four types. That is, you can have A$, A%, A! and A# as different variables. Which one of those is also known as A depends on the settings in DEFINT/DEFDBL/DEFSNG/DEFSTR. By default, A equals the single-precision A!.

Furthermore, the arrays A$(), A%(), A!(), A#() are separate from the scalar variables of the same name.

Types and sigils

PC-BASIC recognises four variable types, distinguished by their sigil or type character, the last character of the variable's full name:

sigil type size range precision
$ string 3 bytes plus allocated string space 0—255 characters
% integer 2 bytes -32768—32767 exact
! single-precision float 4 bytes ±2.938726·10-39—±1.701412·1038 ~6 significant figures
# double-precision float 8 bytes ±2.938735877055719·10-39—±1.701411834604692·1038 ~16 significant figures

Note that double-precision floats can hold more decimals than single-precision floats, but not larger or smaller numbers.

While all integers are signed, some statements will interpret negative integers as their two's complement.


Arrays are indexed with round or square brackets; even mixing brackets is allowed. The following are all legal array elements: A[0], A(0), A(0], A[0). Multidimensional arrays are specified by separating the indices with commas: A(0, 0), A[0, 0, 0], etc.

By default, arrays are indexed from 0. This can be changed to 1 using OPTION BASE 1.

Arrays can be allocated by specifying the largest allowed index using DIM. If all indices of the array are 10 or less, they need not be explicitly allocated. The first access of the array (read or write) will automatically allocate it with a maximum index of 10 and the same number of indices as in the first access. To re-allocate an array, the old array must first be deleted with CLEAR or ERASE.


PC-BASIC will implicitly convert between the three numerical data types. When a value of one type is assigned to a variable, array element or parameter of another type, it is converted according to the following rules:


Order of precedence

The order of precedence of operators is as follows, from tightly bound (high precedence) to loosely bound (low precedence):

  1. ^
    • *
    • /
  2. \
  3. MOD
    • +
    • - (unary and binary)
    • =
    • <>
    • ><
    • <
    • >
    • <=
    • =<
    • >=
    • =>
  4. NOT (unary)
  5. AND
  6. OR
  7. XOR
  8. EQV
  9. IMP

Expressions within parentheses () are evaluated first. All binary operators are left-associative: operators of equal precedence are evaluated left to right.


Mathematical operators

Mathematical operators operate on numeric expressions only. Note however that + can take the role of the string concatenation operator if both operands are strings.

Code Operation Result
x ^ y Exponentiation x raised to the power of y
x * y Multiplication Product of x and y
x / y Division Quotient of x and y
x \ y Truncated division Integer quotient of x and y
x MOD y Modulo Integer remainder of x by y (with the sign of x)
x + y Addition Sum of x and y
x - y Subtraction Difference of x and y
+ y Unary Plus Value of y
- y Negation Negative value of y

Relational operators

Relational operators can operate on numeric as well as string operands; however, if one operand is string and the other numeric, Type mismatch is raised.

Relational operators return either 0 (for false) or -1 for true.

Code Operation Result
= Equal True if a equals b, false otherwise.
<> >< Not equal False if a equals b, true otherwise.
< Less than True if a is less than b, false otherwise.
> Greater than True if a is greater than b, false otherwise.
<= =< Less than or equal False if a is greater than b, true otherwise.
>= => Greater than or equal False if a is less than b, true otherwise.

When operating on numeric operands, both operands are compared as floating-point numbers according to the usual ordering of numbers. The equals operator tests for equality to within machine precision for the highest-precision of the two operator types.

When comparing strings, the ordering is as follows.

Bitwise operators

PC-BASIC has no Boolean type and does not implement Boolean operators. It does, however, implement bitwise operators.

Bitwise operators operate on numeric expressions only. Floating-point operands are rounded to integers before being used.

Code Operation Result
NOT y Complement -y-1
x AND y Bitwise conjunction The bitwise AND of x and y
x OR y Bitwise disjunction The bitwise OR of x and y
x XOR y Bitwise exclusive or The bitwise XOR of x and y
x EQV y Bitwise equivalence NOT(x XOR y)
x IMP y Bitwise implication NOT(x) OR y

These operators can be used as Boolean operators only if -1 is used to represent true while 0 represents false. Note that PC-BASIC represents negative integers using the two's complement, so NOT 0 = -1. The Boolean interpretation of bitwise operators is given in the table below.

Code Operation Result
NOT y Logical negation True if y is false and vice versa
x AND y Conjunction Only true if both x and y are true
x OR y Disjunction Only false if both x and y are false
x XOR y Exclusive or True if the truth values of x and y differ
x EQV y Equivalence True if the truth values of x and y are the same
x IMP y Implication True if x is false or y is true

Be aware that when used on integers other than 0 and -1, bitwise operators can not be interpreted as Boolean operators. For example, 2 AND 1 returns 0.


String operators

The string concatenation operator is +. It has a binary as well as a unary form. The unary minus may also be used on strings, but has no effect.

Code Operation Result
x + y Concatenation The string formed by x followed by y
+ y Unary Plus Value of y
- y Unary Minus Value of y


Functions can only be used as part of an expression within a statement; they may take input values between parentheses and produce a return value. For example, in PRINT ABS(-1) the ABS function is used in an expression within a PRINT statement; in Y = SQR(X) + 2 the SQR function is used in an expression within a LET statement.

Some reference works also use terms such as system variable for functions that do not take an input, presumably since in the GW-BASIC syntax such functions have no parentheses, in contrast to the languages in the C family (and indeed some modern BASICs). However, this is simply the GW-BASIC syntax for functions without inputs. For example, one can do DEF FNA=1: PRINT FNA in which no parentheses are allowed.


y = ABS(x)

Returns the absolute value of x if x is a number and the value of x if x is a string.

  • x is an expression.


val = ASC(char)

Returns the code point (ASCII value) for the first character of char.

  • char is an expression with a string value.
  • char has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • char equals "": Illegal function call.


y = ATN(x)

Returns the inverse tangent of x.

  • x is a numeric expression that gives the angle in radians.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • ATN(x) differs in the least significant digit from GW-BASIC.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.


y = CDBL(x)

Converts the numeric expression x to a double-precision value.

  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.


char = CHR$(x)

Returns the character with code point x.

  • x is a numeric expression in the range [0—255].
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • x is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


y = CINT(x)

Converts the numeric expression x to a signed integer.

  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.


cosine = COS(angle)

Returns the cosine of angle. Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.

  • angle is a numeric expression that gives the angle in radians.
  • The return value usually differs from the value returned by GW-BASIC in the least significant figure.
  • angle has a string value: Type mismatch.


y = CSNG(x)

Converts the numeric expression x to a single-precision value.

  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.



Returns the screen row of the cursor on the active page. The return value is in the range [1—25].

  • This function takes no arguments.


y = CVI(s)

Converts a two-byte string to a signed integer.

  • s is a string expression that represents an integer using little-endian two's complement encoding. Only the first two bytes are used.
  • s has a numeric value: Type mismatch.


y = CVS(s)

Converts a four-byte string to a single-precision floating-point number.

  • s is a string expression that represents a single-precision number in Microsoft Binary Format. Only the first four bytes are used.
  • s has a numeric value: Type mismatch.


y = CVD(s)

Converts an eight-byte string to a double-precision floating-point number.

  • s is a string expression that represents a double-precision number in Microsoft Binary Format. Only the first eight bytes are used.
  • s has a numeric value: Type mismatch.

DATE$ (function)

s = DATE$

Returns the system date as a string in the format "mm-dd-yyyy".

  • This function takes no arguments.


value = ENVIRON[ ]$(x)

Returns an environment variable.


x is an expression.

  • If x has a string value, returns the value for the environment variable x or the empty string if no variable with the name x is set in the environment table.
  • If x has a numeric value, it must be in [1—255]. Returns the xth entry in the environment table.
  • x is the empty string: Illegal function call.
  • x is a number not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • x is a number not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.


is_at_end = EOF(file_num)

Returns -1 if file with number file_num has reached end-of-file; 0 otherwise. The file must be open in INPUT or RANDOM mode. EOF(0) returns 0.

  • If file_num is open to KYBD:, performs a blocking read and returns -1 if CTRL+Z is entered, 0 otherwise. The character entered is then echoed to the console.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is a number not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is a number not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not 0 or the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • The file with number file_num is in OUTPUT or APPEND mode: Bad file mode.


zero = ERDEV

Returns 0.

  • In GW-BASIC, returns the value of a device error.
  • This function is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • This function takes no arguments.


empty = ERDEV[ ]$

Returns the empty string.

  • In GW-BASIC, returns the device name of a device error.
  • This function is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • This function takes no arguments.


error_line = ERL

Returns the line number where the last error was raised.

  • If the error was raised by a direct statement, returns 65535.
  • If no error has been raised, returns 0.
  • This function takes no arguments.


error_code = ERR

Returns the number of the last error.

  • If no error has been raised, returns 0.
  • If the last error was a Syntax error raised by a direct statement, returns 0.
  • This function takes no arguments.


y = EXP(x)

Returns the exponential of x, i.e. e to the power x.

  • x is a number- valued expression.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • The return value sometimes differs in the least significant digit from GW-BASIC. For large values of x, the difference may be 3 digits.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is larger than the natural logarithm of the maximum single-precision value: Overflow.


zero = EXTERR(x)

Returns 0.

  • x is a numeric expression in [0—3].
  • In GW-BASIC, this function returns extended error information from MS-DOS.
  • This function is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • x is not in [0—3]: Illegal function call.


whole = FIX(number)

Returns number truncated towards zero.

  • number is a numeric expression.
  • FIX truncates towards zero: it removes the fractional part. By contrast, INT truncates towards negative infinity.
  • number is a string expression: Type mismatch.


result = FN[ ]name [(arg_0 [, arg_1] ...)]

Evaluates the user-defined function previously defined with DEF FN name. Spaces between FN and name are optional.

  • name is the name of a previously defined function.
  • arg_0, arg_1, ... are expressions, given as parameters to the function.
  • No function named name is defined: Undefined user function.
  • The number of parameters differs from the function definition: Syntax error.
  • The type of one or more parameters differs from the function definition: Type mismatch.
  • The return type is incompatible with the function name's sigil: Type mismatch.
  • The function being called is recursive or mutually recursive: Out of memory.


free_mem = FRE(x)

Returns the available BASIC memory.


x is an expression.

  • If x has a numeric value, it is ignored.
  • If x has a string value, garbage collection is performed before returning available memory.


hex_repr = HEX$(x)

Returns a string with the hexadecimal representation of x.

  • x is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535]. Values for negative x are shown as two's-complement.
  • x is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.


key = INKEY$

Returns one key-press from the keyboard buffer. If the keyboard buffer is empty, returns the empty string. Otherwise, the return value is a one- or two- character string holding the e-ASCII code of the pressed key.

  • This function takes no arguments.
  • When a function key F1F10 is pressed, INKEY$ will return the letters of the associated macro — unless this macro has been set to empty with the KEY statement, in which case it returns the e-ASCII code for the function key.


code = INP(port)

Returns the value of an emulated machine port.


port is a numeric expression in [0—65535].

port Effect
&h60 Returns the keyboard scancode for the current key pressed or the last key released. The scancodes returned by INP(&h60) are those listed in the keyboard scancodes table. If a key is currently down, the return value is its scancode. If no key is down, the return value is the scancode of the last key released, incremented by 128.
&h201 Returns the value of the game port (joystick port). This value is constructed as follows:
Bit Meaning
0 joystick 2 x-axis
1 joystick 1 y-axis
2 joystick 1 x-axis
3 joystick 2 y-axis
4 joystick 2 button 1
5 joystick 1 button 2
6 joystick 1 button 1
7 joystick 2 button 2
The button bits are 0 when the button is fired, 1 otherwise. The axis values are normally 0 but are set to 1 by OUT &h201, x and then fall back to 0 after a delay. The longer the delay, the higher the axis value.
other values Returns zero.
  • Only a limited number of machine ports are emulated in PC-BASIC.
  • port is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • port has a string value: Type mismatch.


chars = INPUT[ ]$ (num_chars [, [#] file_num])

Returns a string of num_chars characters from the keyboard or, if file_num is provided, from a text file.

  • num_chars is a numeric expression in [1—255].
  • file_num is a numeric expression that returns the number of a text file opened in INPUT mode. The # is optional and has no effect.
  • This is a blocking read. It will wait for characters if there are none in the buffer.
  • All control characters except Ctrl+Break, Ctrl+Scroll Lock and Pause are passed to the string by INPUT$. Ctrl+Break and Ctrl+Scroll Lock break execution whereas Pause halts until another key is pressed (and not read).
  • When reading from the keyboard directly or through KYBD:, arrow keys, Del, Home, End, Pg Up, Pg Dn are passed as NUL characters. Function keys are ignored if they are event-trapped, otherwise function-key macro replacement is active as normal.
  • num_chars is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num_chars is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_num is less than zero: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is greater than 32767: Overflow.
  • file_num is not open for INPUT: Bad file mode.
  • num_chars or file_num are strings: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is open to a COM port and this is the first INPUT, LINE INPUT or INPUT$ call on that port since the buffer has filled up completely (i.e. LOF(file_num) has become zero): Communication buffer overflow.


position = INSTR([start,] parent, child)

Returns the location of the first occurrence of the substring child in parent.

  • parent and child are string expressions.
  • start is a numeric expression in [1—255], specifying the starting position from where to look; if not specified, the search starts at character 1.
  • If child is not a substring of parent occurring at or before start, INSTR returns 0.
  • start has a string value or parent or child have numeric values: Type mismatch.
  • start is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • start is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.


whole = INT(number)

Returns number truncated towards negative infinity.

  • number is a numeric expression.
  • FIX truncates towards zero: it removes the fractional part. By contrast, INT truncates towards negative infinity.
  • number is a string expression, Type mismatch .


result = IOCTL[ ]$ ([#] file_num)

Raises Illegal function call.

  • In GW-BASIC, IOCTL$ reads the reply to IOCTL from a device.
  • This function is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • Otherwise: Illegal function call


child = LEFT$(parent, num_chars)

Returns the leftmost num_chars characters of parent.

  • parent is a string expression.
  • num_chars is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • If num_chars is zero or parent is empty, LEFT$ returns an empty string.
  • If num_chars is greater than the length of parent, returns parent.
  • parent has a numeric value or num_chars has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • num_chars is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num_chars is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


length = LEN(string)

Returns the number of characters in string.

  • string is a string expression.
  • string has a number value: Type mismatch.


location = LOC(file_num)

Returns the current location in the file opened under number file_num.

  • If the file is opened for INPUT, OUTPUT or APPEND, LOC returns the number of 128-byte blocks read or written since opening the file.
  • If the file is opened for RANDOM, LOC returns the record number last read or written.
  • If the file is opened to a COM device, LOC returns the number of characters in the input buffer, with a maximum of 255.
  • If the file is opened to KYBD:, LOC returns 0.
  • file_num is a numeric expression in the range [0—255].
  • file_num must not be preceded by a #.
  • In OUTPUT or APPEND mode, before any writes LOC returns 0. After the 128th character is written, LOC returns 1.
  • In INPUT mode, before any reads LOC returns 1. After the 129th character is read, LOC returns 2.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_num is open to a LPT device: Bad file mode.


length = LOF(file_num)

Returns the number of bytes in the file open under file_num.

  • file_num is a numeric expression in the range [0—255].
  • If file_num is open to a COM: device, LOF returns the number of bytes free in the input buffer.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_num is open to a LPT device: Bad file mode.


y = LOG(x)

Returns the natural logarithm of x.

  • x is a numeric expression greater than zero.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • LOG(x) can differ from GW-BASIC by 1 in the least significant digit.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is zero or negative: Illegal function call.


position = LPOS(printer_number)

Returns the column position for a printer.

  • printer_number is a numeric expression in [0—3]. If it is 0 or 1, the position for LPT1: is returned. If it is 2, LPT2:; 3, LPT3:.
  • In GW-BASIC, when entering direct mode, LPT1: (but not other printers) is flushed and its position is reset to 1. This is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • printer_number has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • printer_number is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • printer_number is not in [0—3]: Illegal function call.

MID$ (function)

substring = MID$(string, position [, length])

Returns a substring of string starting at position, counting from 1. The substring has length length if specified. If length is not specified, the substring extends to the end of the string.

  • string is a string expression.
  • position is a numeric expression between 1 and the string length, inclusive.
  • length is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • string has a number value or position or length have string values: Type mismatch.
  • position or length are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • position is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.
  • length is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


bytes = MKD$(double)

Returns the internal 8-byte Microsoft Binary Format representation of a double- precision number.

  • double has a string value: Type mismatch.


bytes = MKI$(int)

Returns the internal 2-byte little-endian representation of an integer.

  • int has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • int is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.


bytes = MKS$(single)

Returns the internal 8-byte Microsoft Binary Format representation of a single- precision number.

  • single has a string value: Type mismatch.


octal = OCT$(x)

Returns a string with the octal representation of x.

  • x is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535]. Values for negative x are shown as two's-complement.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.


value = PEEK(address)

Returns the value of the memory at segment * 16 + address where segment is the current segment set with DEF SEG.

  • address is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535]. Negative values are interpreted as their two's complement.
  • The memory is only partly emulated in PC-BASIC. See Memory model for supported addresses. Outside emulated areas, PEEK returns 0.
  • Values for particular memory address can be preset on the command line using the peek option. This can be used for compatibility with old programs. These values will override video or data segment values, if they are in those locations.
  • address has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • address is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.

PEN (function)

x = PEN(mode)

Reads the light pen. What this function returns depends on mode:

mode Return value
0 Boolean; whether the light pen has been down since last poll.
1 x coordinate of last pen down position
2 y coordinate of last pen down position
3 Boolean; whether the pen is currently down
4 x coordinate of current pen position
5 y coordinate of current pen position
6 character row coordinate of last pen down position
7 character column coordinate of last pen down position
8 character row coordinate of current pen position
9 character column coordinate of current pen position
  • mode is a numeric expression in [0—9].
  • In PC-BASIC, for pen down read mouse button pressed. For pen position read mouse pointer position.
  • mode has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • mode is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • mode is not in [0—9]: Illegal function call.

PLAY (function)

length = PLAY(voice)

Returns the number of notes in the background music queue. The return value is in [0—16].

  • voice is a numeric expression in [0—255]. If syntax={pcjr|tandy}, indicates for which tone voice channel the number of notes is to be returned. If voice is not in [0—2], the queue for voice 0 is returned. For other choices of syntax, the voice value has no effect.
  • There are at most 16 notes in the music queue. Some GW-BASIC manuals claim there can be up to 32, but in reality PLAY only returns at the last 16 notes.
  • voice has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • voice is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • voice is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.


transformed_coord = PMAP(original_coord, fn)

Maps between viewport and logical (WINDOW) coordinates. If no VIEW has been set, the viewport coordinates are physical coordinates.

Depending on the value of fn, PMAP transforms from logical to viewport coordinates or vice versa:

fn Return value
0 return viewport x given logical x
1 return viewport y given logical y
2 return logical x given viewport x
3 return logical y given viewport y
  • fn is a numeric expression in [0—3].
  • Initially, in text mode, PMAP returns 0.
  • In GW-BASIC, PMAP behaves anomalously on SCREEN changes, where it sometimes returns results as if the last WINDOW setting had persisted. This behaviour is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • A physical coordinate is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • fn is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • fn is not in [0—3]: Illegal function call.

POINT (current coordinate)

coord = POINT(fn)

Returns a currently active coordinate of the graphics screen. This is usually the last position at which a pixel has been plotted, the second corner given in a LINE command, or the centre of the viewport if nothing has been plotted. fn is a numeric expression in [0—3].

The coordinate returned depends on the value of fn:

fn Return value
0 viewport x
1 viewport y
2 logical x
3 logical y
  • fn is a numeric expression in [0—3].
  • In text mode, returns the active coordinate of any previous graphics mode; if no graphics mode has been active, returns 0.
  • fn has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • fn is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • fn is not in [0—3]: Illegal function call.

POINT (pixel attribute)

attrib = POINT(x, y)

Returns the attribute of the pixel at logical coordinate x,y.

  • x, y are numeric expressions in [-32768—32767].
  • If x,y is outside the screen, returns -1.
  • Function is called in text mode: Illegal function call.
  • x or y has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x or y or the physical coordinates they translate into are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.


pos = POS(dummy)

Returns the current cursor column position, in the range [1—80].

  • dummy is a valid expression of any type; its value has no effect.


child = RIGHT$(parent, num_chars)

Returns the rightmost num_chars characters of parent. If num_chars is zero or parent is empty, RIGHT$ returns an empty string. If num_chars is greater than the length of parent, returns parent.

  • parent is a string expression.
  • num_chars is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • num_chars has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • num_chars is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num_chars is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


random = RND[(x)]

Returns a pseudorandom number in the interval [0—1).


x is a numeric expression.

  • If x is zero, RND repeats the last pseudo-random number.
  • If x is greater than zero, a new pseudorandom number is returned.
  • If x is negative, x is converted to a single-precision floating-point value and the random number seed is set to the absolute value of its mantissa. The function then generates a new pseudorandom numer with this seed. Since the only the mantissa of x is used, any two values whose ratio is a power of 2 will produce the same seed. Note that this procedure for generating a new seed differs from that used by RANDOMIZE.
  • PC-BASIC's RND function generates pseudo-random numbers through a linear congruential generator with modulo 224, multiplier 214013 and increment 2531011. This exactly reproduces the random numbers of GW-BASIC's RND.
  • It should be noted, however, that this is a very poor random number generator: its parameters imply a recurrence period of 224, meaning that after less than 17 million calls RND will wrap around and start running through the exact same series of numbers all over again. RND should not be used for cryptography, scientific simulations or anything else remotely serious.
  • x has a string value: Type mismatch.

SCREEN (function)

value = SCREEN(row, column [, fn])

Returns the code point or colour attribute for the character at position row, col.

  • row is a numeric expression in the range [1—25].
  • col is a numeric expression between 1 and the screen width (40 or 80).
  • fn is a numeric expression in [0—255]. If it is zero or not specified, the code point of the character is returned. If it is non-zero, in text mode the attribute is returned; in other screens, 0 is returned.
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • fn is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • fn is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • row is not inside the current VIEW PRINT area: Illegal function call.
  • KEY ON and row=25: Illegal function call.
  • col is not in [1, width]: Illegal function call.


sign = SGN(number)

Returns the sign of number: 1 for positive, 0 for zero and -1 for negative.

  • number is a numeric expression.
  • number has a string value: Type mismatch.


sine = SIN(angle)

Returns the sine of angle.

  • angle is a numeric expression giving the angle in radians.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • The sine returned usually differs from the value returned by GW-BASIC in the least significant figure.
  • angle has a string value: Type mismatch.


spaces = SPACE$(number)

Returns a string of number spaces.

  • number is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • number has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • number is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


root = SQR(number)

Returns the square root of number.

  • number is a numeric expression.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • number has a string value: Type mismatch


pos = STICK(axis)

Returns a coordinate of a joystick axis. All coordinates returned are in the range [1—254] with 128 indicating the neutral position.

axis Return value
0 1st joystick x coordinate
1 1st joystick y coordinate
2 2nd joystick x coordinate
3 2nd joystick y coordinate
  • axis is a numeric expression in [0—3] and indicates which axis to read.
  • axis has a string value: Type mismatch
  • axis is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • axis is not in [0—3]: Illegal function call.


repr = STR$(number)

Returns the string representation of number.

  • number is a numeric expression.
  • number has a string value: Type mismatch.

STRIG (function)

result = STRIG(mode)

Returns the status of the joystick trigger buttons. STRIG returns the following results, all Boolean values:

mode Return value
0 1st joystick, 1st trigger has been pressed since last poll.
1 1st joystick, 1st trigger is currently pressed.
2 2nd joystick, 1st trigger has been pressed since last poll.
3 2nd joystick, 1st trigger is currently pressed.
4 1st joystick, 2nd trigger has been pressed since last poll.
5 1st joystick, 2nd trigger is currently pressed.
6 2nd joystick, 2nd trigger has been pressed since last poll.
7 2nd joystick, 2nd trigger is currently pressed.
  • mode is a numeric expression in [0—7].
  • The STRIG function returns correct results regardless of the STRIG ON status or whether STRIG(0) has been called first.
  • mode has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • mode is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • mode is not in [0—7]: Illegal function call.


string = STRING$(length, char)

Returns a string of length times character char.

  • If char is a numeric expression, it must be in [0—255] and is interpreted as the code point of the character.
  • If char is a string expression, its first character is used.
  • length has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • char is the empty string: Illegal function call.
  • char or length is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • char or length is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


tangent = TAN(angle)

Returns the tangent of angle.

  • angle is a numeric expression giving the angle in radians.
  • Unless PC-BASIC is run with the double option, this function returns a single-precision value.
  • The tangent returned usually differs from the value returned by GW-BASIC in the least significant figure.
  • For angle close to multiples of π/2, the tangent is divergent or close to zero. The values returned will have very low precision in these cases.
  • angle has a string value: Type mismatch.

TIME$ (function)

time = TIME$

Returns the current BASIC time in the form "HH:mm:ss".

  • This function takes no arguments.

TIMER (function)

seconds = TIMER

Returns the number of seconds since midnight on the internal BASIC clock.

  • TIMER updates in ticks of 1/20 second.
  • The least-significant two bytes of TIMER are often used as a seed for the pseudorandom number generator through RANDOMIZE TIMER. Since these bytes only take values from a limited set, that's not in fact a particularly good random seed. However, the pseudorandom number generator included with GW-BASIC and PC-BASIC is so weak that it should not be used for anything serious anyway.
  • This function takes no arguments.


value = USR[n](expr)

Returns zero.

  • n is a digit [09].
  • expr is an expression.
  • In GW-BASIC, calls a machine-code function and returns its return value.
  • This function is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • n is not a digit [09]: Syntax error.


value = VAL(string)

Returns the numeric value of the string expression string. Parsing stops as soon as the first character is encountered that cannot be part of a number. If no characters are parsed, VAL returns zero. See the section on numeric literals for the recognised number formats.

  • Spaces before or even inside a number are ignored: VAL(" 1 0") returns 10.
  • If string contains one of the ASCII separator characters CHR$(28) (file separator), CHR$(29) (group separator) or CHR$(31) (unit separator), VAL returns zero. This is not the case with CHR$(30) (record separator). This behaviour conforms to GW-BASIC.
  • string has a number value: Type mismatch.


pointer = VARPTR({name|#file_num})

Returns the memory address of variable name or of the File Control Block of file number file_num.

  • name is a previously defined variable or fully indexed array element.
  • file_num is a legal file number.
  • VARPTR can be used with PEEK to read a variable's internal representation.
  • name has not been previously defined: Illegal function call.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [1, max_files], where max_files is the maximum number of files as set by the max-files option: Bad file number.


pointer = VARPTR$(name)

Returns the memory address of variable name in the form of a 3-byte string. The first byte is the length of the record the pointer points to:

for integers
for strings (length + pointer to string space)
for single-precision floats
for double-precision floats

The last two bytes are the pointer address (as returned by VARPTR) in little-endian order.

  • name has not been previously defined: Illegal function call.


A program line is composed of a line number and one or more statements. If multiple statements are put on one line, they must be separated by colons :. Statements may be empty. Each statement has its own idiosyncratic syntax.

Many reference works on GW-BASIC distinguish commands and statements; this distinction stems from the original Dartmouth design of the BASIC language, in which commands were not part of the language and could not be used in programs, but were rather used to control the interpreter itself. However, in GW-BASIC this distinction is less useful and therefore this reference includes what is traditionally thought of as commands in the category of statements.


AUTO [line_number|.] [, [increment]]

Start automatic line numbering. Line numbers are automatically generated when Enter is pressed. If a program line exists at a generated line number, a * is shown after the line number. To avoid overwriting this line, leave it empty and press Enter. To stop automatic line numbering, press Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C. The line being edited at that point is not saved. BASIC will return to command mode, even if AUTO was run from a program line.

  • Line numbering starts at line_number, if specified. If . is specified, line numbering starts at the last program line that was stored. Otherwise, line numbering starts at 10.
  • Each next line number is incremented by increment, if specified. If a comma is used without specifying an increment, the last increment specified in an AUTO command is used. If not, increment defaults to 10.
  • line_number is not an unsigned-integer value in [0—65529]: Syntax error.
  • When automatic line numbering is enabled and Enter is pressed on an empty line with number larger than 65519: Undefined line number.
  • increment is 0: Illegal function call.



Beep the speaker at 800Hz for 0.25s.

  • If a Syntax error is raised, the beep is still produced.

BEEP (switch)


This statement has no effect.

  • Only legal with the syntax={pcjr|tandy} option.
  • On PCjr and Tandy computers, BEEP OFF would turn off the internal speaker. On PC-BASIC, both the internal and the external speaker are emulated through the same sound system.


BLOAD file_spec [, offset]

Loads a memory image file into memory.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to read the memory image from.
  • offset is a numeric expression in the range [-32768—65535]. It indicates an offset in the current DEF SEG segment where the file is to be stored. If not specified, the offset stored in the BSAVE file will be used. If negative, its two's complement will be used.
  • The loaded file is not in BSAVE format: Bad file mode.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • file_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • offset is not in the range [-32768—65535]: Overflow.


BSAVE file_spec, offset, length

Saves a region of memory to an image file.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to write to.
  • offset is a numeric expression in the range [-32768—65535] indicating the offset into the current DEF SEG segment from where to start reading.
  • length is a numeric expression in the range [-32768—65535] indicating the number of bytes to read.
  • If offset or length are negative, their two's complement will be used.
  • file_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • offset is not in the range [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • length is not in the range [-32768—65535]: Overflow.


CALL address_var [( p0 [, p1] ... )]

Does nothing.

  • In GW-BASIC, CALL executes a machine language subroutine.
  • This statement is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • address_var is a numeric variable.
  • p0, p1, ... are variables.
  • address_var is a string variable: Type mismatch.
  • address_var is a literal: Syntax error.


CALLS address_var [( p0 [, p1] ... )]

Does nothing.

  • In GW-BASIC, CALLS executes a FORTRAN subroutine.
  • This statement is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • address_var is a numeric variable.
  • p0, p1, ... are variables.
  • address_var is a string variable: Type mismatch.
  • address_var is a literal: Syntax error.


CHAIN [MERGE] file_spec [, [line_number_expr] [, ALL] [, DELETE range [, ign]]]

Loads a program from file into memory and runs it, optionally transferring variables.

  • If ALL is specified, all variables are transferred. If not, the variables specified in a COMMON statement are transferred.
  • If MERGE is specified, the loaded program is merged into the existing program. To be able to use this, the program file indicated by file_spec must be in plain text format.
  • If DELETE is specified, the range of line numbers is deleted from the existing code before the merge. This is pointless without MERGE.
  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to read the program from.
  • line_number_expr is a numeric expression. It will be interpreted as a line number in the new program and execution will start from this line number. If line_number_expr is negative, it will be interpreted as its two's-complement.
  • range is a line number range of which the closing line number is specified and exists before the merge.
  • ign is optional and ignored.
  • CHAIN preserves the OPTION BASE setting.
  • COMMON variables remain COMMON for the next CHAIN.
  • Only if ALL is specified, DEF FN definitions are preserved.
  • Only if MERGE is specified, DEFINT, DEFSTR, DEFSNG, DEFDBL definitions are preserved.
  • If specified, ALL must precede DELETE; if unspecified, no comma must be put in its place and only two commas should precede DELETE.
  • file_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • The file specified in file_spec cannot be found: File not found.
  • MERGE is specified and the loaded program was not saved in plain-text mode: Bad file mode.
  • A line number in range is greater than 65529: Syntax error.
  • If a Syntax error is raised by CHAIN, no lines are deleted and the new program is not loaded.
  • The closing line number in range does not exist: Illegal function call
  • If line_number_expr does not evaluate to an existing line number in the new program, Illegal function call is raised but the load or merge is being performed.
  • A loaded text file contains lines without line numbers: Direct statement in file.
  • A loaded text file contains lines longer than 255 characters: Line buffer overflow. Attempting to load a text file that has LF rather than CR LF line endings may cause this error.


CHDIR dir_spec

Change the current directory on a disk device to dir_spec. Each disk device has its own current directory.

  • The string expression dir_spec is a valid file specification indicating an existing directory on a disk device.
  • No matching path is found: Path not found.
  • dir_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • dir_spec is empty: Bad file name.


CIRCLE [STEP] (x, y), radius [, [colour] [, [start] [, [end] [, aspect]]]

Draw an ellipse or ellipse sector.

  • The midpoint of the ellipse is at (x,y). If STEP is specified, the midpoint is (x,y) away from the current position.
  • radius is the radius, in pixels, along the long axis.
  • colour is the colour attribute.
  • If start and end are specified, a sector of the ellipse is drawn from start radians to end radians, with zero radians the intersection with the right-hand x axis. If a negative value is specified, the arc sector is connected by a line to the midpoint.
  • aspect specifies the ratio between the y radius and the x radius. If it is not specified, the standard value for the SCREEN mode is used (see there), so as to make the ellipse appear like a circle on the original hardware.
  • For aspect <> 1, the midpoint algorithm used does not pixel-perfectly reproduce GW-BASIC's ellipses.
  • The statement is executed in text mode: Illegal function call.
  • start or end is not in [0—2π]: Illegal function call.
  • The statement ends with a comma: Missing operand.


CLEAR [expr] [, [mem_limit] [, [stack_size] [, video_memory]]]

Clears all variables, arrays,DEF FN user functions, DEFtype type definitions, and COMMON declarations. Closes all files. Turns off all sound. Resets PLAY state and sets music to foreground. Clears all ON ERROR traps. Resets ERR and ERL to zero. Disables all events. Turns PEN and STRIG off. Resets the random number generator. Clears the loop stack. Resets the DRAW state and the current graphics position.

  • mem_limit specifies the upper limit of usable memory. Default is previous memory size. Default memory size is 65534.
  • stack_size specifies the amount of memory available to the BASIC stack. Default is previous stack size. Default stack size is 512.
  • video_memory specifies the amount of memory available to the video adapter. This parameter is only legal with one of the options syntax={pcjr, tandy}. Instead of using CLEAR, the option video-memory can also be used to set video memory size.
  • The purpose of expr is unknown.
  • If called inside a FORNEXT or WHILEWEND loop, an error will be raised at the NEXT or WEND statement, since the loop stacks have been cleared.
  • Any of the arguments has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • mem_limit, stack_size are not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • mem_limit or stack_size equal 0: Illegal function call.
  • mem_limit equals -1 or 65535: Out of memory.
  • mem_limit or expr are too low: Out of memory.
  • expr is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • expr is negative: Illegal function call.


CLOSE [[#] file_0 [, [#] file_1] ...]

Closes files. If no file numbers are specified, all open files are closed. The hash (#) is optional and has no effect.

  • file_1, file_2, ... are numeric expressions yielding file numbers.
  • No error is raised if the specified file numbers were not open.
  • file_1, file_2, ... are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_1, file_2, ... are not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_1, file_2, ... have a string value: Type mismatch.
  • The statement ends in a comma, Missing operand.
  • If an error occurs, only the files before the erratic value are closed.


CLS [x][,]

Clears the screen or part of it. If x is not specified, in SCREEN 0 the text view region is cleared; in other screens, the graphics view region is cleared. The comma is optional and has no effect.


x is a numeric valued expression that determines what is cleared:

  • If x = 0, the whole screen is cleared.
  • If x = 1, the graphics view region is cleared.
  • If x = 2, the text view region is cleared.
  • x is has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow .
  • x is not in [0, 1, 2]: Illegal function call.
  • No comma is specified but more text follows: Illegal function call.
  • A comma is specified followed by more: Syntax error.
  • If an error occurs, the screen is not cleared.

COLOR (text mode)

COLOR [foreground] [, [background] [, border]]

Changes the current foreground and background attributes. All new characters printed will take the newly set attributes. Existing characters on the screen are not affected.

  • foreground is a numeric expression in [0—31]. This specifies the new foreground attribute. Attributes 16—31 are blinking versions of attributes 0—15.
  • background is a numeric expression in [0—15]. This specifies the new background attribute. It is taken MOD 8: Values 8—15 produce the same colour as 0—7.
  • border is a numeric expression in [0—15] specifying the border attribute.
Textmode attributes (colour)
Background attribute
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FG 0 00 XX 10 XX 20 XX 30 XX 40 XX 50 XX 60 XX 70 XX
1 01 XX 11 XX 21 XX 31 XX 41 XX 51 XX 61 XX 71 XX
2 02 XX 12 XX 22 XX 32 XX 42 XX 52 XX 62 XX 72 XX
3 03 XX 13 XX 23 XX 33 XX 43 XX 53 XX 63 XX 73 XX
4 04 XX 14 XX 24 XX 34 XX 44 XX 54 XX 64 XX 74 XX
5 05 XX 15 XX 25 XX 35 XX 45 XX 55 XX 65 XX 75 XX
6 06 XX 16 XX 26 XX 36 XX 46 XX 56 XX 66 XX 76 XX
7 07 XX 17 XX 27 XX 37 XX 47 XX 57 XX 67 XX 77 XX
8 08 XX 18 XX 28 XX 38 XX 48 XX 58 XX 68 XX 78 XX
9 09 XX 19 XX 29 XX 39 XX 49 XX 59 XX 69 XX 79 XX
10 0a XX 1a XX 2a XX 3a XX 4a XX 5a XX 6a XX 7a XX
11 0b XX 1b XX 2b XX 3b XX 4b XX 5b XX 6b XX 7b XX
12 0c XX 1c XX 2c XX 3c XX 4c XX 5c XX 6c XX 7c XX
13 0d XX 1d XX 2d XX 3d XX 4d XX 5d XX 6d XX 7d XX
14 0e XX 1e XX 2e XX 3e XX 4e XX 5e XX 6e XX 7e XX
15 0f XX 1f XX 2f XX 3f XX 4f XX 5f XX 6f XX 7f XX
16 80 XX 90 XX a0 XX b0 XX c0 XX d0 XX e0 XX f0 XX
17 81 XX 91 XX a1 XX b1 XX c1 XX d1 XX e1 XX f1 XX
18 82 XX 92 XX a2 XX b2 XX c2 XX d2 XX e2 XX f2 XX
19 83 XX 93 XX a3 XX b3 XX c3 XX d3 XX e3 XX f3 XX
20 84 XX 94 XX a4 XX b4 XX c4 XX d4 XX e4 XX f4 XX
21 85 XX 95 XX a5 XX b5 XX c5 XX d5 XX e5 XX f5 XX
22 86 XX 96 XX a6 XX b6 XX c6 XX d6 XX e6 XX f6 XX
23 87 XX 97 XX a7 XX b7 XX c7 XX d7 XX e7 XX f7 XX
24 88 XX 98 XX a8 XX b8 XX c8 XX d8 XX e8 XX f8 XX
25 89 XX 99 XX a9 XX b9 XX c9 XX d9 XX e9 XX f9 XX
26 8a XX 9a XX aa XX ba XX ca XX da XX ea XX fa XX
27 8b XX 9b XX ab XX bb XX cb XX db XX eb XX fb XX
28 8c XX 9c XX ac XX bc XX cc XX dc XX ec XX fc XX
29 8d XX 9d XX ad XX bd XX cd XX dd XX ed XX fd XX
30 8e XX 9e XX ae XX be XX ce XX de XX ee XX fe XX
31 8f XX 9f XX af XX bf XX cf XX df XX ef XX ff XX
Textmode attributes (monochrome)
Background attribute
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FG 0 00 XX 10 XX 20 XX 30 XX 40 XX 50 XX 60 XX 70 XX
1 01 XX 11 XX 21 XX 31 XX 41 XX 51 XX 61 XX 71 XX
2 02 XX 12 XX 22 XX 32 XX 42 XX 52 XX 62 XX 72 XX
3 03 XX 13 XX 23 XX 33 XX 43 XX 53 XX 63 XX 73 XX
4 04 XX 14 XX 24 XX 34 XX 44 XX 54 XX 64 XX 74 XX
5 05 XX 15 XX 25 XX 35 XX 45 XX 55 XX 65 XX 75 XX
6 06 XX 16 XX 26 XX 36 XX 46 XX 56 XX 66 XX 76 XX
7 07 XX 17 XX 27 XX 37 XX 47 XX 57 XX 67 XX 77 XX
8 08 XX 18 XX 28 XX 38 XX 48 XX 58 XX 68 XX 78 XX
9 09 XX 19 XX 29 XX 39 XX 49 XX 59 XX 69 XX 79 XX
10 0a XX 1a XX 2a XX 3a XX 4a XX 5a XX 6a XX 7a XX
11 0b XX 1b XX 2b XX 3b XX 4b XX 5b XX 6b XX 7b XX
12 0c XX 1c XX 2c XX 3c XX 4c XX 5c XX 6c XX 7c XX
13 0d XX 1d XX 2d XX 3d XX 4d XX 5d XX 6d XX 7d XX
14 0e XX 1e XX 2e XX 3e XX 4e XX 5e XX 6e XX 7e XX
15 0f XX 1f XX 2f XX 3f XX 4f XX 5f XX 6f XX 7f XX
16 80 XX 90 XX a0 XX b0 XX c0 XX d0 XX e0 XX f0 XX
17 81 XX 91 XX a1 XX b1 XX c1 XX d1 XX e1 XX f1 XX
18 82 XX 92 XX a2 XX b2 XX c2 XX d2 XX e2 XX f2 XX
19 83 XX 93 XX a3 XX b3 XX c3 XX d3 XX e3 XX f3 XX
20 84 XX 94 XX a4 XX b4 XX c4 XX d4 XX e4 XX f4 XX
21 85 XX 95 XX a5 XX b5 XX c5 XX d5 XX e5 XX f5 XX
22 86 XX 96 XX a6 XX b6 XX c6 XX d6 XX e6 XX f6 XX
23 87 XX 97 XX a7 XX b7 XX c7 XX d7 XX e7 XX f7 XX
24 88 XX 98 XX a8 XX b8 XX c8 XX d8 XX e8 XX f8 XX
25 89 XX 99 XX a9 XX b9 XX c9 XX d9 XX e9 XX f9 XX
26 8a XX 9a XX aa XX ba XX ca XX da XX ea XX fa XX
27 8b XX 9b XX ab XX bb XX cb XX db XX eb XX fb XX
28 8c XX 9c XX ac XX bc XX cc XX dc XX ec XX fc XX
29 8d XX 9d XX ad XX bd XX cd XX dd XX ed XX fd XX
30 8e XX 9e XX ae XX be XX ce XX de XX ee XX fe XX
31 8f XX 9f XX af XX bf XX cf XX df XX ef XX ff XX
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any of the parameters is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • foreground is not in [0—31], background is not in [0—15] or border is not in [0—15]: Illegal function call.
  • Statement is used in SCREEN 2: Illegal function call.


COLOR [palette_0] [, palette [, override]]

Assigns new colours to the palette of attributes.

  • palette_0 is a numeric expression in [0—255]. This sets the palette colour associated with attribute 0; by default, the background has this attribute. All pixels with this attribute will change colour. The palette colour value is taken from the 64-colour set. palette_0 is taken MOD 64.
  • palette is a numeric expression in [0—255] that specifies the palette:
    • palette odd sets the standard CGA palette (cyan, magenta, grey).
    • palette even sets the alternative palette (green, red, brown).
    All pixels with attributes 1,2,3 will change colour to the new palette.
  • override is a numeric expression in [0—255]. If override is specified, palette is set as above but using override instead of palette. palette is then ignored.
CGA palettes
Attribute Palette 0 Palette 1 Alternate palette
ColourLoHi ColourLoHi ColourLoHi
0 Black Black Black
1 Green Cyan Cyan
2 Red Magenta Red
3 Brown White White
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any of the parameters is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • Any of the parameters is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


COLOR [foreground] [, palette_0 [, dummy]]

Changes the current foreground attribute and the colour for attribute 0.

  • foreground is a numeric expression in [0—15] This sets the new foreground attribute. This applies only to new characters printed or pixels plotted.
  • palette_0 is a numeric expression in [0—15] This sets the colour associated with attribute 0; by default, the background has this attribute. All pixels with this attribute will change colour. In SCREEN 7 and 8, the palette_0 colour is taken from the first 8 of the 16-colour EGA set. palette_0 is taken MOD 8. IN SCREEN 9, the colour value is taken from the 64-colour set.
  • dummy is a numeric expression with a value in [0—255] The value of dummy is ignored.
EGA default palette
7Low-intensity white
9Light Blue
10Light Green
11Light Cyan
12Light Red
13Light Magenta
14Light Yellow
15High-intensity white
EGA colour list
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57
2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58
3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59
4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60
5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61
6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62
7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any of the parameters is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • foreground is not in [1—15]; background is not in [0—15]; or dummy is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


  • ON: enables ON COM(port) event trapping of the emulated serial port.
  • OFF: disables trapping.
  • STOP: halts trapping until COM(port) ON is used. Events that occur while trapping is halted will trigger immediately when trapping is re-enabled.
  • port is a numeric expression with a value of 1 or 2. This specifies which serial port (COM1: or COM2:) is trapped.


COMMON [var_0 [, [var_1]] ...]

Specifies variables to be passed as common variables to the program called with CHAIN. The statement may end with one or more commas.

  • var_0, var_1, ... are names of variables or arrays. Array names must be followed by parentheses or square brackets. Brackets may also be mixed: a(] b[).


CONT [anything]

Resumes execution of a program that has been halted by STOP, END, Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+Break.

  • Anything after the CONT keyword is ignored.
  • This statement can only be used in direct mode.
  • If a break is encountered in GOSUB routine called from a continuing direct line (e.g. GOSUB 100:PRINT A$), CONT will overwrite the running direct line. As the subroutine RETURNs to the position after the GOSUB in the old direct line, strange things may happen if commands are given after CONT. In GW-BASIC, this can lead to strange errors in non-existing program lines as the parser executes bytes that are not part of a program line. In PC-BASIC, if the new direct line is shorter, execution stops after RETURN; but if the direct line is extended beyond the old return position, the parser tries to resume at that return position, with strange effects.
  • No program is loaded, a program has not been run, after a program line has been modified or after CLEAR: Can't continue.
  • The break occurred in a direct line: Can't continue.
  • CONT is used in a program: Can't continue.


DATA [const_0] [, [const_1]] ...

Specifies data that can be read by a READ statement.

  • const_0, const_1, ... are string and number literals or may be empty. String literals can be given with or without quotation marks. If quotation marks are omitted, leading and trailing whitespace is ignored and commas or colons will terminate the data statement.
  • If the type of the literal does not match that of the corresponding READ statement, a Syntax error occurs on the DATA statement.

DATE$ (statement)

DATE$ = date

Sets the system date. date is a string expression that represents a date in one of the formats: "mm-dd-yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "mm-dd-yy", "mm/dd/yy".

Of these,

  • mm must be in [01—12].
  • dd must be in [01—31].
  • yyyy must be in [1980—2099].
  • yy must be in one of the ranges:
    • [00—77], interpreted as 2000—2077; or
    • [80—99], interpreted as 1980—1999.
  • The system date is not actually changed; rather, PC-BASIC remembers the offset from the true system date. This avoids requiring user permission to change the system time.
  • GW-BASIC appears to accept invalid dates such as "02-31-2000". PC-BASIC raises Illegal function call for these.
  • date has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • date is not in the format specified above: Illegal function call.


DEF FN[ ]name [(arg_0 [, arg_1] ...)] = expression

Defines a function called FNname (or FN name: spaces between FN and name are optional). On calling FNname( ... ), expression is evaluated with the supplied parameters substituted. Any variable names used in the function that are not in the argument list refer to the corresponding global variables. The result of the evaluation is the return value of FNname. The type of the return value must be compatible with the type indicated by name.

  • This statement may only be used on a program line.
  • As the function must be a single expression and PC-BASIC does not have a ternary operator, there is no way to define a recursive function that actually terminates.
  • name must be a legal variable name.
  • arg_0, arg_1, ... must be legal variable names. These are the parameters of the function. Variables of the same name may or may not exist in the program; their value is not affected or used by the defined function.
  • expression must be a legal PC-BASIC expression.
  • The statement is executed directly instead of in a program line: Illegal direct.
  • If the type of the return value is incompatible with the type of name, no error is raised at the DEF FN statement; however, a Type mismatch will be raised at the first call of FNname.


{DEFINT|DEFDBL|DEFSNG|DEFSTR} first_0[- last_0] [, first_1[- last_1]] ...

Sets the type that is assumed if no sigil is specified when a variable name is used. The statement sets the default type for variables starting with a letter from the ranges specified.

The default type is set to:

integer (%)
double (#)
single (!)
string ($)
  • first_0, last_0, ... are letters of the alphabet. Pairs of letters connected by a dash - indicate inclusive ranges.
  • DEFSNG A-Z is the default setting.


DEF SEG [= address]

Sets the memory segment to be used by BLOAD, BSAVE, CALL, PEEK, POKE, and USR.

  • address is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535].
  • If address is negative, it is interpreted as its two's complement.
  • If address is not specified, the segment is set to the GW-BASIC data segment.
  • address has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • address is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.


DEF USR[n] = address

Does nothing.

  • n is a digit between 0 and 9 inclusive.
  • address is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535].
  • In GW-BASIC, this statement sets the starting address of an assembly-language function.
  • This statement is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • If address is negative, it is interpreted as its two's complement.
  • n is not a digit in [0—9]: Syntax error.
  • address has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • address is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.


DELETE [line_number_0|.] [-[line_number_1|.] ]

Deletes a range of lines from the program. Also stops program execution and returns control to the user.

  • line_number_0 and line_number_1 are line numbers in the range [0—65529], specifying the inclusive range of line numbers to delete.
  • A . indicates the last line edited.
  • If the start point is omitted, the range will start at the start of the program.
  • If the end point is omitted, the range will end at the end of the program.
  • If no range is specified, the whole program will be deleted.
  • line_number_0 or line_number_1 is greater than 65529: Syntax error.
  • The range specified does not include any program lines stored: Illegal function call.


DIM name {(|[} limit_0 [, limit_1] ... {)|]}

Allocates memory for arrays. The DIM statement also fixes the number of indices of the array. An array can only be allocated once; to re-allocate an array, ERASE or CLEAR must be executed first. If an array is first used without a DIM statement, it is automatically allocated with its maximum indices set at 10 for each index position used. If an array's DIM statement specifies no indices, it is allocated with a single index with maximum 10. The least index allowed is determined by OPTION BASE.

  • name is a legal variable name specifying the array to be allocated.
  • limit_0, limit_1, ... are numeric expressions that specify the greatest index allowed at that position.
  • Mixed brackets are allowed.
  • The size of arrays is limited by the available BASIC memory.
  • The maximum number of indices is, theoretically, 255. In practice, it is limited by the 255-byte limit on the length of program lines.
  • name has already been dimensioned: Duplicate definition.
  • An index is empty: Syntax error.
  • An index is missing at the end: Missing operand.
  • limit_0, limit_1, ... have a string value: Type mismatch.
  • limit_0, limit_1, ... are not within [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • limit_0, limit_1, ... are negative: Illegal function call.
  • The array exceeds the size of available variable space: Out of memory.


DRAW gml_string

Draws the shape specified by gml_string, a string expression in Graphics Macro Language (GML).

Graphics Macro Language reference
Movement commands
[B][N] movement where the default is to move and draw; the optional prefixes mean:
B move but do not plot
N return to original point after move
and movement is one of:
U[n] up n steps
L[n] left n steps
D[n] down n steps
R[n] right n steps
E[n] up and right n steps
F[n] down and right n steps
G[n] down and left n steps
H[n] up and left n steps
M{+|-}x,[+|-]y move (x,y) steps
Mx,y move to view region coordinate (x,y)

where n is an integer in [-32768—32767] and x, y are integers in [0—9999]. Where optional, n defaults to 1.

Scale commands
Sn set the step size to n/4. The default step size is 1 pixel. n is an integer in [1—255]
TAn set the angle to n degrees. The default angle is 0 degrees. n is an integer in [-360—360]
An set the angle to 0 for n=0, 90 for n=1, 180 for n=2, 270 for n=3. n is an integer in [0—3]
Colour commands
Cn set the foreground attribute to n, where n is an integer in [-32768—32767] See COLOR.
Pn,b flood fill with attribute n and boundary attribute b, where n, b are integers in [0—9999] See PAINT.
Subroutine command
Xs execute a substring

s is one of the following:

  • a string variable name followed by semicolon (;)
  • the result of VARPTR$() on a string variable

Numeric variables n, x, y, b in the commands above can be:

  • an integer literal, e.g. DRAW "U100"
  • a numeric variable name or array element var preceded by = and followed by ;. For example, DRAW "U=VAR;" or DRAW "U=A(1);"
  • the result of VARPTR$(var) preceded by =. For example, DRAW "U=" + VARPTR$(VAR)
  • The CLS statement resets the step size to 1 pixel, angle to 0 degrees and position to the centre of the view region.
  • The value n in the TA, A and C command can be left out but only if the command is terminated by a semicolon. n defaults to 0.
  • In GW-BASIC, the numeric arguments of U, L, D, R, E, F, G, H, and C can be in the range [-99999—99999]; however, results for large numbers are unpredictable. This is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • gml_string has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • gml_string has errors in the GML: Illegal function call.
  • A variable referenced in the GML string is of incorrect type: Type mismatch.


EDIT {line_number|.}

Displays the specified program line with the cursor positioned for editing. line_number must be a line that exists in the program, or a period (.) to indicate the last line stored.

  • No line_number is specified: Undefined line number.
  • More characters are written after the line number: Illegal function call.
  • line_number is not in [0—65529]: Illegal function call.
  • The specified line number does not exist: Undefined line number.


ELSE [anything]

Unless part of an IF statement on the same line, anything after ELSE is ignored in the same way as after ' or :REM. No colon : preceding the ELSE statement is necessary. See IF for normal usage.



Closes all files, stops program execution and returns control to the user. No message is printed. It is possible to resume execution at the next statement using CONT.


ENVIRON command_string

Sets a shell environment variable.


command_string is a string expression of one of the following forms:

to unset VARIABLE.
  • command_string has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • command_string is not of the required form: Illegal function call.


ERASE array_0 [, array_1] ...

De-allocates arrays. The data stored in the arrays is lost.

  • array_0, array_1 ... are names of existing arrays. The names must be specified without brackets.
  • No array names are given: Syntax error.
  • array_0, array_1 ... do not exist: Illegal function call.
  • If an error occurs, the arrays named before the error occurred are erased.


ERROR error_number

Raises the error with number error_number.

  • error_number is an expression with a numeric value.
  • error_number has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • error_number is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • error_number is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.


FIELD [#] file_number [, width_0 AS name_0 [, width_1 AS name_1] ...]

Assigns variables to the random-access record buffer. The record buffer is a region of memory of length defined by the OPEN statement; the default record length is 128 bytes. The FIELD statement assigns a portion of this region to one or more fixed-length string variables, so that the value of these strings is whatever happens to be in the record buffer at that location.

  • A FIELD statement without any variables specified has no effect.
  • Another FIELD statement on the same file will specify an alternative mapping of the same file buffer; all mappings will be in effect simultaneously.
  • A subsequent assignment or LET or MID$ statement on name_0 , name_1 ... will dis- associate the string variable from the field buffer.
  • Use LSET, RSET or MID$ to copy values into a FIELD buffer.
  • Use GET to read values from the file into the field buffer, changing the variables.
  • Use PUT to write the field buffer to the file.
  • file_number is a numeric expression that yields the number of an open random-access file. The # is optional and has no effect.
  • width_0, width_1, ... are numeric expressions giving the length of the string variables
  • name_0 , name_1 ... are string variables.
  • file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_number is not the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_number is open under a mode other than RANDOM: Bad file mode.
  • The statement ends in a comma: Missing operand.
  • No file number is specified: Missing operand.
  • The lengths in a FIELD statement add up to a number larger than the record length of the field buffer: Field overflow.
  • name_0 , name_1 ... specify a non-string variable: Type mismatch.


FILES [filter_spec]

Displays the files fitting the specified filter in the specified directory on a disk device. If filter_spec is not specified, displays all files in the current working directory.

  • filter_spec is a string expression that is much like a file specification, but optionally allows the file name part to contain wildcards.
  • The filename filter may contain the following wildcards:
    ? Matches any legal file name character.
    * Matches any series of legal file name characters.
  • The filter will only match MS-DOS style filenames.
  • Matched character series do not stretch across directory separators \ or extension separators .. To match all files with all extensions, use *.*.
  • Alternatively, if all files in a specified directory are required, end the directory name with a backslash \.
  • filter_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • filter_spec is the empty string: Bad file name.
  • The specified filter does not match any files: File not found.


FOR loop_var = start TO stop [STEP step]

Initiates a FOR—NEXT loop.

Initially, loop_var is set to start. Then, the statements between the FOR statement and the NEXT statement are executed and loop_var is incremented by step (if step is not specified, by 1). This is repeated until loop_var has become greater than stop. Execution then continues at the statement following NEXT. The value of loop_var equals stop+step after the loop.

  • loop_var is a numeric variable.
  • start, stop and step are numeric expressions.
  • No NEXT statement is found to match the FOR statement: FOR without NEXT occurs at the FOR statement.
  • loop_var is a string variable or start, stop, or end has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • loop_var is an array element: Syntax error .
  • loop_var is an integer variable and a start, stop or step is outside the range [-32768, 32767]: Overflow .

GET (files)

GET [#] file_number [, record_number]

Read a record from the random-access file file_number at position record_number. The record can be accessed through the FIELD variables or through INPUT$, INPUT or LINE INPUT.

  • file_number is a numeric expression that yields the number of an open random-access file. The # is optional and has no effect.
  • record_number is a numeric expression in [1—33554432] (2^25), and is interpreted as the record number.
  • If the record number is beyond the end of the file, the file buffer is filled with null bytes.
  • The record number is stored as single-precision; this precision is not high enough to distinguish single records near the maximum value of 2^25.
  • record_number is not in [1—33554432]: Bad record number.
  • file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_number is not the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_number is open under a mode other than RANDOM: Bad file mode.
  • file_number is not specified: Missing operand.

GET (communications)

GET [#] com_file_number [, number_bytes]

Read number_bytes bytes from the communications buffer opened under file number com_file_number. The record can be accessed through the FIELD variables or through INPUT$, INPUT or LINE INPUT.

  • file_number is a numeric expression that yields the number of a file open to a COM device. The # is optional and has no effect.
  • number_bytes is a numeric expression between 1 and the COM buffer length, inclusive.
  • If bytes is 32768 or greater, GW-BASIC hangs. This functionality is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • In GW-BASIC, Device I/O error is raised for overrun error, framing error, and break interrupt. Device fault is raised if DSR is lost during I/O. Parity error is raised if parity is enabled and incorrect parity is encountered. This is according to the manual; it is untested.
  • bytes is less than 1: Bad record number
  • bytes is less than 32768 and greater than the COM buffer length: Illegal function call.
  • com_file_number is not specified: Missing operand.
  • com_file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • com_file_number is not the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • If the serial input buffer is full, i.e. LOF(com_file_number) = 0, and LOC(com_file_number) = 255: Communication buffer overflow
  • If the carrier drops during GET, hangs until the Ctrl+Break key is pressed.

GET (graphics)

GET (x0, y0) - [STEP] (x1, y1), array_name

Stores a rectangular area of the graphics screen in an array. The area stored is a rectangle parallel to the screen edges, bounded by the top-left and bottom-right coordinates x0,y0 and x1,y1. If STEP is specified, x1,y1 is an offset from x0,y0. The area is such that these corner points are inside it.

The image stored in the array can then be put on the screen using PUT. For the purposes of GET, any array is considered a string of bytes. The byte size of an array can be calculated as number_elements * byte_size with byte_size equal to 2 for integers (%), 4 for single (!) and 8 for double (#). Array byte size for string is 3, but string arrays are not allowed in GET. For calculating the number of elements, keep in mind that OPTION BASE 0 is the default; in which case an array with maximum index 10 has 11 elements. This works through in multidimensional arrays.

The array format is as follows:

Byte Contains
0, 1 Number of x pixels, unsigned int. In SCREEN 1, this value is doubled.
2, 3 Number of y pixels, unsigned int.
4— Pixel data. Data is arranged in 2-byte words. The first 16-bit word holds the bit 0 of the first 16 pixels on the top row. The second word holds the second bit, etc. Data is word-aligned at the end of each row. Thus, in a screen mode with 4 bits per pixel, the first row takes at least 8 bytes (4 words), even if it consists of only one pixel. The number of bits per pixel depends on the SCREEN mode.
  • array_name is the name of a numeric array dimensioned with enough space to store the area.
  • x0, y0, x1, y1 are numeric expressions.
  • In PCjr/Tandy mode, in SCREEN 6, GET stores an area of twice the width of the specified rectangle.
  • The array does not exist: Illegal function call.
  • array_name refers to a string array: Type mismatch.
  • The area is too large for the array: Illegal function call.
  • x0, ... y1 are string expressions: Type mismatch.
  • x0, ... y1 are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • x0, ... y1 are outside the current VIEW or WINDOW: Illegal function call


GO[ ]SUB line_number [anything]

Jumps to a subroutine at line_number. The next RETURN statement jumps back to the statement after GOSUB. Anything after line_number until the end of the statement is ignored. If executed from a direct line, GOSUB runs the subroutine and the following RETURN returns execution to the direct line.

  • line_number is an existing line number literal.
  • Further characters on the line are ignored until end of statement.
  • If no RETURN is encountered, no problem.
  • One optional space is allowed between GO and SUB; it will not be retained in the program.
  • If line_number does not exist: Undefined line number.
  • If line_number is greater than 65529, only the first 4 characters are read (e.g. 6553)


GO[ ]TO line_number [anything]

Jumps to line_number. Anything after line_number until the end of the statement is ignored. If executed from a direct line, GOTO starts execution of the program at the specified line.

  • line_number is an existing line number literal.
  • Further characters on the line are ignored until end of statement.
  • Any number of optional spaces is allowed between GO and TO, but they will not be retained in the program.
  • If line_number is greater than 65529, only the first 4 characters are read (e.g. GOTO 65530 is executed as GOTO 6553)
  • line_number does not exist: Undefined line number.


IF truth_value [,] {THEN|GOTO} [compound_statement_true|line_number_true [anything]] [ELSE [compound_statement_false|line_number_false [anything]]]

If truth_value is non-zero, executes compound_statement_true or jumps to line_number_true . If it is zero, executes compound_statement_false or jumps to line_number_false .

  • truth_value is a numeric expression.
  • line_number_false and line_number_true are existing line numbers.
  • compound_statement_false and compound_statement_true are compound statements, consisting of at least one statement, optionally followed by further statements separated by colons :. The compound statements may contain nested IF—THEN—ELSE statements.
  • The comma is optional and ignored.
  • ELSE clauses are optional; they are bound to the innermost free IF statement if nested. Additional ELSE clauses that have no matching IF are ignored.
  • All clauses must be on the same program line.
  • THEN and GOTO are interchangeable; which one is chosen is independent of whether a statement or a line number is given. GOTO PRINT 1 is fine.
  • As in GOTO, anything after the line number is ignored.
  • If truth_value has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • truth_value equals 0 and line_number_false is a non-existing line number, or truth_value is nonzero and line_number_true is a non-existing line number: Undefined line number.

INPUT (console)

INPUT [;] [prompt {;|,}] var_0 [, var_1] ...

Prints prompt to the screen and waits for the user to input values for the specified variables. The semicolon before the prompt, if present, stops a newline from being printed after the values have been entered. If the prompt is followed by a semicolon, it is printed with a trailing ?. If the prompt is followed by a comma, no question mark is added.

  • prompt is a string literal.
  • var_0, var_1, ... are variable names or fully indexed array elements.
  • Values entered must be separated by commas. Leading and trailing whitespace is discarded.
  • String values can be entered with or without double quotes (").
  • If a string with a comma, leading or trailing whitespace is needed, quotes are the only way to enter it.
  • Between a closing quote and the comma at the end of the entry, only white- space is allowed.
  • If quotes are needed in the string itself, the first character must be neither a quote nor whitespace. It is not possible to enter a string that starts with a quote through INPUT.
  • If a given var_n is a numeric variable, the value entered must be number literal.
  • Characters beyond the 255th character of the screen line are discarded.
  • If user input is interrupted by Ctrl+Break, CONT will re-execute the INPUT statement.
  • If the value entered for a numeric variable is not a valid numeric literal, or the number of values entered does not match the number of variables in the statement, ?Redo from start is printed and all values must be entered again.
  • A Syntax error that is caused after the prompt is printed is only raised after the value shave been entered. No values are stored.

INPUT (files)

INPUT # file_num, var_0 [, var_1] ...

Reads string or numeric variables from a text file or the FIELD buffer of a random access file.

  • file_num is the number of a file open in INPUT mode or a random-access file open in RANDOM mode.
  • var_0, var_1, ... are variable names or fully indexed array elements.
  • The # is mandatory. There may or may not be whitespace between INPUT and #.
  • String values can be entered with or without double quotes (").
  • Numeric values are terminated by  , LF, CR, ,.
  • Unquoted strings are terminated by LF, CR, ,.
  • Quoted strings are terminated by the closing quote.
  • Any entry is terminated by EOF character or its 255th character.
  • Leading and trailing whitespace is discarded.
  • If the entry cannot be converted to the requested type, a zero value is returned.
  • If file_num is open to KYBD:, INPUT# reads from the keyboard until a return or comma is encountered (as in a file). Arrow keys and delete are passed as their control characters (not scancodes!) preceded by CHR$(&hFF).
  • Input is requested after the end of a text file has been reached or an EOF character has been encountered: Input past end.
  • The last character of the field buffer is read: Field overflow.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is greater than 32767: Overflow.
  • file_num is less than zero: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_num is not open for INPUT or RANDOM: Bad file mode.
  • file_num is open to a COM port and this is the first INPUT, LINE INPUT or INPUT$ call on that port since the buffer has filled up completely (i.e. LOF(file_num) has become zero): Communication buffer overflow.


IOCTL [#] file_num, control_string

Raises Illegal function call.

  • In GW-BASIC, IOCTL sends a control string to a device.
  • This statement is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • Otherwise: Illegal function call

KEY (macro list)


Turns the list of function-key macros on the bottom of the screen ON or OFF. If LIST is specified, prints a list of the 10 (or 12 with syntax=tandy) function keys with the function-key macros defined for those keys to the console.

Most characters are represented by their symbol equivalent in the current codepage. However, some characters get a different representation, which is a symbolic representation of their effect as control characters on the screen.

Code point Replacement Usual glyph
&h07 &h0E
&h08 &hFE
&h09 &h1A
&h0A &h1B
&h0B &h7F
&h0C &h16
&h0D &h1B
&h1C &h10
&h1D &h11
&h1E &h18
&h1F &h19

KEY (macro definition)

KEY key_id, string_value

Defines the string macro for function key key_id. Only the first 15 characters of string_value are stored.

  • key_id is a numeric expression in the range [1—10] (or [1—12] when syntax=tandy).
  • string_value is a string expression.
  • If key_id is not in the prescribed range, the statement is interpreted as an event-trapping KEY statement.
  • If string_value is the empty string or the first character of string_value is CHR$(0), the function key macro is switched off and subsequent catching of the associated function key with INKEY$ is enabled.
  • key_id is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • key_id is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.
  • key_id has a string value: Type mismatch.

KEY (event switch)

KEY (key_id) {ON|OFF|STOP}

Controls event trapping of the key with identifier key_id. Event trapping is switched ON or OFF. STOP suspends event trapping until a KEY() ON is executed. Up to one event can be triggered during suspension, provided that event handling was switched on prior to suspension. The event triggered during suspension is handled immediately after the next KEY() ON statement.


key_id is a numeric expression in [1—20]. Keys are:

1 F1
2 F2
3 F3
4 F4
5 F5
6 F6
7 F7
8 F8
9 F9
10 F10

Keys 15 to 20 are defined using the event trapping KEY definition statement.

  • With syntax=tandy, key 11 is F11 and key 12 is F12. Pre-defined keys 11—14 shift to 13—16.
  • key_id is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • key_id is not in [0—20]: Illegal function call.
  • key_id has a string value: Type mismatch.

KEY (event definition)

KEY key_id, two_char_string

Defines the key to trap for key_id.

  • key_id is a numeric expression in [15—20] (or [17—20] when syntax=tandy).
  • two_char_string is a string expression of length 2. The first character is interpreted as a modifier while the second character is interpreted as a scancode. The modifier character is a bitwise OR combination of the following flags:
    CHR$(&h80) Extended
    CHR$(&h40) Caps Lock
    CHR$(&h20) Num Lock
    CHR$(&h08) Alt
    CHR$(&h04) Ctrl
    CHR$(&h02) Shift (either side)
    CHR$(&h01) Shift (either side)
    For the unmodified key, the modifier character is CHR$(0).
  • If key_id is not in the prescribed range, no error is raised; such values are ignored. In GW-BASIC strange things can happen in this case: screen anomalies and crashes suggestive of unintended memory access.
  • If key_id is in [1—10] (or [1—12] when syntax=tandy), the statement is interpreted as a function-key macro definition.
  • key_id is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • key_id is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.
  • key_id has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • two_char_string is longer than two: Illegal function call.
  • two_char_string has a numeric value: Type mismatch.


KILL file_spec

Deletes a file on a disk device.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to delete. It must point to an existing file on a disk device.
  • file_spec has a number value: Type mismatch.
  • The file file_spec is open: File already open
  • The file or path file_spec does not exist: File not found
  • The user has no write permission: Permission denied
  • If a syntax error occurs after the closing quote, the file is removed anyway.


LCOPY [num]

Does nothing.

  • num is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • This statement does nothing in GW-BASIC. Presumably, it is left over from a statement in older versions of MS Basic that would copy the screen to the printer.
  • num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • num has a string value: Type mismatch.


[LET] name = expression

Assigns the value of expression to the variable or array element name.

  • name is a variable that may or may not already exist.
  • The type of expression matches that of name: that is, all numeric types can be assigned to each other but strings can only be assigned to strings.
  • name and expression are not of matching types: Type mismatch.


LINE [[STEP] (x0, y0)] - [STEP] (x1, y1) [, [attr] [, [B [F]] [, pattern]]]

Draws a line or a box in graphics mode. If B is not specified, a line is drawn from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1), endpoints inclusive. If B is specified, a rectangle is drawn with sides parallel to the screen and two opposing corners specified by (x0, y0) and (x1, y1). If the starting point is not given, the current graphics position is used as a staring point. If STEP is specified, (x0, y0) is an offset from the current position and (x1, y1) is an offset from (x0, y0). LINE moves the current graphics position to the last given endpoint. If F is specified with B, the rectangle is filled with the specified attribute. F and B may be separated by zero or more spaces.

  • attr is a numeric expression in [0—255], which specifies the colour attribute of the line. If it is not given, the current attribute is used.
  • pattern is a numeric expression in [-32768—32767]. This is interpreted as a 16-bit binary pattern mask applied to consecutive pixels in the line: a 1 bit indicates a pixel plotted; a 0 bit indicates a pixel left untouched. The pattern starts at the most significant bit, which is applied to the topmost endpoint. If a box is drawn, the pattern is applied in the following counter-intuitive sequence: (x1, y1)—(x0, y1), (x1, y0)—(x0, y0), then (x1, y0)—(x1, y1), (x0, y0)—(x0, y1) if y0<y1 and y0, y1 reversed if y1<y0. When drawing a filled box, LINE ignores the pattern.
  • If a coordinate is outside the screen boundary, it is replaced with -1 (if less than 0) or the screen dimension (if larger than the screen dimension).
  • The statement ends in a comma and it is the first or third: Missing operand. If it is the second: Syntax error.
  • Any of the coordinates is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.

LINE INPUT (console)

LINE INPUT [;] [prompt_literal {;|,}] string_name

Displays the prompt given in prompt_literal and reads user input from the keyboard, storing it into the variable string_name. All input is read until Enter is pressed; the first 255 characters are stored. If the ; is given right after LINE INPUT, the Enter ending user input is not echoed to the screen.

  • prompt_literal is a string literal. It makes no difference whether it is followed by a comma or a semicolon.
  • string_name is a string variable or array element.
  • If user input is interrupted by Ctrl+Break, CONT will re-execute the LINE INPUT statement.
  • Unlike INPUT, LINE INPUT does not end the prompt with ?.

LINE INPUT (files)

LINE INPUT # file_num, string_name

Reads string or numeric variables from a text file or the FIELD buffer of a random access file. All input is read until Enter is pressed; the first 255 characters are stored. file_num must be the number of a file open in INPUT mode or a random-access file open in RANDOM mode.

  • string_name is a string variable or array element.
  • The # is mandatory. There may or may not be whitespace between INPUT and #.
  • Input is only terminated by a CR.
  • If file_num is open to KYBD:, LINE INPUT# reads from the keyboard until a return or comma is encountered (as in a file). Arrow keys and delete are passed as their control characters (not scancodes!) preceded by CHR$(&hFF).
  • Input is requested after the end of a text file has been reached or an EOF char has been encountered: Input past end.
  • The last character of the field buffer is read: Field overflow.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_num is less than zero: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not open for INPUT or RANDOM: Bad file mode.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is open to a COM port and this is the first INPUT, LINE INPUT or INPUT$ call on that port since the buffer has filled up completely (i.e. LOF(file_num) has become zero): Communication buffer overflow.


LIST [line_number_0|.] [-[line_number_1|.]] [, file_spec [anything]]

Prints the program to the screen or a file, starting with line_number_0 up to and including line_number_1. Also stops program execution and returns control to the user. If the LIST statement ends with a file specification, anything further is ignored. In all cases, any further statements in a compound after LIST will be ignored, both in a program and in direct mode.

When listing to the screen, the same control characters are recognised as in the PRINT statement.

  • In GW-BASIC 3.23, LIST will not show line numbers 6553165535 inclusive. By default, PC-BASIC's LIST does show these lines. However, showing them can be disabled with the option strict-hidden-lines.
  • line_number_0 and line_number_1 are line numbers in the range [0—65529] or a . to indicate the last line edited. The line numbers do not need to exist; they specify a range. If the range is empty, nothing is printed.
  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to list to. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten.
  • A line number is greater than 65529: Syntax error.
  • file_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec ends in a colon but is not a device name or drive letter: Bad file number.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).


LLIST [line_number_0|.] [-[line_number_1|.]]

Prints the program to the screen, starting with line_number_0 up to and including line_number_1. Also stops program execution and returns control to the user. Any further statements on a line after LLIST will be ignored, both in a program and in direct mode.

  • In GW-BASIC 3.23, LLIST will not show line numbers 6553165535 inclusive. By default, PC-BASIC's LLIST does show these lines. However, showing them can be disabled with the option strict-hidden-lines.
  • line_number_0 and line_number_1 are line numbers in the range [0—65529]. or a . to indicate the last line edited. The line numbers do not need to exist; they specify a range. If the range is empty, nothing is printed.
  • A line number is greater than 65529: Syntax error.


LOAD file_spec [, R]

Loads the program stored in a file into memory. Existing variables will be cleared and any program in memory will be erased. LOAD implies a CLEAR.

If ,R is specified, keeps all data files open and runs the specified file.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to read the program from.
  • Refer to
  • file_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • The file specified in file_spec cannot be found: File not found.
  • A loaded text file contains lines without line numbers: Direct statement in file.
  • A loaded text file contains lines longer than 255 characters: Line buffer overflow. Attempting to load a text file that has LF rather than CR LF line endings may cause this error.


LOCATE [row] [, [col] [, [cursor_visible] [, [start_line] [, [stop_line] [,]]]]]

Positions the cursor at row, col on the screen and changes the cursor shape and visibility. cursor_visible may be 0 or 1. If cursor_visible is 0, it makes the cursor invisible; if it is 1, makes the cursor visible. This works only while a program is running. The cursor shape is adjusted within a character cell to start from start_line and end on end_line where start_line and end_line are in [0—31]. If start_line or end_line is greater than the character cell height (15), substitute 15.

  • On emulated VGA cards, the cursor shape parameters are interpreted in a complicated way that is intended to maintain functional compatibility with CGA.
  • In GW-BASIC, cursor shape is preserved after pressing Ins twice. The insert-mode cursor is different from the usual half-block. In PC-BASIC, insert mode resets the cursor shape to default.
  • Cursor shape and visibility options have no effect in graphics mode.
  • Locate accepts a 5th comma at the end, which is ignored.
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any parameter is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • row is outside the current view area: Illegal function call.
  • col is greater than the current width: Illegal function call.
  • cursor_visible is not in [0, 1] ([0—255] on Tandy/PCjr): Illegal function call.


LOCK [#] file_number [, record_0] LOCK [#] file_number, [record_0] TO record_1

Locks a file or part of a file against access by other users. On a RANDOM file, record_0 is the first record locked and record_1 is the last record locked. On any other kind of file record_0 and record_1 have no effect. If record_0 is not specified, it is assumed to be 1. If no records are specified, the whole file is locked.

  • file_number is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • record_0 and record_1 are numeric expressions in [1—2^25-2].
  • In GW-BASIC under MS-DOS, the LOCK command requires SHARE.EXE to be loaded. The maximum number of locks is specified in the MS-DOS SHARE command. If SHARE has not been activated or all locks are used, LOCK raises Permission denied. PC-BASIC behaves as if SHARE has been activated with unlimited locks.
  • If file_number is open for RANDOM, LOCK and UNLOCK statements must match in terms of record_0 and record_1. An non-matching UNLOCK will raise Permission denied.
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • LOCK (part of) a file already locked: Permission denied.
  • record_0 or record_1 is not in [1—2^25-2]: Bad record number.




LSET string_name = expression

Copies a string value into an existing string variable or array element. The value will be left-justified and any remaining characters are replaced by spaces.

  • string_name is a string variable or array element.
  • expression is a string expression.
  • If expression has a value that is longer than the length of the target variable, it is truncated at the tail to the length of the target variable.
  • If string_name has not been allocated before, this statement has no effect.
  • Use LSET, RSET or MID$ to copy values into a FIELD buffer.
  • If LET is used on a FIELD variable instead of L|RSET, the variable is detached from the field and a new, normal string variable is allocated.
  • string_name is not a string variable: Type mismatch.
  • expression does not have a string value: Type mismatch.


MERGE file_spec

Overlays the lines of a program from a plain-text program file into the existing program. The loaded lines overwrite existing lines if they have the same line number.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to read the program from.
  • file_spec cannot be found: File not found.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • file_spec was not saved as plain text: Bad file mode.
  • A loaded text file contains lines without line numbers: Direct statement in file.
  • A loaded text file contains lines longer than 255 characters: Line buffer overflow. Attempting to load a text file that has LF rather than CR LF line endings may cause this error.

MID$ (statement)

MID$(string_name, position [, length]) = substring

Replaces part of string_name with substring.

  • string_name is a valid string variable name.
  • position is a numeric expression between 1 and the string length, inclusive.
  • length is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • No whitespace is allowed between MID$ and (.
  • If substring is longer than length, only the first length characters are used.
  • If substring is shorter than length, only LEN(substring) characters are replaced.
  • position is greater than the length of string_name: Illegal function call, except if length is specified as 0.
  • position is not in [1—255]: Illegal function call.
  • length is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • position or length are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.


MKDIR dir_spec

Creates a new directory on a disk device.

  • The string expression dir_spec is a valid file specification that specifies the path of the new directory on a disk device.
  • dir_spec is not a string: Type mismatch.
  • The parent directory does not exist: Path not found.
  • The directory name already exists on that path: Path/File access error.
  • The user has no write permission: Permission denied.


MOTOR [num]

Does nothing.

  • num is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • In GW-BASIC, this statement turns on the cassette motor if num is nonzero or omitted, and turns it off if num is zero. This is not implemented in PC-BASIC.
  • num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


NAME old_name AS new_name

Renames the disk file old_name into new_name.

  • The string expressions old_name and new_name are valid file specifications giving the path on a disk device to the old and new filenames, respectively.
  • old_name or new_name have number values: Type mismatch.
  • old_name does not exist: File not found.
  • old_name is open: File already open.
  • new_name exists: File already exists.



Stops execution of a program, deletes the program in memory, executes CLEAR and RESTORE and returns control to the user.


NEXT [var_0 [, var_1] ...]

Iterates a FOR—NEXT loop: increments the loop variable and jumps to the FOR statement. If no variables are specified, next matches the most recent FOR statement. Several nested NEXT statements can be consolidated into one by using the variable list. If one or more variables are specified, their order must match the order of earlier FOR statements.

  • var_0, var_1, ... are numeric variables which are loop counters in a FOR statement.
  • No FOR statement is found to match the NEXT statement and variables: NEXT without FOR.
  • var_0, var_1, ... are string variables: NEXT without FOR.
  • The (implicit or explicit) loop variable is an integer variable and is taken outside the range [-32768, 32767] when incremented after the final iteration: Overflow .


NOISE source, volume, duration

Generates various kinds of noise.

  • source is a numeric expression in [0—7]. It indicates the type of noise:
    source type top of frequency band (Hz)
    0 periodic 6991
    1 periodic 3495
    2 periodic 1747
    3 periodic last tone played on voice 2
    0 white noise 6991
    1 white noise 3495
    2 white noise 1747
    3 white noise last tone played on voice 2
  • volume is a numeric expression in [0—15].
  • duration is a numeric expression.

Volume and duration are determined in the same way as for the SOUND statement; see there.

  • This statement is only available if syntax={pcjr|tandy} is set.
  • SOUND ON has not been executed: Illegal function call.
  • duration is not in [-65535—65535]: Illegal function call.
  • volume is not in [0—15]: Illegal function call.
  • source is not in [0—7]: Illegal function call.

ON (calculated jump)

ON n {GOTO|GOSUB} line_number_0 [, line_number_1] ...

Jumps to the nth line number specified in the list. If n is 0 or greater than the number of line numbers in the list, no jump is performed. If GOTO is specified, the jump is unconditional; if GOSUB is specified, jumps to a subroutine.

  • n is a numeric expression in [0—255]. The expression must not start with the STRIG, PEN, PLAY or TIMER function keywords; if you need these functions, the expression must be bracketed.
  • line_number_0, line_number_1, ... are existing line numbers in the program.
  • n has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • n is not in [-32768—32767], Overflow .
  • n is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • The line number jumped to does not exist: Undefined line number.

ON (event trapping)

ON {COM(n)|KEY(n)|STRIG(n)|PEN|PLAY(n)|TIMER(x)} GOSUB line_number

Defines an event trapping subroutine. The type of event is given by one of the following keywords:

COM(n) The event is triggered if data is present in the input buffer of the COMn:. n is the port number in [1,2].
KEY(n) The event is triggered if key n is pressed. n is the key number [1—20] defined in the KEY statement.
STRIG(n) They event is triggered if fire button n is pressed. n in [0,2,4,6] refer to the two fire triggers on two joysticks.
PEN The event is triggered if the light pen is on the screen. (In PC-BASIC, the light pen is emulated by default by the right mouse button).
PLAY(n) The event is triggered if there are exactly n notes left on the music background queue. n is a numeric expression in [1—32].
TIMER(x) The event is triggered every x seconds after the TIMER ON statement. x is a numeric expression in [1—86400].
  • n or x has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • n is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • n or x is outside the specified range: Illegal function call.


ON ERROR GOTO {line_number|0}

Turns error trapping on or off. When line_number is set, any error causes the error handling routine starting at that line number to be called; no message is printed and program execution is not stopped. The error handling routine is ended by a RESUME statement. While in an error handling routine, events are paused and error trapping is disabled. After the RESUME statement, any triggered events are picked up in the following order: KEY, TIMER, PLAY - the order of the others is unknown. Unlike event trapping, error trapping remains active when no program is running. ON ERROR GOTO 0 turns off error trapping.

  • line_number is an existing line number in the program.
  • It is not possible to start the error handler at line number 0.
  • line_number does not exist: Undefined line number.


OPEN mode_char, [#] file_num, file_spec [, rec_len] OPEN file_spec [FOR {INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND|RANDOM}] [ACCESS {READ|WRITE|READ WRITE}] [SHARED|LOCK {READ|WRITE|READ WRITE}] AS [#] file_num [LEN = rec_len]

Opens a data file on a device.

  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification.
  • file_num is a numeric expression in [1—max_files], where max_files is the maximum file number (default 3).
  • rec_len is a numeric expression in [1—128]: the record length.
  • mode_char is a string expression of which the first character is one of ["I", "O", "A", "R"].
Access modes

The FOR modes or mode_char are as follows:

mode_char FOR Effect
"I" INPUT Opens a text file for reading and positions the file pointer at the start.
"O" OUTPUT Truncates a text file at the start and opens it for writing. Any data previously present in the file will be deleted.
"A" APPEND Opens a text file for writing at the end of any existing data.
"R" RANDOM Opens a file for random access; the file is divided in records of length rec_len. If LEN is not specified, the record length defaults to 128. The file contents can be accessed using GET and PUT of the FIELD buffer; the FIELD buffer can be accessed through FIELD variables or through PRINT# and INPUT# statements.

If no FOR mode or mode_char is specified, the file is opened for RANDOM.

If both FOR and ACCESS are specified, any ACCESS mode is allowed for RANDOM but for the other modes the access must match as follows:

FOR default ACCESS allowed ACCESS
Sharing and locks

If neither SHARED nor LOCK are specified. Inside this process, a file may be opened multiple times for INPUT or RANDOM but only once for OUTPUT or APPEND, as long as it is again opened in default mode. It may not be opened in SHARED or any LOCK modes.

If SHARED, LOCK READ, LOCK WRITE or LOCK READ WRITE is specified, whether two OPEN statements may access the same file depends on one's LOCK status and the other's ACCESS status and vice versa. For two OPEN statements as follows: OPEN "file" lock_1 AS 1
OPEN "file" ACCESS acc_2 AS 2
the following combinations are allowed:

Access allowed acc_2
lock_1 SHARED yes yes yes
LOCK READ no yes no
LOCK WRITE yes no no

In GW-BASIC under MS-DOS with SHARE.EXE active, these locks should be enforced across a network as well as inside a single BASIC process. Without SHARED and LOCK, the file is locked exclusively for use by the GW-BASIC process. By contrast, in PC-BASIC, the locks are only implemented internally. Whether other processes may access the file will depend on the host OS.

File specifications

A file specification file_spec is a non-empty string expression of the form "[device:]parameters", where device is a PC-BASIC device and the form of the parameters is specific to the type of device. If device is omitted, the current device (one of the disk devices or CAS1:) is used.

Disk devices A:Z: and @:

parameters must specify a valid file path of the form [\][dirname\] ... filename.

PC-BASIC follows DOS file system conventions. Directory names are separated with backslashes \ (even if the host OS separates paths with forward slashes). File and directory names consist of a 8-character name and 3-character extension. Names are case insensitive. Permissible characters for both filename and extension are the printable ASCII characters in the range &h20&h7E excluding the characters " * + . , / : ; < = > ? \ [ ] |. Spaces are allowed but leading and trailing spaces are ignored. The names AUX, CON, PRN and NUL are reserved as device aliases and are not legal names for files or directories on a disk device.

A path starting with a backslash is interpreted as an absolute path, starting at the root of the specified disk device. Otherwise, the path is interpreted as relative to the current directory on the specified device. The special directory name .. refers to the parent directory of a preceding path, or the parent directory of the current directory if no path is given. The special directory name . refers to the same directory as given by the preceding path, or the current directory if no preceding path is given.

The LOAD, SAVE, BLOAD, BSAVE, CHAIN, MERGE, RUN, and LIST statements (but not OPEN) implicitly add a default extension .BAS if no extension is specified. To refer to a file name without an extension, the file specification should end in a dot ..

Compatibility notes

Unlike PC-BASIC, some versions of MS-DOS allow certain characters in the range &h7F&hFF. However, their permissibility and interpretation depends on the console code page, which may be different from the display code page that affects GW-BASIC. Depending on its console code page, MS-DOS will replace accented letters by their unaccented uppercase variant. Some DOS implementations will remove spaces from filenames; notably, this is the case on DOSBox.

Since disk devices are mapped onto directories on the host system, DOS style names need to be mapped onto file names following the host system's (usually much less restrictive) standards. To allow access to files whose name on the host system does not conform to DOS standards, the following matching procedures are observed.

PC-BASIC will first look for a file with the name exactly as provided. This can be a long name and will be case sensitive if your file system is. If such a file is not found, it will truncate the name provided to 8.3 format and convert to all uppercase. If that exact name is not found, it will look for 8.3 names in mixed case which match the name provided in a case-insensitive way. Such files are searched in lexicographic order. Files names longer than 8.3 will not be matched, unless their name is entered exactly. On Windows, the name matched can be a short filename as well as a long filename provided it is of 8.3 length — it may, for example, contain spaces and thus not be a valid Windows short file name.
No attempt is made to find an exact match. Instead, the search will first match the all-caps 8.3 version of the name and continue in lexicographic order as above. If no extension is specified, the extension .BAS will be implicitly added. To load a program with no extension, end the filename in a dot. On file systems without short filenames, it is not possible to load a program if its filename is longer than 8.3, contains non-permissible characters or ends in a dot.

If no matching file is found for an output file name, a new file will be created with an all-caps 8.3 file name.

Cassette device CAS1:
parameters can be a file name of up to eight characters. Cassette file names are case sensitive, have no path or extension, may be empty and do not need to be unique. They may contain any character in the range &h20&hFF. On the cassette device, when called in direct mode, OPEN, CHAIN, MERGE, LOAD and BLOAD will print a message to the console for each file found while winding the tape. The message consists of the filename followed by a dot and the file type and concluded with a status message. The file type is one of the following:
Program file in text format
Program file in tokenised format
Data file
BSAVE memory image
Program file in protected format
If the file does not match the file specification and required file type, the status is Skipped; if the file matches, the status is Found. When called from a program, these statements do not print messages to the console. If the device was specified explicitly, parameters may also be empty. In this case the first file of the appropriate type is opened.
Console and parallel devices SCRN:, KYBD:, and LPTn:
These devices do not allow further device parameters.
Serial devices COMn:

When opening a COM port, the file_spec has the form "COMn:[speed[,parity[,data[,stop[,RS][,CS[n]][,DS[n]][,CD[n]][,LF][,PE]]]]]" The first four parameters after the device colon must be given in the order specified but the named parameters can be given in any order. The meaning of the parameters is:

Parameter Default Meaning
speed 300 Baud (bps) rate for the connection. speed is one of [75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600].
parity E Parity bit convention. parity is one of [S, M, O, E, N].
parity Meaning Effect
S SPACE Parity bit always set to 0.
M MARK Parity bit always set to 1.
O ODD Parity bit set so that character parity is odd.
E EVEN Parity bit set so that character parity is even.
N NONE No parity bit transmitted or received.
data 7 Data bits per byte. data must be one of [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. A byte consists of the data bits plus parity bit, if any. Byte size must be in the range [5—8]: if data is 4, parity must not be N; if data is 8, parity must be N.
stop 1 The number of stop bits. stop must be 1 or 2. Default is 2 if speed is 75 or 110; 1 otherwise.
RS no Suppress Request To Send.
CS[n] CS1000 Set Clear To Send timeout to n milliseconds. If n is 0 or not given, disable CTS check. Default is CS0 if RS is set; CS1000 otherwise.
DS[n] DS1000 Set Data Set Ready timeout to n milliseconds. If n is 0 or not given, disable DSR check.
CD[n] CD0 Set Carrier Detect timeout to n milliseconds. If n is 0 or not given, disable CD check.
LF no Send a line feed after each carriage return.
PE no Enable parity checking (This setting is ignored by PC-BASIC).
  • If a COM port is opened for RANDOM, access is byte-for-byte rather than through FIELD records; PRINT# and INPUT# access the port directly. rec_len sets the number of bytes read by the GET and PUT statements.
  • For INPUT, OUTPUT and APPEND modes, LEN may be specified but is ignored.
  • If I/O is attempted contravening the FOR mode specified, the PRINT or INPUT statement will raise Bad file mode.
  • If RANDOM I/O is attempted contravening the ACCESS mode specified, the PUT or GET statement will raise Path/File access error.
  • The # is optional and has no effect.
  • file_spec is empty or a non-existent device: Bad file number.
  • FOR APPEND ACCESS WRITE is specified: Path/File access error.
  • FOR and ACCESS mismatch in other ways: Syntax error.
  • The COM: file_spec parameters do not follow the specification: Bad file name.
  • The CAS1: file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number.
  • A file is already open for OUTPUT or APPEND: File already open. This is only raised for COMn:, CASn: and disk devices.
  • rec_len or file_num have string values: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec or mode_char have number values: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not in [1—max_files]: Bad file number.
  • rec_len is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • rec_len is not in [1—128]: Illegal function call.
  • mode_char is empty or the first character is not in ["I", "O", "A", "R"]: Bad file mode.



Sets the starting index of all arrays to n.

  • n is a literal digit 0 or 1. Expressions are not allowed.
  • If OPTION BASE has not been called, the first array allocation defaults to starting index 0.
  • n is not a digit 0 or 1: Syntax error.
  • OPTION BASE 1 is called but an array has already been allocated before: Duplicate definition.
  • OPTION BASE is called more than once with different starting index: Duplicate definition.


OUT port, value

Sends a byte to an emulated machine port.

The following machine ports are emulated in PC-BASIC:

port Effect
&h201 resets the game port (joystick port)
&h3C5 sets the write bitmask for SCREEN 7, 8, 9 colour planes. bitmask = 2 ^ value.
&h3CF sets the read colour plane to value.
&h3D8 if value = &h1A, enable composite colorburst.
if value = &h1E, disable composite colorburst.
Requires video={cga, tandy, pcjr}.
  • Only a limited number of machine ports are emulated.
  • In GW-BASIC under MS-DOS, the sequence needed to set the colour plane mask is: OUT &h3C4, 2
    OUT &h3C5, 2 ^ plane
    The sequence needed to set the colour plane is: OUT &h3CE, 4
    OUT &h3CF, plane
    The initial OUT statements currently have no effect in PC-BASIC.
  • port is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535].
  • value is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • port or value has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • port is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • value is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • value is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


PAINT [STEP] (x, y) [, attrib [, border [, background]]]

Flood-fills the screen with a colour or pattern, starting from the given seed point.

  • x, y are numeric expressions in the range [-32768—32767] If STEP is specified, x y are offsets from the current position. If the seed point is outside the visible screen area, no flood fill is performed.
  • attrib is an expression that specifies the fill attribute or pattern. If not specified, the current foreground attribute is used.
  • If attrib has a number value, it must be in [0—255]; it specifies the colour attribute used to fill.
  • If attrib has a string value, it specifies a tile pattern (see below).
  • border is a numeric expression in [0—255]. It specifies the attribute of the fill boundary (see below).
  • background is a string expression that represents a background tile pattern to ignore when determining boundaries (see below).
Tile patterns

A tile pattern can be specified by a string of up to 255 characters. The interpretation of the string depends on the number of bits per pixel and on the current screen mode.

1 bit per pixel (e.g. SCREEN 2)
Here is an example:
76543210 Byte value
*....... &h80
.*...... &h40
..*..... &h20
...*.... &h10
....*... &h08
.....*.. &h04
......*. &h02
This diagonal stripe pattern can thus be produced with PAINT (0, 0), CHR$(128)+CHR$(64)+CHR$(32)+CHR$(16)+CHR$(8)+CHR$(4)+CHR$(2)
SCREEN 7, 8, 9
The tile pattern is always 8 pixels wide. The first character in the pattern string contains the first bit of each of these 8 pixels, the second character contains the second bits, etc. For example, in a 2-bits-per-pixel mode, four colour attributes can be used in the pattern. To create a diagonal stripe pattern of the same shape, in attribute &h03, we now need a tile string that is twice as long:
Attribute bit 76543210 Byte value
0 *....... &h80
1 *....... &h80
0 .*...... &h40
1 .*...... &h40
0 ..*..... &h20
1 ..*..... &h20
0 ...*.... &h10
1 ...*.... &h10
0 ....*... &h08
1 ....*... &h08
0 .....*.. &h04
1 .....*.. &h04
0 ......*. &h02
1 ......*. &h02
If the pattern string is truncated before all bits of the last line have been defined, the remaining bits will be zero.
SCREEN 1, 3, 4, 5 , 6
Each row of the tile pattern represents a screen row. Colours are encoded in consecutive bits; the more bits per pixel, the narrower the pattern is. For 2 bits per pixel, the pattern is 4 pixels wide; for 4 bits per pixel it is 2 pixels wide. The following pattern string encodes a diagonal dotted stripe in two colours:
3210 76543210 Byte value
2000 *....... &h80
1000 .*...... &h40
0200 ..*..... &h20
0100 ...*.... &h10
0020 ....*... &h08
0010 .....*.. &h04
0002 ......*. &h02

The tile pattern is anchored to the screen; imagine a grid starting at (0,0) and covering the screen. Whenever an area is tile-filled, the tiles are put into this grid. In this way, adjacent areas will have continuous tiling even if they were filled from different seed points.


A solid flood fill stops at pixels that have the same attribute as the fill or that have the specified border attribute, if specified. A tiling flood fill stops at the specified border attribute; if no border attribute is specified, it stops at the current foreground attribute. A tiling flood fill also stops at scan line intervals that are the same as the tiling pattern for that line, unless a background pattern is specified and the interval also equals the background pattern for that line.

  • In SCREEN 7, 8, 9, if background equals attrib up to the length of attrib: Illegal function call.
  • background has a number value: Illegal function call.
  • border,x, or y have a string value: Type mismatch.
  • border,x, or y are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • border is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • attrib is numeric and not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • attrib is numeric and not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


PALETTE [attrib, colour]

Assigns a colour to an attribute. All pixels with that attribute will change colour immediately. If no parameters are specified, PALETTE resets to the initial setting.

  • attrib is a numeric expression between 0 and the current palette size, less one.
  • colour is a numeric expression between -1 and the maximum number of colours for the current screen mode, less one. If colour equals -1, the palette remains unchanged.
  • attrib or colour has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • attrib or colour is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow
  • attrib or colour is not in range: Illegal function call


PALETTE USING int_array_name {(|[} start_index {)|]}

Assigns new colours to all attributes.

  • int_array_name is an array of integers (%) that will supply the new values for the palette.
  • start_index is a numeric expression that indicates at which index in the array to start mapping to the palette.

If an array entry has value -1, the matching attribute is left unchanged.

  • int_array_name has not been allocated: Illegal function call. The array will not be automatically allocated.
  • int_array_name is not an integer array: Type mismatch.
  • int_array_name is too short: Illegal function call.
  • start_index has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • start_index is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow
  • start_index is outside array dimensions: Subscript out of range


PCOPY src, dst

Copies the screen page src to dst. All text and graphics on dst is replaced by those of src.

  • src and dst are numeric expressions between 0 and the current video mode's number of pages, less one.
  • src or dst has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • src or dst is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • src or dst is out of range: Illegal function call.

PEN (statement)


Controls event trapping and read access of the light pen (emulated through the mouse in PC-BASIC). PEN ON switches pen reading and trapping on. PEN OFF switches it off. PEN STOP suspends PEN event trapping until PEN ON is executed. Up to one event can be triggered during suspension, provided that event handling was switched on prior to suspension. The event triggered during suspension is handled immediately after the next PEN ON statement.

PLAY (event switch)

  • ON: enables ON PLAY event trapping of the music queue.
  • OFF: disables trapping.
  • STOP: halts trapping until PLAY ON is used. Events that occur while trapping is halted will trigger immediately when trapping is re-enabled.

PLAY (music statement)

PLAY [mml_string_0] [, [mml_string_1] [, mml_string_2]]

Plays the tune defined by the Music Macro Language strings mml_string_0, ....

Unless syntax={tandy | pcjr} is set, only the single-voice syntax is available. The three separate MML strings correspond to the three voices of the PCjr/Tandy sound adapter. The notes in these strings are played synchronously.

  • mml_string_0, mml_string_1, mml_string_2 are string expressions in MML.
  • At least one parameter must be provided and the statement must not end in a comma.
Music Macro Language reference
Notes and Pauses
Command Effect
{A|B|C|D|E|F|G}[#|+|-][m] Play a note.
+ or # indicates sharp.
- indicates flat.
m is a numeric literal and indicates duration of an mth note. m is in the range [0—64]. If m=0 or omitted, use the default length.
Nn Play note n, in the range [0—84] (7 octaves).
n = 0 means rest.
On Set the current octave to n, in the range [0—6]. Default is 4.
> Increase the current octave by 1, with a maximum of 6.
< Decrease the current octave by 1, with a minimum of 0.
Pn Pause for the duration of an nth note. n is in the range [0—64]. If n=0, this has no effect.
Timing commands
Command Effect
. Increase the duration of the preceding note by 1/2 times its normal duration. Periods can be repeated to increase duration further.
Ln Set the duration of following note to an nth note. (n=4 is a quarter note, etc.) n is in the range [1—64].
MN Normal: 7/8 of the duration is sound, with 1/8 silence. Default mode.
ML Legato: full duration is sound.
MS Staccato: 3/4 of the duration is sound, with 1/4 silence.
Tn Sets the tempo to n L4s per minute. n is in the range [32—255]. Default is 120.
Background-mode commands

These commands affect SOUND, PLAY and BEEP

Command Effect
MB Turns on background mode; sound commands exit without waiting for the music to finish. The music keeps playing while other commands are executed. There can be up to 16 notes in the background music queue; if more notes are played, PLAY will block until there are only 16 left.
MF Turns off background mode; sound commands block. Default mode.
Subroutine command
Command Effect
Xs Execute substring. s is one of the following:
  • a string variable name followed by a;
  • the result of VARPTR$() on a string variable
Volume control

Volume control is available on syntax={tandy | pcjr} only:

Command Effect
Vn Set the volume to n, in the range [0—15]. On syntax=pcjr, if SOUND ON has not been executed, this has no effect. On syntax=tandy it does have.
MML Parameters

Numeric variables n in the commands above can be:

  • an integer literal, e.g. PLAY "L4G"
  • a numeric variable name or array element var preceded by = and followed by ;. For example, PLAY "L=VAR;G" or PLAY "L=A(1);G"
  • the result of VARPTR$(var) preceded by =. For example, PLAY "L=" + VARPTR$(VAR) + "G"

Note that only number literals may follow named notes and dereferencing variables or arrays is not allowed there. It is an error to write PLAY "G=VAR;" or PLAY "G=" + VARPTR$(VAR). Use PLAY "G4" or PLAY "L=VAR;G" or PLAY "L=" + VARPTR$(VAR) + "G" instead.

  • mml_string has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • mml_string has errors in the MML: Illegal function call.
  • A variable in an MML string is of incorrect type: Type mismatch.
  • No MML string is specified: Missing operand.
  • On PCjr, if SOUND ON has not been executed, using the three-voice syntax will raise Syntax error. This is not the case on Tandy.


POKE address, value

Sets the value of the memory byte at segment * 16 + address to value, where segment is the current segment set with DEF SEG.

  • address is a numeric expression in [-32768—65535]. Negative values are interpreted as their two's complement.
  • value is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • The memory is only partly emulated in PC-BASIC. See Memory model for supported addresses. Outside emulated areas of memory, this statement has no effect.
  • address or value has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • address is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • value is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • value is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


{ PSET | PRESET } [STEP] (x, y) [, attrib]

Change the attribute of a pixel on the screen at position (x, y). If STEP is specified, (x, y) is an offset from the current position.

If attrib is between 0 and the screen mode's palette size, the pixel is changed to attribute attrib. If attrib is larger than the palette size, the pixel's attribute is changed to the highest legal attribute value. If attrib is not specified, PSET changes the attribute to the current foreground attribute while PRESET changes it to zero.

  • x, y are numeric expressions in [-32768—32767].
  • attrib is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • x or y has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • attrib, x or y or the physical coordinates they translate into are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • attrib is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.


{LPRINT|{PRINT|?} [# file_num,]} [expr_0|;|,|SPC(n)|TAB(n)] ... [USING format; uexpr_0 [{;|,} uexpr_1] ... [;|,]]

Writes expressions to the screen, printer, or file. If LPRINT is used, output goes to LPT1:. If file_num is specified, output goes to the file open under that number. ? is a shorthand for PRINT.

When writing a string expression to the screen, the following control characters have special meaning. Other characters are shown as their corresponding glyph in the current codepage.

Code point Control character Effect
&h07 BEL Beep the speaker.
&h08 BS Erase the character in the previous column and move the cursor back.
&h09 HT Jump to the next 8-cell tab stop.
&h0A LF Go to the leftmost column in the next row; connect the rows to one logical line.
&h0B VT Move the cursor to the top left of the screen.
&h0C FF Clear the screen.
&h0D CR Go to the leftmost column in the next row.
&h1C FS Move the cursor one column to the right.
&h1D GS Move the cursor one column to the left.
&h1E RS Move the cursor one row up.
&h1F US Move the cursor one row down.

Expressions can optionally be separated by one or more of the following keywords:

Keyword Effect
; Attaches two expressions tight together; strings will be printed without any space in between, numbers will have one space separating them, in addition to the space or minus sign that indicate the sign of the number.
, The expression after will be positioned at the next available zone. The output file is divided in 14-character zones; if the width of the file is not a multiple of 14, the remaining spaces are unused and the first zone of the next line is used instead. If the file has a width of less than 14 characters, the zones are determined as if the file were wrapping continuously.
SPC(n) Produces n spaces, where n is a numeric expression. if n is less than zero, it defaults to zero. If n is greater than the file width, it is taken modulo the file width.
TAB(n) Moves to column n, where n is a numeric expression. if n is less than zero, it defaults to zero. If n is greater than the file width, it is taken modulo the file width. If the current column is greater than n, TAB moves to column n on the next line.

If the print statement does not end in one of these four separation tokens, a newline is printed after the last expression. String expressions can be separated by one or more spaces, which has the same effect as separating by semicolons.

Format string syntax

A USING declaration occurs at the end of an [L]PRINT[#] statement and writes a formatted string to the screen, printer or file. The following tables list the format tokens that can be used inside the format string.

_ Escape character; causes the next character in the format string to be printed as is rather than interpreted as a format token.

For string expressions:

! Prints the first character of a string.
\\ Prints 2 or more characters of a string. A greater number of characters is selected by separating the \s by spaces.
& Prints the whole string.

For numeric expressions, the format string specifies a width and alignment.

# Indicate a position for a digit.
. Indicate the decimal point.
, Before the decimal point: cause digits to be grouped in threes separated by commas. After the decimal point it is not a token. Provides one digit position.

The number of characters in the field must not exceed 24.

Tokens preceding the number field:

+ Cause the sign to be printed for positive as well as negative numbers. The sign is to be printed to the left of the number.
** Cause any leading spaces to be replaced with *s. Provides two digit positions.
$$ Cause a $ to be printed to the left of the number. Provides one digit position.

Tokens trailing the number field:

+ Cause the sign to be printed for positive as well as negative numbers. The sign will be printed to the right of the number.
- Cause the sign for negative numbers to be printed to the right of the number. Note that - preceding the field is not a token but printed literally.
^^^^ Specify that scientific notation E+00 is to be used.

Numeric expressions are always fully printed, even if they do not fit in the positions specified. If the number does not fit in the allowed space, a % is printed preceding it.

  • If there are more expressions than format fields, the format string is wrapped around.
  • Expressions may be separated with semicolons or commas; the effect is the same.
  • If the USING declaration ends in a comma or semicolon, no newline is printed at the end.
  • After a USING declaration, other elements of the PRINT syntax such as SPC( and TAB( can not be used.
  • expr_0, expr_1, ... are expressions of any type.
  • format is a string expression that specifies the output format.
  • uexpr_0, uexpr_1, ... are expressions matching a token in the format string.
  • If an error is raised, the output before the error was encountered is printed as normal.
  • n has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • n is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • The format string contains no tokens: Illegal function call.
  • An expression doesn't match the corresponding format token type: Type mismatch.
  • A number field in the format string exceeds 24 characters: Illegal function call.
  • A number field in the format string contains no # characters: Illegal function call.

PUT (files)

PUT [#] file_number [, record_number]

Writes a record to the random-access file file_number at position record_number.

  • file_number is a numeric expression that yields the number of an open random-access file. The # is optional and has no effect.
  • record_number is a numeric expression in [1—33554432] (2^25) and is interpreted as the record number.
  • The record number is stored as single-precision; this precision is not high enough to distinguish single records near the maximum value of 2^25.
  • record_number is not in [1—33554432]: Bad record number.
  • file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_number is not the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • file_number is open under a mode other than RANDOM: Bad file mode.
  • file_number is not specified: Missing operand.

PUT (communications)

PUT [#] com_file_number [, number_bytes]

Writes number_bytes bytes to the communications buffer opened under file number com_file_number. number_bytes is a numeric expression between 1 and the COM buffer length, inclusive.

  • In GW-BASIC, Device I/O error is raised for overrun error, framing error, and break interrupt. Device fault is raised if DSR is lost during I/O. A Parity error is raised if parity is enabled and incorrect parity is encountered. This is according to the manual; it is untested.
  • bytes is less than 1: Bad record number.
  • bytes is less than 32768 and greater than the COM buffer length: Illegal function call.
  • com_file_number is not specified: Missing operand.
  • com_file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • com_file_number is not the number of an open file: Bad file number.
  • The serial input buffer is full, i.e. LOF(com_file_number) = 0 and LOC(com_file_number)=255: Communication buffer overflow.

PUT (graphics)

PUT (x0, y0), array_name [, {PSET|PRESET|AND|OR|XOR}]

Displays an array to a rectangular area of the graphics screen. Usually, PUT is used with arrays that have been stored using GET. See GET for the format of the array.

The keywords have the following effect:

PSET Overwrite the screen location with the new image
PRESET Overwrite the screen location with the inverse image
AND Combines the old and new attributes with bitwise AND
OR Combines the old and new attributes with bitwise OR
XOR Combines the old and new attributes with bitwise XOR
  • array_name is a numeric array.
  • x0, y0 are numeric expressions.
  • The array does not exist: Illegal function call.
  • array_name refers to a string array: Type mismatch.
  • x0, y0 are string expressions: Type mismatch.
  • x0, y0 are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • x0, y0 is outside the current VIEW or WINDOW: Illegal function call



Seeds the random number generator with expr. If no seed is specified, RANDOMIZE will prompt the user to enter a random seed. The user-provided value is rounded to an integer. The random seed is formed of the last two bytes of that integer or expr. If expr is a float (4 or 8 bytes), these are XORed with the preceding 2. The first 4 bytes of a double are ignored. The same random seed will lead to the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers being generated by the RND function.

  • expr is a numeric expression.
  • For the same seed, PC-BASIC produces the same pseudorandom numbers as GW-BASIC 3.23.
  • The random number generator is very poor and should not be used for serious purposes. See RND for details.
  • expr has a string value: Illegal function call.
  • The user provides a seed outside [-32768—32767] at the prompt: Overflow.


READ var_0 [, var_1] ...

Assigns data from a DATA statement to variables. Reading starts at the current DATA position, which is the DATA entry immediately after the last one read by previous READ statements. The DATA position is reset to the start by the RUN and RESTORE statements.

  • var_0, var_1 are variables or array elements.
  • Not enough data is present in DATA statements: Out of DATA.
  • The type of the variable is not compatible with that of the data entry being read: a Syntax error occurs on the DATA line.


{REM|'} [anything]

Ignores everything until the end of the line. The REM statement is intended for comments. Everything after REM will be stored in the program unaltered and uninterpreted. ' (apostrophe) is an alias for :REM'; it can be placed at any point in the program line and will ensure that the rest of the line is ignored.

Note that a colon : does not terminate the REM statement; the colon and everything after it will be treated as part of the comment.


RENUM [new|.] [, [old|.] [, increment]]

Replaces the line numbers in the program by a systematic enumeration starting from new and increasing by increment. If old is specified, line numbers less than old remain unchanged. new, old are line numbers; the dot . signifies the last line edited. increment is a line number but must not be a dot or zero.

  • The following keywords can reference line numbers, which will be renumbered by RENUM: AUTO, EDIT, ELSE, ERL, DELETE, GOSUB, GOTO, LIST, LLIST, RENUM, RESTORE, RESUME, RETURN, RUN, THEN.
  • One keyword contains line numbers in a different program, which will not be renumbered: CHAIN. However, a line number in a RUN statement that opens a new file will be renumbered, and incorrectly so. Furthermore, any RENUM or AUTO statements in a program will have all their arguments 'renumbered', including any line number offsets or increments. However silly, this agrees with GW-BASIC's behaviour.
  • A zero line number following the keywords ERROR GOTO will not be renumbered.
  • If a referenced line number does not exist in the program, the statement prints a message (not an error) Undefined line ref in old_line where old_line is the line number prior to renumbering. The referenced line number will be left unchanged, but the line's old line number will be renumbered.
  • Any of the parameters is not in [0—65529]: Syntax error.
  • Any of the newly generated line numbers is greater than 65529: Illegal function call. The line numbers up to the error have not been changed.
  • increment is empty or zero: Illegal function call.
  • old is specified and new is less than or equal to an existing line number less than old: Illegal function call.



Closes all open files.

  • Official GW-BASIC documentation and many other sources state that RESET closes all files on disk devices. However, in reality GW-BASIC 3.23 also closes files on tape and any other device, making this statement identical to CLOSE with no arguments. PC-BASIC follows this behaviour.


RESTORE [line]

Resets the DATA pointer. line is a line number. If line is not specified, the DATA pointer is reset to the first DATA entry in the program. If it is specified, the DATA pointer is reset to the first DATA entry in or after line.

  • line is not an existing line number: Undefined line number.


RESUME [0|NEXT|line]

Continues normal execution after an error handling routine. If 0 or no option is specified, re-executes the statement that caused the error. If NEXT is specified, executes the statement following the one that caused the error. If line is specified, it must be a valid line number.

  • RESUME is encountered outside of an error trapping routine: RESUME without error.
  • The program ends inside an error trapping routine without a RESUME or END statement: No RESUME.
  • line is not an existing line number: Undefined line number.


RETURN [line]

Returns from a GOSUB subroutine. If line is not specified, RETURN jumps back to the statement after the GOSUB that jumped into the subroutine. If line is specified, it must be a valid line number. RETURN jumps to that line (and pops the GOSUB stack). When returning from an error trapping routine, RETURN re-enables the event trapping which was stopped on entering the trap routine.

  • line is not an existing line number: Undefined line number.


RMDIR dir_spec

Removes an empty directory on a disk device.

  • The string expression dir_spec is a valid file specification that specifies the path and name of the directory.
  • dir_spec has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • dir_spec is an empty string: Bad file name .
  • No matching path is found: Path not found .


RSET string_name = expression

Copies a string value into an existing string variable or array element. The value will be right-justified and any remaining characters are replaced by spaces.

  • string_name is a string variable or array element.
  • expression is a string expression.
  • If expression has a value that is longer than the length of the target variable, it is truncated at the tail to the length of the target variable.
  • If string_name has not been allocated before, this statement has no effect.
  • Use LSET, RSET or MID$ to copy values into a FIELD buffer.
  • If LET is used on a FIELD variable instead of L|RSET, the variable is detached from the field and a new, normal string variable is allocated.
  • string_name is not a string variable: Type mismatch.
  • expression does not have a string value: Type mismatch.


RUN [line_number [anything]|file_spec [, R]]

Executes a program. Existing variables will be cleared and any program in memory will be erased. RUN implies a CLEAR If ,R is specified after file_spec, files are kept open; if not, all files are closed.

  • line_number is a valid line number in the current program. If specified, execution starts from this line number. The rest of the RUN statement is ignored in this case.
  • The string expression file_spec, if specified, is a valid file specification indicating the file to read the program from.
  • line_number is not a line number in the current program: Undefined line number.
  • file_spec cannot be found: File not found.
  • file_spec is an empty string: Bad file number.
  • A loaded text file contains lines without line numbers: Direct statement in file.


SAVE file_spec [, {A|P}]

Stores the current program in a file.

  • If ,A is specified, the program will be saved in plain text format.
  • If ,P is specified, the program will be saved in protected format. When a protected program is loaded in GW-BASIC, it cannot be LISTed or SAVEd in non-protected format.
  • If neither is specified, the program will be saved in tokenised format.
  • The string expression file_spec is a valid file specification indicating the file to store to.
  • file_spec has a number value: Type mismatch.
  • file_spec is an empty string: Bad file number.
  • file_spec contains disallowed characters: Bad file number (on CAS1:); Bad file name (on disk devices).
  • strict-protect is enabled, the current program is protected and ,P is not specified: Illegal function call.

SCREEN (statement)

SCREEN [mode] [, [colorburst] [, [apage] [, [vpage] [, erase]]]]

Change the video mode, composite colorburst, active page and visible page. Video modes are described in the Video Modes section.

  • mode is a numeric expression that sets the screen mode.
  • colorburst is a numeric expression. See notes below.
  • apage is a numeric expression that sets the active page.
  • vpage is a numeric expression that sets the visible page.
  • erase is a numeric expression in the range [0, 1, 2]. It is only legal with syntax={pcjr, tandy}. See notes below.
Video modes

The video modes are as follows:

SCREEN 0 Text mode
80x25 or 40x25 characters of 8x16 pixels
16 attributes picked from 64 colours
Attributes 16-31 are blinking versions of 0-15
4 pages ega
SCREEN 1 CGA colour
320x200 pixels
40x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
4 attributes picked from 16 colours; 2 bits per pixel
1 page ega 2 pages pcjr tandy
SCREEN 2 CGA monochrome
640x200 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
2 attributes picked from 16 colours; 1 bit per pixel
1 page ega 2 pages pcjr tandy
SCREEN 3 Low-res 16-colour pcjr tandy
160x200 pixels
20x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
16 attributes picked from 16 colours; 4 bits per pixel
2 pages
SCREEN 3 Hercules monochrome hercules
720x348 pixels
80x25 characters of 9x14 pixels (with bottom line truncated by 2 px)
2 attributes; 1 bit per pixel
2 pages
SCREEN 3—255 Altissima risoluzione olivetti
640x400 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x16 pixels
2 attributes of which one picked from 16 colours; 2 bits per pixel
1 page
SCREEN 4 Med-res 4-colour pcjr tandy
320x200 pixels
40x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
4 attributes picked from 16 colours; 2 bits per pixel
2 pages
SCREEN 5 Med-res 16-colour pcjr tandy
320x200 pixels
40x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
16 attributes picked from 16 colours; 4 bits per pixel
1 page

Note: a minimum of 32768 bytes of video memory must be reserved to use this video mode. Use the statement CLEAR ,,,32768! or the option video-memory=32768.

SCREEN 6 High-res 4-colour pcjr tandy
640x200 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
4 attributes picked from 16 colours; 2 bits per pixel
1 page

Note: a minimum of 32768 bytes of video memory must be reserved to use this video mode. Use the statement CLEAR ,,,32768! or the option video-memory=32768.

SCREEN 7 EGA colour ega
320x200 pixels
40x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
16 attributes picked from 16 colours; 4 bits per pixel
8 pages
SCREEN 8 EGA colour ega
640x200 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x8 pixels
16 attributes picked from 16 colours; 4 bits per pixel
4 pages
SCREEN 9 EGA colour ega
640x350 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x14 pixels
16 attributes picked from 64 colours; 4 bits per pixel
2 pages
SCREEN 10 EGA monochrome ega monitor=mono
640x350 pixels
80x25 characters of 8x14 pixels
4 attributes picked from 9 pseudocolours; 2 bits per pixel
2 pages
NTSC Composite Colorburst

On CGA, Tandy and PCjr, colorburst has the following effects, depending on the type of monitor - RGB (default) or composite:

mode colorburst CGA mode Effect (composite) Effect (RGB)
0 0 0, 2 greyscale default palette
0 1 1, 3 colour default palette
1 0 4 colour default palette
1 1 5 greyscale alternate palette

On SCREEN 2, colorburst has no effect; on a composite monitor, colour artifacts can be enabled on this screen through OUT (see there). On SCREEN 3 and up, colorburst has no effect.


By default, if the mode changes or the colorburst changes between zero and non-zero, the old page and the new page of the screen are cleared. On syntax={pcjr, tandy}, the erase parameter can be used to change this behaviour. Its values are as follows:

erase Effect
0 Do not erase any screen page
1 (default) If the mode changes or the colorburst changes between zero and non-zero, the old page and the new page of the screen are cleared.
2 If the mode changes or the colorburst changes between zero and non-zero, all pages of the screen are cleared.
  • At least one parameter must be specified.
  • Composite colour artifacts are emulated only crudely in PC-BASIC, and not at all in SCREEN 1.
  • No parameters are specified: Missing operand.
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any parameter is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • mode is not an available video mode number for your video card setting: Illegal function call.
  • vpage, apage are not between 0 and the number of pages for the chosen video mode, less one: Illegal function call.
  • colorburst is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • erase is not in [0, 1, 2]: Illegal function call.


SHELL [command]

Starts a subshell on the console. The type of shell is determined by your OS. On Unix systems, an sh shell is started. On Windows systems, a CMD.EXE shell is started. If command is specified, the command is executed on the shell and execution returns to the program.

  • command is a string expression.
  • If the shell=native option is not specified, this statement does nothing.
  • Be careful when enabling this command, as it allows the running BASIC program full access to your files and operating system.
  • command has a number value: Type mismatch.
  • All output from the operating system subshell, including error messages, is displayed on the PC-BASIC screen.

SOUND (tone)

SOUND frequency, duration [, volume [, voice]]

Produces a sound at frequency Hz for duration/18.2 seconds. On PCjr and Tandy, the volume and voice channel can additionally be specified.

If PLAY "MB" has been executed, SOUND plays in the background. If PLAY "MF" has been executed, sound plays in the foreground and the interpreter blocks until the sound is finished. Foreground mode is default. Unlike PLAY, the sound played by the most recent SOUND statement always plays in the background, even if PLAY "MF" has been entered. In background mode, each SOUND statement counts as 1 toward the length of the queue reported by the PLAY function.

  • frequency is a numeric expression in [37—32767] or 0 (for syntax={advanced | pcjr}) or in [-32768—32767] (for syntax=tandy).
  • duration is a numeric expression in [0—65535].
  • volume is a numeric expression in [0, 15]. 0 is silent, 15 is full volume; every step less reduces the volume by 2 dB. (For syntax={pcjr | tandy})
  • voice is a numeric expression in [0, 2], indicating which of the three tone voice channels is used for this sound. (For syntax={pcjr | tandy})
  • On PCjr and Tandy, Frequencies below 110 Hz are played as 110 Hz.
  • If duration is zero, any active background sound is stopped and the sound queue is emptied.
  • If duration is zero, volume and voice must not be specified.
  • If duration is less than .022 but nonzero, the sound will be played in background and continue indefinitely until another sound statement is executed. This is also the behaviour for negative duration.
  • If frequency equals 32767 or 0, a silence of length duration is queued.
  • Any argument has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • frequency is not in its allowed range, and duration is not zero: Illegal function call.
  • duration is zero and more than two arguments are specified: Syntax error.
  • syntax={ pcjr | tandy } is not set and more than two arguments are specified: Syntax error.
  • frequency is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • duration is not in [-65535—65535]: Illegal function call.
  • volume is not in [0—15]: Illegal function call.
  • voice is not in [0—2]: Illegal function call.

SOUND (switch)


Toggles the availability of advanced sound capabilities on PCjr and Tandy. This includes 3-voice sound, noise generation and volume control.

  • Only available with syntax={pcjr | tandy}.
  • On PCjr and Tandy computers, SOUND ON would turn on the external speaker as well as make advanced sound capabilities available. On PC-BASIC, both the internal and the external speaker are emulated through the same sound system.
  • This statement is used and syntax={ pcjr | tandy } is not set: Syntax error.



Breaks program execution, prints a Break message on the console and returns control to the user. Files are not closed. It is possible to resume program execution at the next statement using CONT.

STRIG (switch)


Has no effect.

STRIG (event switch)

STRIG[ ](button) {ON|OFF|STOP}

Switches event trapping of the joystick trigger button ON or OFF. STRIG (button) STOP suspends event trapping until STRIG (button) ON is executed. Up to one event can be triggered during suspension, provided that event handling was switched on prior to suspension. The event triggered during suspension is handled immediately after the next STRIG (button) ON statement.

button return value
0 1st joystick 1st trigger
2 2nd joystick 1st trigger
4 1st joystick 2nd trigger
6 2nd joystick 2nd trigger
  • button is a numeric expression in [0, 2, 4, 6].
  • button has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • button is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • button is not in [0, 2, 4, 6]: Illegal function call.


SWAP var_0, var_1

Exchanges variables var_0 and var_1.

  • The variables are exchanged by reference. If, for example, var_0 is a FIELD variable and var_1 is not, then SWAP will reverse those roles.
  • var_0 and var_1 are previously defined variables of the same type.
  • var_0 or var_1 is undefined: Illegal function call.
  • The types of var_0 and var_1 are not the same: Type mismatch.



Exits the interpreter.

  • SYSTEM quits the PC-BASIC interpreter immediately without further interaction. Any unsaved program or data will be lost.



Load and run the program defined by the pcjr-term option. By default, as on the IBM PCjr, this is a built-in serial terminal emulator application. This statement is only available with syntax={pcjr|tandy}.

  • If pcjr-term is not set, this statement raises Internal error.
  • If syntax is not set to pcjr or tandy, this keyword is not present. Calling TERM will raise Syntax error.

TIME$ (statement)

TIME$ = time

Sets the current BASIC time to time.

  • Time is a string expression of the form "HH:mm:ss" where 00<=HH<24, 00<=mm<60 and 00<=ss<60.
  • PC-BASIC stores an offset to the system time and uses this for future calls to TIME$ and DATE$ functions in the same interpreter session. The system time is not changed, unlike GW-BASIC under MS-DOS.
  • time has a numeric value: Type mismatch.
  • time is not of the correct form: Illegal function call.

TIMER (statement)

  • ON: enables ON TIMER event trapping of the timer clock.
  • OFF: disables trapping.
  • STOP: halts trapping until TIMER ON is used. Events that occur while trapping is halted will trigger immediately when trapping is re-enabled.



Turns line number tracing on or off. If line number tracing is on, BASIC prints a tag [100] to the console when program line 100 is executed, and so forth.

  • Tracing is turned off by the NEW and LOAD statements.


UNLOCK [#] file_number [, record_0] UNLOCK [#] file_number, [record_0] TO record_1

Unlocks a file or part of it that has previously been locked with LOCK.

  • file_number is a numeric expression in [0—255].
  • record_0 and record_1 are numeric expressions in [1—2^25-2].
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_number is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_number is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_number is not an open file: Bad file number.
  • If file_number is open for RANDOM, LOCK and UNLOCK statements must match in terms of record_0 and record_1. An non-matching UNLOCK will raise Permission denied.
  • record_0 or record_1 is not in [1—2^25-2]: Bad record number.


VIEW [[SCREEN] (x0, y0)-(x1, y1) [, [fill] [, border]]]

Defines a graphics viewport. Graphics drawn outside the viewport will not be shown. (x0, y0), (x1, y1) are absolute screen coordinates of two opposing corners of the area.

Unless SCREEN is specified, after a VIEW statement the coordinate system is shifted such that (0, 0) becomes the top left coordinate of the viewport. If VIEW is called without arguments, the viewport is reset to the whole screen.

  • fill is an attribute. The viewport will be filled with this attribute.
  • border is an attribute. A border will be drawn just outside the viewport with this attribute.
  • Any of the parameters has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • Any of the coordinates is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • Any of the coordinate pairs is outside the physical screen: Illegal function call.


VIEW PRINT top_row TO bottom_row

Defines the text scrolling area of the screen. LOCATE statements, cursor movement and scrolling will be limited to the scrolling area.

  • top_row and bottom_row are numeric expressions in [1—24].
  • If syntax={pcjr | tandy} and KEY OFF is set, bottom_row may be 25. Otherwise, screen row 25 cannot be part of the scrolling area.
  • top_row or bottom_row is not in [1—24]: Illegal function call.


WAIT port, and_mask [, xor_mask]

Waits for the value of (INP(port) XOR xor_mask) AND and_mask to become nonzero. Event handling is suspended until WAIT returns. If xor_mask is not specified, it defaults to 0.

  • A limited number of machine ports are emulated in PC-BASIC. See INP.
  • Any parameter has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • port is not in [-32768—65535]: Overflow.
  • and_mask or xor_mask are not in [0—255]: Type mismatch.



Iterates a WHILE—WEND loop: jumps to the matching WHILE statement, where its condition can be checked.

  • WHILE—WEND loops can be nested. WEND jumps to the most recent WHILE statement that has not been closed by another WEND.
  • All previous WHILE statements have been closed by another WEND or no WHILE statement has been executed before: WEND without WHILE.


WHILE expr

Initiates a WHILE—WEND loop. If expr evaluates to zero, WHILE jumps to the statement immediately after the matching WEND. If not, execution continues.

  • expr is a numeric expression.
  • No matching WEND is found: WHILE without WEND.
  • expr has a string value: Type mismatch.

WIDTH (console)

WIDTH num_columns [, [num_rows] [,]]

Sets the screen width to 20, 40 or 80 columns.

  • When changing screen width in graphics mode, the video mode is changed. The following changes occur:
    SCREEN 1 (40) ↔ SCREEN 2 (80)
    SCREEN 7 (40) ↔ SCREEN 8 (80)
    SCREEN 7 (40) ← SCREEN 9 (80)
  • Screen width value 20 is only allowed on Tandy and PCjr. Changing to this width changes to SCREEN 3. Additionally, the following changes occur:
    SCREEN 3 (20) → SCREEN 1 (40)
    SCREEN 3 (20) → SCREEN 2 (80)
    SCREEN 4 (40) → SCREEN 2 (80)
    SCREEN 5 (40) ↔ SCREEN 6 (80)
  • num_columns is either a literal 20, 40 or 80 or a numeric expression in parentheses. The trailing comma is optional and has no effect.
  • num_rows is optional and must equal 25. If syntax={pcjr | tandy} is set, num_rows may be in [0—25] but its value is ignored.
  • num_columns is a string expression: Type mismatch.
  • num_columns is not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • num_columns is not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • num_columns is not a literal and not bracketed: Illegal function call.
  • num_rows is not in its accepted range: Illegal function call.

WIDTH (devices and files)

WIDTH {#file_num,|device_name,|LPRINT} num_columns

Sets the line width for a file or a device. When a write operation passes beyond the column width, a CR LF sequence is inserted.

If a device is specified, it does not need to have a file open to it; the width setting will be the default width next time a file is opened to that device.

If device_name is "LPT1:" or LPRINT is specified, the device width setting affects LPRINT and LLIST.

If device_name is "SCRN:", "KYBD:", or omitted, the screen width is changed. In this case, num_columns must be one of 20, 40 or 80. See the notes at WIDTH (console) for side effects.

  • file_num is a numeric expression which is the number of an open file.
  • device_name is a string expression that is one of "KYBD:", "SCRN:", "LPT1:", "LPT2:", "LPT3:", "COM1:", "COM2:", "CAS1:"
  • num_columns is a numeric expression.
  • device_name is not one of the allowed devices: Bad file name.
  • device_name is "SCRN:", "KYBD:" and num_columns is not 20, 40 or 80: Illegal function call.
  • file_num or num_columns are strings: Type mismatch.
  • file_num or num_columns are not in [-32768—32767]: Overflow.
  • file_num or num_columns are not in [0—255]: Illegal function call.
  • file_num is not an open file: Bad file mode.


WINDOW [[SCREEN] (x0, y0)-(x1, y1)]

Define logical coordinates for the viewport. If SCREEN is not specified, the bottom left of the screen is mapped to the lower coordinates; the top right of the screen is mapped to the higher coordinates. If SCREEN is specified, the top left of the screen is mapped to the lower coordinates; the bottom right of the screen is mapped to the higher coordinates.

If WINDOW is called without arguments, the logical coordinates are reset to the viewport coordinates.

  • x0, y0, x1, y1 are numeric expressions.
  • Any of the coordinates have a string value: Type mismatch.
  • x0 = x1 or y0 = y1: Illegal function call.


WRITE [# file_num,] expr_0 [{,|;} expr_1] ...

Writes values to a file or the screen in machine-readable form. Values are separated by commas and the line is ended with a CR LF sequence. Strings are delimited by double quotes ". No padding spaces are inserted.

When writing to the screen, the same control characters are recognised as for the PRINT statement.

  • expr_0, expr_1, ... are expressions whose value is to be printed.
  • file_num has a string value: Type mismatch.
  • file_num is open for INPUT: Bad file mode.

Errors and Messages


1 NEXT without FOR

A NEXT statement has been encountered for which no matching FOR can be found.

2 Syntax error

The BASIC syntax is incorrect. A statement or expression has been mistyped or called in one of many incorrect ways. This error is also raised on a DATA line if a READ statement encounters a data entry of an incorrect format.

3 RETURN without GOSUB

A RETURN statement has been encountered for which no GOSUB call has been made.

4 Out of DATA

A READ statement is attempting to read more data entries than can be found from the current DATA location onward.

5 Illegal function call

A statement, function or operator has been called with parameters outside the accepted range. This error is also raised for a large variety of other conditions – check the reference for the statement or function called.

6 Overflow

A numeric expression result or intermediate value is too large for the required number format.

7 Out of memory

There is not enough free BASIC memory to complete the operation. Too much memory is consumed by the program; variables, arrays and strings, or execution stacks for loops, subroutines or user-defined functions.

8 Undefined line number

A reference is made to a line number that does not exist in the program.

9 Subscript out of range

An array index (subscript) is used that is outside the range reserved for that array by the DIM statement.

10 Duplicate Definition

A DIM statement is used on an array that has been dimensioned before (either implicitly or explicitly) or OPTION BASE is called in a way that conflicts with an earlier implicit or explicit definition of the starting index.

11 Division by zero

An attempt is made to divide a number by zero or by a number that is too small to distinguish from zero within the number format's precision.

12 Illegal direct

A DEF FN statement is being used in direct mode.

13 Type mismatch

The expression used is of a type that cannot be converted to the required type for the function or statement. Most commonly, this is raised if a string argument is supplied to a statement or function that expects a number, or vice versa.

14 Out of string space

There is not enough free BASIC memory to store the string variable.

15 String too long

A string expression result or intermediate value is longer than 255 characters.

16 String formula too complex
17 Can't continue

The CONT statement is used in circumstances where continuing program execution is not possible.

18 Undefined user function

The FN function is called with a function name for which no definition was made by a DEF FN statement.


The program terminates inside an error trapping routine that has not been closed with RESUME or END.

20 RESUME without error

A RESUME statement is encountered while the program is not executing an error trapping routine.

22 Missing operand

An operator expression misses an operand or a function or statement is not supplied with sufficient parameters.

23 Line buffer overflow

An INPUT or LINE INPUT statement encountered an input string longer than 255 characters or the plain-text program file being loaded by LOAD, CHAIN or MERGE contains a line with more than 255 characters. Attempting to load a text file that has LF rather than CR LF line endings may cause this error.

24 Device Timeout

The handshake has failed on a serial device or a tape device has reached the end of tape.

25 Device Fault
26 FOR without NEXT

A FOR statement has been encountered for which no matching NEXT statement can be found.

27 Out of paper

An attempt is made to write to a printer which is out of paper or to another parallel device which has raised an out-of-paper condition.

28 unused
29 WHILE without WEND

A WHILE statement has been encountered for which no matching WEND statement can be found.

30 WEND without WHILE

A WEND statement has been encountered for which no matching WHILE statement can be found.

50 FIELD overflow

An attempt is made to read, write, or define a FIELD variable beyond the length of the random-access file buffer.

51 Internal error

The TERM statement is executed but no terminal manager program has been defined.

52 Bad file number

A file number is accessed to which no file is open, or the file number used in an OPEN statement is outside the range of allowable file numbers, or (confusingly) the file specification is empty, malformed or contains illegal characters.

53 File not found

A named file on a disk device cannot be found.

54 Bad file mode

The requested file mode in an OPEN statement does not exist or is unsupported for the given device, or the file function called is not supported for this device, or the function or statement called requires a file opened for RANDOM and the file is not.

55 File already open

An attempt is made to open a file to a file number that is already in use; or an attempt is made to open a file for OUTPUT or APPEND on a serial, disk or cassette device when a file is already open for OUTPUT or APPEND on that device; or a KILL or NAME statement is executed on an open disk file.

56 unused
57 Device I/O error

An I/O error has occured during input/output to a device. This includes faming errors, CRC check failures and unexpected end-of-tape on cassette devices.

58 File already exists

The proposed new name of a disk file in a NAME statement is already in use.

59—60 unused
61 Disk full

There is insufficient free space on the disk device to complete the operation.

62 Input past end

An attempt is made to retrieve input from a file that has passed its end of file.

63 Bad record number

A random-access file record number is referenced that is outside the permitted range.

64 Bad file name

The file name or other device parameter string in a file specification is malformed or contains illegal characters.

65 unused
66 Direct statement in file

A line with no line number is encountered in a plain-text program file.

67 Too many files
68 Device Unavailable

An attempt is made to access a device that does not exist or is not enabled.

69 Communication buffer overflow

A serial device is receiving more data than fits in its buffer.

70 Permission Denied

The requested access to a file is not granted due to LOCK restrictions, operating system locking, or insufficient operating system file permissions.

71 Disk not Ready

The disk device is not ready for access. For example, there is no diskette in a floppy drive or the drive lock is open.

72 Disk media error
73 Advanced Feature
74 Rename across disks

An attempt is made to use the NAME statement to move a file from one disk device to another.

75 Path/File access error

An attempt is made to create a directory that already exists or to remove a directory that is not empty.

76 Path not found

An OPEN, MKDIR, RMDIR, or CHDIR statement is executed referring to a (parent) path that does not exist on the disk device.

77 Deadlock

Any error code that does not have a message associated to it will generate the message Unprintable error.

If an error occurs in direct mode, the error message is printed as above. If the error occurs in a program, the message is supplemented with the line number in which the error occurred. For example, Illegal function call in 100 indicates that the illegal function call took place in line number 100.

If a Syntax error occurs during program execution, the error message is followed by a listing of the program line in which the error occurred, wth the cursor positioned at the location where the error was raised.

A Division by zero error or, in a floating point calculation, an Overflow, will not interrupt execution unless it occurs within an error handling routine. The error message will be printed on the console and the result of the offending calculation will be taken to be the maximum value that fits in the appropriate floating-point variable. Overflow in an integer calculation will always interrupt execution like other errors.

Other messages

Execution of a compound statement or program has been interrupted by a CONT statement or by a user keyboard interrupt (such as Ctrl+Break). If the interrupt happens in a program, the Break message will be supplemented with the line number in which the interrupt occurred.
?Redo from start
The input provided on the console for an INPUT statement does not match the expected format. The number or type of inputs is not correct. Re-enter all inputs.
Undefined line ref_num in line_num
The RENUM statement encountered a reference to the line number ref_num which is not defined in the program. The reference occurs on line number line_num. The undefined line number reference will not be renumbered.
filename Found.
A file matching the requested specification has been found on the cassette device. This message only occurs in direct mode.
filename Skipped.
A file not matching the requested specification has been encountered on the cassette device. This message only occurs in direct mode.

Technical reference

Tokenised file format

A tokenised program file on a disk device has the following format.

Magic byte
Program lines
Each line is stored as follows:
Bytes Format Meaning
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer. Memory location of the line following the current one. This is used internally by GW-BASIC but ignored when a program is loaded.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer. The line number.
Variable Tokenised BASIC, see below. The contents of the line.
1 00 (NUL byte) End of line marker.
End of file marker
An 1A is written to mark the end of file. This is optional; the file will be read without problems if it is omitted.

Tokenised BASIC

The printable ASCII characters in the range 207E are used for string literals, comments, variable names, and elements of statement syntax that are not reserved words. Reserved words are represented by their reserved word tokens and numeric literals are represented by numeric token sequences.

Numeric token sequences

Numeric literals are stored in tokenised programs according to the following representation. All numbers are positive; negative numbers are stored simply by preceding the number with EA, the token for -.

Class Bytes Format
Indirect line numbers 3 0E followed by an unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer.
Octal integers 3 0B followed by an unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer.
Hexadecimal integers 3 0C followed by an unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer.
Positive decimal integers less than 11 1 Tokens 111B represent 0—10.
Positive decimal integers less than 256 2 0F followed by an unsigned 8-bit integer.
Other decimal integers 3 1C followed by a two's complement signed 16-bit little-endian integer. GW-BASIC will recognise a negative number encountered this way but it will not store negative numbers itself using the two's complement, but rather by preceding the positive number with EA.
Single precision floating-point number 5 1D followed by a four-byte single in Microsoft Binary Format.
Double precision floating-point number 9 1F followed by an eight-byte double in Microsoft Binary Format.
Keyword tokens

Most keywords in PC-BASIC are reserved words. Reserved words are represented in a tokenised program by a single- or double-byte token. The complete list is below.

All function names and operators are reserved words and all statements start with a reserved word (which in the case of LET is optional). However, the converse is not true: not all reserved words are statements, functions, or operators. For example, TO and SPC( only occur as part of a statement syntax. Furthermore, some keywords that form part of statement syntax are not reserved words: examples are AS, BASE, and ACCESS.

Keywords that are not reserved words are spelt out in full text in the tokenised source.

A variable or user-defined function name must not be identical to a reserved word. The list below is an exhaustive list of reserved words that can be used to determine whether a name is legal.

The following additional reserved words are activated by the option syntax={pcjr|tandy}.

The following additional reserved word is activated by the debug option. It is specific to PC-BASIC and not present in GW-BASIC.

Internal use tokens

The tokens 10, 1E and 0D are known to be used internally by GW-BASIC. They should not appear in a correctly stored tokenised program file.

Microsoft Binary Format

Floating point numbers in GW-BASIC and PC-BASIC are represented in Microsoft Binary Format (MBF), which differs from the IEEE 754 standard used by practically all modern software and hardware. Consequently, binary files generated by either BASIC are fully compatible with each other and with some applications contemporary to GW-BASIC, but not easily interchanged with other software. QBASIC, for example, uses IEEE floats.

MBF differs from IEEE in the position of the sign bit and in using only 8 bits for the exponent, both in single- and in double-precision. This makes the range of allowable numbers in an MBF double-precision number smaller, but their precision higher, than for an IEEE double: an MBF single has 23 bits of precision, while an MBF double has 55 bits of precision. Both have the same range.

Unlike IEEE, the Microsoft Binary Format does not support signed zeroes, subnormal numbers, infinities or not-a-number values.

MBF floating point numbers are represented in bytes as follows:

M3 M2 M1 E0
M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 E0

Here, E0 is the exponent byte and the other bytes form the mantissa, in little-endian order so that M1 is the most significant byte. The most significant bit of M1 is the sign bit, followed by the most significant bits of the mantissa: M1 = s0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7. The other bytes contain the less-significant mantissa bits: M2 = f8 f9 fA fB fC fD fE fF, and so on.

The value of the floating-point number is v = 0 if E0 = 0 and v = (-1) s0 × mantissa × 2 E0 - 128 otherwise, where the mantissa is formed as a binary fraction mantissa = 0 . 1 f1 f2 f3 ...

Protected file format

The protected format is an encrypted form of the tokenised format. GW-BASIC would refuse to show the source code of such files. This protection scheme could easily be circumvented by changing a flag in memory. Deprotection programs have circulated widely for decades and the decryption algorithm and keys were published in a mathematical magazine.

A protected program file on a disk device has the following format.

Magic byte
Encrypted content of a tokenised program file, including its end of file marker but excluding its magic byte. The encription cipher rotates through an 11-byte and a 13-byte key so that the resulting transformation is the same after 143 bytes. For each byte,
  • Subtract the corresponding byte from the 11-byte sequence
    0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
  • Exclusive-or with the corresponding byte from the 11-byte key
    1E 1D C4 77 26 97 E0 74 59 88 7C
  • Exclusive-or with the corresponding byte from the 13-byte key
    A9 84 8D CD 75 83 43 63 24 83 19 F7 9A
  • Add the corresponding byte from the 13-byte sequence
    0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
End of file marker
An 1A is written to mark the end of file. This is optional; the file will be read without problems if it is omitted. Since the end-of-file marker of the tokenised program is included in the encrypted content, a protected file is usually one byte longer than its unprotected equivalent.

BSAVE file format

A memory-dump file on a disk device has the following format.

Magic byte
Bytes Format Meaning
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer. Segment of the memory block.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer. Offset of the first byte of the memory block.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer. Length of the memory block in bytes.
The bytes of the memory block.
On Tandy only, the magic byte and the six bytes of the header are repeated here. This is optional; the file will be read without problems if it is omitted.
End of file marker
An 1A is written to mark the end of file. This is optional; the file will be read without problems if it is omitted.

Cassette file format

Files on cassette are stored as frequency-modulated sound. The payload format of files on cassette is the same as for files on disk device, but the headers are different and the files may be split in chunks.


A 1-bit is represented by a single 1 ms wave period (1000 Hz). A 0-bit is represented by a single 0.5 ms wave period (2000 Hz).

Byte format

A byte is sent as 8 bits, most significant first. There are no start- or stopbits.

Record format

A file is made up of two or more records. Each record has the following format:

Length Format Meaning
256 bytes All FF 2048 ms pilot wave at 1000 Hz, used for calibration.
1 bit 0 Synchronisation bit.
1 byte 16 (SYN) Synchronisation byte.
256 bytes Data block.
2 bytes Unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer CRC-16-CCITT checksum.
4 bytes All FF End of record marker.

Tokenised, protected and BSAVE files consist of a header record followed by a single record which may contain multiple 256-byte data blocks, each followed by the 2 CRC bytes. Plain text program files and data files consist of a header record followed by multiple single-block records.

Header block format
Bytes Format Meaning
1 A5 Header record magic byte
8 8 characters Filename.
1 File type. 00 for data file, 01 for memory dump, 20 or A0 for protected, 40 for plain text program, 80 for tokenised program.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer Length of next data record, in bytes.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer Segment of memory location.
2 Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer Offset of memory location.
1 00 End of header data
239 All 01 Filler
Data block format
Bytes Format Meaning
1 8-bit unsigned integer Number of payload bytes in last record, plus one. If zero, the next record is not the last record.
255 Payload data. If this is the last record, any unused bytes are filled by repeating the last payload byte.

Character codes

Depending on context, PC-BASIC will treat a code point in the control characters range as a control character or as a glyph defined by the active codepage which by default is codepage 437. Code points of &h80 or higher are always interpreted as a codepage glyph.


This is a list of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). ASCII only covers 128 characters and defines the code point ranges &h00&h1F and &h7F as control characters which do not have a printable glyph assigned to them. This includes such values as the Carriage Return (CR) character that ends a program line.

In the context of this documentation, character &h1A (SUB) will usually be indicated as EOF since it plays the role of end-of-file marker in DOS.

  _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
2_ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4_ @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5_ P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6_ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7_ p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL

Codepage 437

This table shows the characters that are produced by the 256 single-byte code points when the DOS Latin USA codepage 437 is loaded, which is the default. Code points &h00 and &h20&h7E are fixed while the other characters, as well as any double-byte characters, can be redefined by loading another codepage.

  _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
1_ §
2_ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4_ @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5_ P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6_ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7_ p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
8_ Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
9_ É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥ ƒ
A_ á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª º ¿ ¬ ½ ¼ ¡ « »
E_ α ß Γ π Σ σ µ τ Φ Θ Ω δ φ ε
F_ ± ÷ ° · ²  



PC-BASIC uses PC/XT scancodes, which originated on the 83-key IBM Model F keyboard supplied with the IBM PC 5150. The layout of this keyboard was quite distinct from modern standard keyboards with 101 or more keys, but keys on a modern keyboard produce the same scancode as the key with the same function on the Model F. For example, the key that (on a US keyboard) produces the \ was located next to the left Shift key on the Model F keyboard and has scancode &h2B. The (US) backslash key still has this scancode, even though it is now usually found above the Enter key.

To further complicate matters, keyboards for different locales have their layout remapped in software rather than in hardware, which means that they produce the same scancode as the key that on a US keyboard is in the same location, regardless of which character they actually produce.

Therefore, the A on a French keyboard will produce the same scancode as the Q on a UK or US keyboard. The aforementioned US \ key is identified with the key that is generally found to the bottom left of Enter on non-US keyboards. For example, on my UK keyboard this is the # key. Non-US keyboards have an additional key next to the left Shift which on the UK keyboard is the \. Therefore, while this key is in the same location and has the same function as the Model F \, it has a different scancode.

In the table below, the keys are marked by their function on a US keyboard, but it should be kept in mind that the scancode is linked to the position, not the function, of the key.

Key Scancode
Esc 01
1 ! 02
2 @ 03
3 # 04
4 $ 05
5 % 06
6 ^ 07
7 & 08
8 * 09
9 ( 0A
0 ) 0B
- _ 0C
= + 0D
Backspace 0E
Tab 0F
q Q 10
w W 11
e E 12
r R 13
t T 14
y Y 15
u U 16
i I 17
o O 18
p P 19
[ { 1A
] } 1B
Enter 1C
Ctrl 1D
a A 1E
s S 1F
d D 20
f F 21
g G 22
h H 23
j J 24
k K 25
l L 26
; : 27
' " 28
` ~ 29
Left Shift 2A
\ | 2B
z Z 2C
x X 2D
c C 2E
v V 2F
b B 30
n N 31
m M 32
, < 33
. > 34
/ ? 35
Right Shift 36
keypad * PrtSc 37
Alt 38
Space 39
Caps Lock 3A
F1 3B
F2 3C
F3 3D
F4 3E
F5 3F
F6 40
F7 41
F8 42
F9 43
F10 44
Num Lock 45
Scroll Lock Pause 46
keypad 7 Home 47
keypad 8 48
keypad 9 Pg Up 49
keypad - 4A
keypad 4 4B
keypad 5 4C
keypad 6 4D
keypad + 4E
keypad 1 End 4F
keypad 2 50
keypad 3 Pg Dn 51
keypad 0 Ins 52
keypad . Del 53
SysReq 54
\ | (Non-US 102-key) 56
F11 57
F12 58
Left Logo (Windows 104-key) 5B
Right Logo (Windows 104-key) 5C
Menu (Windows 104-key) 5D
ひらがな/カタカナ Hiragana/Katakana (Japanese 106-key) 70
\ _ (Japanese 106-key) 73
変換 Henkan (Japanese 106-key) 79
無変換 Muhenkan (Japanese 106-key) 7B
半角/全角 Hankaku/Zenkaku (Japanese 106-key) 29
¥ | (Japanese 106-key) 7D
한자 Hanja (Korean 103-key) F1
한/영 Han/Yeong (Korean 103-key) F2
\ ? ° (Brazilian ABNT2) 73
keypad . (Brazilian ABNT2) 7E

e-ASCII codes

Alongside scancodes, most keys also carry a character value the GW-BASIC documentation calls extended ASCII. Since this is a rather overloaded term, we shall use the abbreviation e-ASCII exclusively for these values. The values returned by the INKEY$ function are e-ASCII values.

e-ASCII codes are one or two bytes long; single-byte codes are simply ASCII codes whereas double-byte codes consist of a NUL character plus a code indicating the key pressed. Some, but certainly not all, of these codes agree with the keys' scancodes.

Unlike scancodes, e-ASCII codes of unmodified keys and those of keys modified by Shift, Ctrl or Alt are all different.

Unmodified, Shifted and Ctrled e-ASCII codes are connected to a key's meaning, not its location. For example, the e-ASCII for Ctrl+a are the same on a French and a US keyboard. By contrast, the Alted codes are connected to the key's location, like scancodes. The US keyboard layout is used in the table below.

Key e-ASCII e-ASCII Shift e-ASCII Ctrl e-ASCII Alt
Esc 1B 1B 1B
1 ! 31 21 00 78
2 @ 32 40 00 03 00 79
3 # 33 23 00 7A
4 $ 34 24 00 7B
5 % 35 25 00 7C
6 ^ 36 5E 1E 00 7D
7 & 37 26 00 7E
8 * 38 2A 00 7F
9 ( 39 28 00 80
0 ) 30 29 00 81
- _ 2D 5F 1F 00 82
= + 3D 2B 00 83
Backspace 08 08 7F 00 8C
Tab 09 00 0F 00 8D 00 8E
q Q 71 51 11 00 10
w W 77 57 17 00 11
e E 65 45 05 00 12
r R 72 52 12 00 13
t T 74 54 14 00 14
y Y 79 59 19 00 15
u U 75 55 15 00 16
i I 69 49 09 00 17
o O 6F 4F 0F 00 18
p P 70 50 10 00 19
[ { 5B 7B 1B
] } 5D 7D 1D
Enter 0D 0D 0A 00 8F
a A 61 41 01 00 1E
s S 73 53 13 00 1F
d D 64 44 04 00 20
f F 66 46 06 00 21
g G 67 47 07 00 22
h H 68 48 08 00 23
j J 6A 4A 0A 00 24
k K 6B 4B 0B 00 25
l L 6C 4C 0C 00 26
; : 3B 3A
' " 27 22
` ~ 60 7E
\ | 5C 7C 1C
z Z 7A 5A 1A 00 2C
x X 78 58 18 00 2d
c C 63 43 03 00 2E
v V 76 56 16 00 2F
b B 62 42 02 00 30
n N 6E 4E 0E 00 31
m M 6D 4D 0D 00 32
, < 2C 3C
. > 2E 3E
/ ? 2F 3F
PrtSc 00 72 00 46
Space 20 20 20 00 20
F1 00 3B 00 54 00 5E 00 68
F2 00 3C 00 55 00 5F 00 69
F3 00 3D 00 56 00 60 00 6A
F4 00 3E 00 57 00 61 00 6C
F5 00 3F 00 58 00 62 00 6D
F6 00 40 00 59 00 63 00 6E
F7 00 41 00 5A 00 64 00 6F
F8 00 42 00 5B 00 65 00 70
F9 00 43 00 5C 00 66 00 71
F10 00 44 00 5D 00 67 00 72
F11 (Tandy) 00 98 00 A2 00 AC 00 B6
F12 (Tandy) 00 99 00 A3 00 AD 00 B7
Home 00 47 00 47 00 77
End 00 4F 00 4F 00 75
PgUp 00 49 00 49 00 84
PgDn 00 51 00 51 00 76
00 48 00 48
00 4B 00 87 00 73
00 4D 00 88 00 74
00 50 00 50
keypad 5 35 35 05
Ins 00 52 00 52
Del 00 53 00 53

Memory model

PC-BASIC (rather imperfectly) emulates the memory of real-mode MS-DOS. This means that memory can be addressed in segments of 64 KiB. Each memory address is given by the segment value and the 0--65535 byte offset with respect to that segment. Note that segments overlap: the actual memory address is found by segment*16 + offset. The maximum memory size that can be addressed by this scheme is thus 1 MiB, which was the size of the conventional and upper memory in real-mode MS-DOS.


Areas of memory with a special importance are:

Segment Name Purpose
&h0000 Low memory Holds machine information, among other things
&h13AD (may vary) Data segment Program code, variables, arrays, strings
&hA000 (EGA)
&hB000 (MDA)
&hB800 (CGA)
Video segment Text and graphics on visible and virtual screens
&hC000 -- RAM font definition, among other things
&hF000 Read-only memory ROM font definition, among other things

Data segment

The data segment is organised as follows. The addresses may vary depending on the settings of various options; given here are the default values for GW-BASIC 3.21.

Offset Size (bytes) Function
&h0000 3429 Interpreter workarea. Unused in PC-BASIC; can be adjusted with the --reserved-memory option.
&h0D65 (max-files+1) * 322 File blocks: one for the program plus one for each file allowed by --max-files.
&h126D 3 + c Program code. An empty program uses 3 bytes.
&h1270 + c v Scalar variables.
&h1270 + c + v a Array variables.
&hFDFC - s a String variables, filled downward from &hFDFC
&hFDFC 512 BASIC stack, size set by CLEAR statement.
&hFFFE Top of data segment, set by CLEAR statement.



PC-BASIC would not exist without those contributing code, reporting bugs, sending in patches, and documenting GW-BASIC's behaviour. Thank you all!

Shoulders of Giants

PC-BASIC depends on the following open-source projects:

Technical Documentation

Building PC-BASIC would have been impossible without the immense amounts of technical documentation that has been made available online. It has proven not to be feasible to compile a complete list of the documentation used. Many thanks to all those who make technical information freely available, and apologies to those whose contribution I have failed to acknowledge here.

GW-BASIC tokenised file format
GW-BASIC protected file format
Video hardware
Microsoft Binary Format
Data cassette format
Serial ports
Technical information on many topics


Unicode-codepage mappings


Development tools

PC-BASIC is developed using Git source control, GEdit and Atom text editors on an Ubuntu Linux system and hosted on GitHub and SourceForge.

Packaging and documentation depends on the following projects:


These excellent emulators have been indispensable tools in documenting the behaviour of various Microsoft BASIC dialects.